Who will win the Democratic presidential debate Saturday night?


  • Daisy toro - 8 years ago

    Senator Bernie sanders will be our next POTUS.

  • Norman C Gooding - 9 years ago

    Apparently these comments were made before the landslide win for Bernie Sanders,,,and like it or not,,the whole world is going to pot and Bernie Sanders position on ending the war on marijuana,especially removing control of the research from the agency whose budget depends on marijuana remaining illegal,,is giving him the largest bi-partisan voting block in our country.

    Over 58% of voters support legalization and over 80% support the use of marijuana under a doctor's care and we now realize the DEA/NIDA and the FDA are not going to recognize cannabis is a medicine because they have now way to control it,,it takes no added ingredients they can control,,it requires no special macinery or equipment to be medicine,,it just is, That is why it is illegal.

    The sad thing is the Democratic party doesn't recognize a freedom train that could give every reform supporting Congrssional candidate a free ride into DC.

  • Jan - 9 years ago

    Your web site says that Bernie and Hillary are both running as Republicans. They are both running as Democrats. Bernie is the clear winner. He is the only candidate with honesty and integrity and he is the only one who will work for the American people.

  • Laurie Bills - 9 years ago

    Thank you for allowing me to comment,
    I have been a lifelong, faithful democrat. BUT I will NO longer vote democrat (can't say ever) but as the American middle class family who has lost so much especially when it comes to health care, American security and taxes. I strongly feel I will encourage my entire family to vote for a non-democratic and non-republican candidate, I strongly feel Donald Trump is not a politician. So sick of the liars, the politicians, and the lobbies that do not focus on the American people.. Those that are not concerned with politicians that are not concerned with the American residents. Do not try to govern other countries. Use all our military to protect this country…..
    American middle class family…..

  • Sue - 9 years ago

    In my opinion, Secretary Clinton is clearly together on every issue!

  • John - 9 years ago

    Secretary Clinton. Will be the 45 president

  • John - 9 years ago

    Secretary Clinton. Will be the 45 president

  • Diane - 9 years ago

    Bernie has good but unattainable goals. Martin is a nothing berger. Hillary is the clear choice for a democratic nominee who can actually win. This country will not elect an old, NY, Jewish, socialist (of which I am all of those myself)

  • Chris sigley - 9 years ago

    We need bernie sanders

  • Joshua Fitch - 9 years ago

    I like Bernie Sanders, but this is a pretty meaningless poll!

    Quick poll - will 2018 or 2019 be better?

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