Should I shave my beard?


  • Jollof - 9 years ago

    Hi Monigold. I believe your comment was meant to be on the post itself and not in the poll. Please copy and paste your comment in the comments section of the post so it's visible to others. Thanks for voting!

  • Monigold - 9 years ago

    I think another option left out is: "It's not cool, and looks a terrorist threat". I think that if beard is to be left, it should be well groomed and look very decent; no different from hair on the head which if left to look bushy and untidy, looks ugly. The "terrorist threat" look is because of the image we've seen on television of the Nigeria's Boko Haram leadership wearing untrimmed beard as though that were a sort of trade mark of the group. Of course, anyone has a right to grow beard and it is not peculiar to the terrorist group currently being experienced in Nigeria (contrast with the Niger Delta militants or the pro Biafra agitators. who do not wear beard). But I would avoid any form of appearance that draws any form of negative attention to me. Why look like a suspect?

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