What Was the Best Song of Season 5?


  • Joshua - 9 years ago

    The song from Brotherhooves Social got the least views! XD

    But to be fair, that song WAS pretty cringeworthy at points. -_-

  • Brandon Viverata - 9 years ago

    "We'll Make Our Mark" gets my vote. I can't help but tear up every time I listen to it. Our favorite little fillies have finally discovered who they are meant to be after all this time. I'm emotionally attached to the CMC so this song had the biggest emotional impact on me of any song in the entire series.

  • name - 9 years ago

    In A Gadda Da Vida. Rarity totally nailed it.

  • gyashaa - 9 years ago

    Grrr! My favorite song is not on top! (The Pony I Wanna Be) >:3

  • Xain Russell - 9 years ago

    Why the heck aren't the EQG Friendship Games songs on this list? ACADECA and the opening theme beat out all of these choices

  • Baricolt - 9 years ago

    It was a really hard choice, personally I have The great triad, were every song is number one for some reasons. The magic inside for the best singing voice and performance (Love Lena Hall), Rules of Rarity for excellent harmony, and We'll Make Our Mark (Of course with reprise) for lyrics and feels.

  • Fluttershy626 - 9 years ago

    1. Light of your cutiemark / The pony I want to be -reprise / Friends are always there for you
    2. I'll fly
    3. The pony I want to be
    4. Make this castle a home
    5. The Magic inside
    6. We'll make our mark
    7. Equestria, the land I love -reprise
    8. The Spectacle
    9. Rules of Rarity
    10. In our town
    11. Equestria, the land I love
    12. Sisterhood

    Ok, that's my list of season 5 songs. xD But in one sentence -I ADORE THEM ALL and listen to them every day.

  • Songhacker - 9 years ago

    AUGH. I totally put "Ark" instead of "Mark," even in the friggin' acronym. Damn you, strong Indiana Jones reference!

  • Songhacker - 9 years ago

    Phew. I'm 100% okay with how this poll is going so far. I wish "Rules of Rarity" didn't have so many votes because it's yet ANOTHER letdown Rarity song (the last GOOD one was "Life is a Runway," and that's neither main series nor even truly in any of the spinoff films), but it's good to see the surprisingly solid "I'll Fly" pulling votes. "Make Our Castle a Home" is pretty drecky so I'm glad it's down at the bottom, though it's joined by "The Vote," which is silly because that song was the most personality-infused, Broadway-style song in all of CotLA...it's just so easily overshadowed by the other three for their character themes and implications.

    Even so, this poll almost isn't fair, because "Crusaders of the Lost Ark" is pretty much one giant song itself; it's the full musical entry that was the most successfully presented of the three so far (MMC and Pinkie Pride being the other two). The reprise of "The Pony I Want to Be" even works in the music of "Light of Your Cutie Mark" to be a truly effective musical climax, while the reprise of "We'll Make Our Mark" isn't so much a reprise as it is the true version of the song and "Light of Your Cutie Mark" itself is this neat little chase ditty that evolves into a full-fledged number with truly beautiful harmonizing and...and...ugh, I just love this episode SO much. I REALLY hope this episode is what breaks pony into the Emmys. PLEASE let it be this episode.

    Predictably though, the manufactured yet incredibly polished feels of "The Magic Inside" are taking the cake, which is fine because that's to be expected; it's without a doubt the kind of thing fans of the show eat up. The whole episode was written to build up to that one performance, and it didn't disappoint. I sort of wonder if we were to judge it against "Crusaders" as a whole instead of piecemeal what would happen, but I also suspect it would still be the same result.




  • TheFictionater - 9 years ago

    "A Cutie Mark Won't Change You" isn't an option? Fine, I'll vote for "I'll Fly."

  • TinyKittenKisses - 9 years ago

    " The vote " and "In Our Town" are the best songs, period.

  • partyponyfan - 9 years ago

    I'll Fly, the best mlp song of all

  • dlyatailanda - 9 years ago

    My top
    1 - The magic inside
    2 - Rules of Rarity
    3 - The Pony I want to be

    but I think all songs was great

  • Nightmare_Shinigami - 9 years ago

    For me it's either "The Pony I want to be" or "Light of your Cutie Mark" so I choose "The Pony I want to be"

  • RePoisn - 9 years ago

    Dunno why but loved "Friends Are Always There for You" so much. Really warmed my heart when Starlight hung out with the Mane 7 like that.

  • Stillz - 9 years ago

    Jolly Ol' St. Nick. The only time Cathy ever opened her goddamn trap to do something useful.

  • Shadow Spade - 9 years ago

    I didn't really remember any of these songs except for the spectacle which I still listen to but they were all pretty forgettable for me. Sorry but I liked season four a lot so season five has been a huge let down in terms of episodes, the Equestria girls movie and the music. Hope season six will be better.

  • ShadowRose - 9 years ago

    This season is REALLY awesome, but probably the worst in terms of songs...I'll Fly is nice, and The Magic Inside is quite overrated, but enjoyable I suppose.

  • DS - 9 years ago

    Friends are Always There for You is so low because it's utterly forgettable

  • sandal - 9 years ago

    how is 'friends are always there for you' so low on the list?
    its by far the best song of the season!
    (maybe even the series maybe...)

  • alviniscute - 9 years ago

    I'll Fly makes me sad because I am afraid of losing my pet... I voted for Magic Inside because of the amazing orchestra behind it!

  • Who dat? - 9 years ago


  • Lt. M'Ress - 9 years ago

    In Our Town is the only one I listen to or remember at all, so I'm going with that one.

  • Anon - 9 years ago

    In seasons 1 & 2 I knew every song and would listen to them all the time. Although I could probably guess which episodes some of the others were from by the title, the only songs I even recognise or have any recollection of on this list is "In Our Town" and the Lena Hall one. Is it me, or are the songs getting more and more bland and forgettable as time goes on?

  • KittyKate - 9 years ago

    I didn't remember I'll Fly and had to look it up. Only song that has slipped my mind in the show so far, I'm shocked that a PONY song turned out to be forgettable for me. I voted The Magic Inside by the way.

  • Bryce Kanyon - 9 years ago

    This was a no brainer for me with this poll.

    "The Magic Inside" gets my vote, Lena Hall nailed that song out of the park. Here's hoping this won't be the last of this Broadway icon.

  • Avia - 9 years ago

    "The Pony I Want To Be" and "The Magic Inside" are both the best.

  • EmeraldSkies - 9 years ago

    'We'll Make Our Marks' gets the vote for me, it really made me tear up and left the biggest print on me out of all the songs listed.

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