Should Starlight Glimmer Stay in Ponyville with The Mane 6?


  • camel - 9 years ago

    She's set my love of ponies back another 12-18 months, took me almost this long to get back into it and then bamo.. fucking bitch, i'll probably never watch the show again. fuck over everyone, fuck the mane 6 fuck all of equestria, just because i didn't actually go looking for my friend. abuse ponies, make ponies slaves, force them to live as she wants them too, ahh you're alright, come have a hug and be accepted by everyone. I'm sorry but its just not good enough for me.

  • Broken Record - 9 years ago

    I'd like to see her around, but she's not a fucking replacement for Spike.

  • ShTHfan1 - 9 years ago

    Send her to Equalville! The season 5 premier ponies seemed to like it there. Heck, Starlight's reasoning should be the same! "It's our home. I'm not going anywhere!"

  • Fluttershy626 - 9 years ago

    EmeraldSkies: I thought the same thing! You and me both are the only Sunset Shimmer fans that actually DO love Starlight as well and want her to be one of Mane 6 if Sunset can't be.

  • MissSpringForest - 9 years ago

    i hope to both see Starlight Glimmer as Zecora :3

  • Pixelmanns - 9 years ago

    I don't care too much about Starlight... PLEASE give me more Zecora though ._.
    I'd really like to see an episode entirely focused on her, explaining her backstory like how she came to equestria or what the zebra-homeland is like...

  • name - 9 years ago


  • Squeaky Belle - 9 years ago

    Yup. I am all cool with Zecora-style. Actually, that's what makes me like Zecora. If she appeared way too often her rhymes would seriously lose their appeal. Same for Starlight IMO (but Zecora's obviously still cooler lol). I'll admit I don't fancy Starlight as much as Trixie, but I'm okay I guess. (Trixie please come back ;_;)

    I'd like to see a few bits here and there where Starlight still struggles with the concept of being 'friends' with different ponies (and on that note same goes to DT trying to be nice). :) Could make for a bit of humour and some character building at the same time.

  • Emptybee - 9 years ago

    I'd prefer Starlight return to Our Town, with only the occasional reappearance. The show already struggles with finding time to show off both the Mane Cast and its various secondary characters. It took poor Big Mac five seasons to get an episode; Cheerilee and Celestia are still waiting. Meanwhile the royal couple have remained largely blank slates since their introduction. Best then not to add more to the roster.

  • Bryce Kanyon - 9 years ago

    I'm still getting over the fact at how quickly Starlight Glimmer seems to be redeemed after she nearly brainwashed a whole town to give up their cutie marks AND nearly put the whole space-time continuum at great risk. Everyone keeps pointing out how her childhood was crushed when her 'best friend' left after getting his mark, how she felt abandoned, and her anger came because she was 'just a kid'. But if this show is trying to indicate that she'll be Twilight's student for the next season, I just don't see how it can when it's stipulated that she has more power than any pony can imagine. Not to say I'm not 'trying' to understand why it's necessary because like Twilight she had to learn to control her own powers and therefore the same can be said to help Starlight control her own strength for fear that her powers could be used for evil.

    But to this day, I still think that a pony like Sunset Shimmer seems to fit more of the student role (Even using a book to write notes to Princess Twilight). Yet I won't ignore that Hasbro clearly wants those worlds separated so some pony had to fill the student role... Even if it's Starlight. Maybe when the new season comes out, perhaps I'll have a better understanding as to why Starlight's redemption is necessary. But even so, I feel she still has some closure before I even consider her a main character for the season. So for those reasons I think she fills the lines of Zecora's role in the show, but hopefully she'll have plenty of appearance considering that Zecora didn't have a ton last season (Which is a real shame because I always wanted to learn more about the Earth Zebra who could do magic without a horn).

  • EmeraldSkies - 9 years ago

    I really like her, I don't know why. I feel like one of a few who wants her to play a big role (Mane 7/8?) , and the ONLY Sunset Shimmer fan who likes her. I saw this coming a long time ago, and I'm 100% sure (and I hope) that she will stay relevant in the future.

    Totally agree with BlueDragonAura

  • Mic - 9 years ago

    Yeah I'd rather see Starlight gone as well, it was not done right and what happened is not sitting well with me to the point I may have to give this show up. She was nothing but an absolute bitch and yet she gets a pat on the back and lets all join hooves in a sing song.

    Writers... I blame you, Pathetic!

  • Sketchasketch - 9 years ago

    No. Just no. Want some form of redeemable character in there? Drag Sunset Shimmer back in! She's earned her spot. Starlight can suck it.

  • Jaypony - 9 years ago

    I agree with the brutality smsoda said. They better not add another element of harmony either.

  • Auditormadness9 - 9 years ago

    Discord style perhaps?

  • Azure Blaze - 9 years ago

    She should go back to her old town and help rebuild society as a better leader. That's what I think should happen and I think that's what will happen.

  • ChocolateCrane - 9 years ago

    Can't say I'm particularly fond of Starclit Glimmer (what with her atrocious hairstyle and disappointing backstory ), BUT, considering the way the finale left things hanging, it would seem there is no other option than her playing a significant role in the subsequent season(s). If she suddenly disappeared in season 6, I would call foul on the writers for building up to this inevitable conclusion in the finale.

    Here's hoping they are capable of transforming her into a somewhat likable character.

  • gyashaa - 9 years ago

    I agree with Avia. Trixie should be Twilight's apprentice. And she should be tsundere about it too. "It's not like I need your help or anything, baka." X3

  • sandal - 9 years ago

    not mane 7 level,but definitely more than zecora

  • Joshua - 9 years ago

    I choose Zecora style, but I'm okay with whatever I get.

  • Avia - 9 years ago

    Definitely Zecora Style. But if they really want Twi to have an apprentice then they should go with either Trixie or Sunset. Starlight is already much stronger than her.

  • smsoda - 9 years ago

    Ugh great, was hoping to not have to deal with this BS for some time. Anyways I want Starlight gone, I don't care how, just get her out. If we're forced to deal with her then I want her to have a freaking little screen time as possible. Hey you know what you could do instead Hasbro? Develop your already existing cast! How about development for Spike? I know Fluttershy got the short end of the stick last season and if it weren't for Rarity and Scootaloo Rainbow Dash would have been in the same boat. How about instead of tacking on more characters that aren't interesting, you instead focus more on the better ones that are already there?

  • zidders - 9 years ago

    No and I hope she goes away. I know that's selfish of me but she's a horrible character. Apologies to anyone who likes her but I don't like her.

  • BlueDragonAura - 9 years ago

    After the finale, I trust the writers to write her in any way they choose. Was the Sunburst rationale a little weak? Yes. But otherwise? Excellent.

  • Frith - 9 years ago

    Zecora style was my second choice. My first choice is that she move on but show up in the future à la Coco Pommel or Moondancer.

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