ELD: How do you feel about them?


  • Cary B Stookey - 8 years ago

    You can't truly categorize human behavior in an algorithm. A person knows when they are tired, when they feel rested and how to continue routes that suit their individual needs. Yes good quality physicians know how to measure human capacities, but trying to be safe, productive, and expedient has added stress when given parameters dictated by well intentioned technology and rules. Stress can cause fatigue, distractions, & emotional miscalculations which can cause serious safety issues. If these technologies must be mandated, then there has to be an adjustment to the hours of service rules, to assist drivers in relieving anxiety associated with the demands of commerce and and service so that E-logs don't add to the burden of the human condition. The best ideas are the simplest ones. Let humans be humans and allow responsible folks to work in conditions that best serve the individual and the community at large, and use technology to aid not impede safety and quality. It's not a simple one answer fits all, because it is a complex task. We all know that a few bad characters are going to create problems for all, but the solutions should not be a punishment of every driver and transportation provider nor their customers. There's got to be a better solution than E-logs.

  • Samuel Owens - 8 years ago

    I agree with all these folks here, I am not gonna run em! I don't care! That's like wearing an ankle bracelet so they can see where you are 24/7! I'm sorry I'm not a criminal here, I'm doing my part to help with transporting food across this great land. Yeah, I ain't gonna speed to get there neither, cuz you put that computer in my truck I'm gonna take an addtional day or two to get somewhere and I' gonna drive slower. And will only do one drop per day, as I am a human being and I like having facilities around where I can properly clean up etc.... I'm not a machine either. This will last for one trip out, then yeah, I'm going to turn in my keys and clean out my truck and say the hell with it. Yeah, I've had enough as well, sick of the threats and all the bullshit.

  • Dom J Falson - 8 years ago

    I bet if they looked at the acendent % it's more on elogs than paper but they won't admit that and that's how screwed up it is and going to be very unsafe and more and more truck will be sleeping on side of roads very unsafe to its not truck stops problem for parking I think the states should have to put alot of extra parking in if it what they won't oh they have no money what about the company s experience for installing elogs not cheap but they don't care about them or us if the fuel tankers would stop hauling for 3 days or so that would stop everything then we can say enough u really need us all that would put a end to this crap I'm in now we need everyone to do so

  • Scott - 8 years ago

    You MAY NOT force me to install that electronic logging device in MY TRUCK. I do not function the way YOUR ELDs function. I will sleep and or drive whenever NECESSARY.


  • Michelle S - 8 years ago

    Me and my husband team drive
    . Every day is different. It will even be hard for us. There are days one of us drives longer do to the events that have accorded.
    Another example; My dad and brother do heavy haul. There are so days things just.go slow on paper logs. If they were on elogs they would not even get out of a state. With permits being.so expensive and only good for a few days. by the end of your trip they might have rebuy cause others have.expired. this.could be very costly for the independent truck drivers. Or they will go under.

  • Don Ven - 9 years ago

    I've now used both and when using electronic my blood pressure was 153/103 because of the stress of trying to accomplish my duties EXACTLY ON or before the timer. One second over the time was a violation...ONE SECOND. NOW I'm on paper logs and my BP is 119/93. a big difference. Trucking is too different every day to have to constantly watch the clock for every second we have left to work. I can be very hard to plan out 8 hr breaks during traffic issues and get a VIOLATION because of being in traffic or other or having to stop driving early for the shift because of no safe place to park or even getting a parking spot for the night....VIOLATION!! Productivity is DECREASED I won't have to bring up shippers and consignees that take huge amounts of time loading or unloading because of no product or slow workers. The lists goes on and on. Many out there know what I'm talking about. Truck fatalities have gone down over the last 2 years soooooo why fix something that doesn't really seem to be broken!!??
    In regards to your article....Who’s saying what about mandate for electronic logging.... these are associations and not trucking companies. Why is that?? Sounds like a democrat thing... more control and less freedom. Thats my opinion :oP

  • DONNA - 9 years ago

    I agree this is very unsafe. I am not a machine. There are times when I can not SAFELY drive 10 hours straight. Other times I can drive much longer with no problems. Making me drive when the clock starts is unsafe there are to many variables out there to make this a safe ideal. I been driving for 13 years and will quit OTR before I let you people tell me whats best for me. PS I have never had an accident,speeding ticket or moving violation in the 13 years out here. I dont go to your job and tell you how to do it dont come to mine and tell ME you know whats best for me i bet most of you peopke making these STUPID laws have never even been on a truck . Hows that old saying go about walking a mile in the other mans shoes go?
    Had enough

  • winston melton - 9 years ago

    Logs should be like a diary then there would be no lying in it. Nobody is the same,just because you make me stop doesn't mean i am sleepy. Bodies have cycles and when they realize that we might get somewhere(driver for 28 yrs)

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