What offseason changes should Titans make?


  • Mike E - 9 years ago

    Grew up in Houston, Tx as a diehard Houston Oiler Fan for years, moved to Nashville on the I-840 Project as Const. Mgr. and stayed until 1997, returned to Houston and of course turned my allegiance to the Titans, which in the Houston Region wasn't a popular thing to say the least back then (or now). Ownership with the Titans is to say the least, a slippery slope and getting the right folks in place from the CEO, President etc etc etc on down to the Water Boy is paramount if the Titans hope to get back to a respectable standing with Fans and in the NFL !!! Spend some damn money, plan for how to exercise parts of the existing roster for success and bring in talent that can turn this POS Season into a playoff contender next year ! I like the Texans, but the Titans are my Team but it's getting damn tough to stay patient at this point. (I am including the disasters of the 80's and part of the 90's also people !! )

  • dee dunn - 9 years ago

    Bring in jon gruden or bill cowher

  • Paxton - 9 years ago

    I am a die hard Titans fan that lives in Nashville. I regular attend games, and purchase team gear. I have reached a point, where I am ready to see a complete house cleaning. This includes owners. We need to have someone that cares about the fans, and the city of Nashville. This is a great place, none like it, and we deserve better. Fire both the coach, and the GM this year. Sell the team next year!

  • Leon - 9 years ago

    As a fan from the early days of Billy Cannon, Dan Pastorini, Earl Campbell, Robert Brazil, Randy White etc. I have witnessed a lot of team history. I remember when fans use to cheer when Pastorini was sacked by the opposing team. Those were painful years. However, I have to confess, this is probably the worst the organization has looked. It seems, that in almost every game, they take the 1st half off. And they are not a good enough team to do that. I don't know what the answer to this NFL embarrassment is, but a house cleaning is the place to start. In all my years of following this franchise, I can't recall them ever being this pathetic.

  • Vic - 9 years ago

    Start with the owners. Get an ownership group that is involved and interested in building a TEAM vs just using the franchise as an income source.

  • Lynn - 9 years ago

    I am a new Titans fan we followed Marcus when he was drafted ( Oregon Alumni) so just really learning about the team. What I will say is that while Chip was great for Oregon while he was there, bringing him to Tennessee would only cause drama for Marcus and the team. One thing for sure is that Nashville does know about the entertainment world that's a fact.

  • Coach Will - 9 years ago

    From a die hard fan I am completely disappointed in the performance our Titans displayed on the field this year. From the Whiz experiment to the overpayed players. Who have proven that they are totally out match by opposing teams. So as a result of this train wreck of a season. One could only wish, no one could only hope. That this team truly decide to clean house like they have claimed they would do. Starting with GM Webster, Interm Coach Mularky, and 43 out of the 53 man roster. Then and only then we could possibly come playoff contenders in the near future. And I should not have too say what 43 players need to be cut. All you have to do is name ten good players on the team and get rid of the rest. Good luck in finding ten that's a challenge within itself. Do this Mrs. Skunk and I promise you. This team and franchise will be heading in the right direction. And P.S. Stay away from Chip a virus to a franchise.

  • Frankie - 9 years ago

    The Titans are an embarrassment to the city of Nashville. You have very faithful fans that week after week are disappointed. Know one expects a perfect team but want a team that play with heart. We see Casey, Wright and Walker just to name a few giving it there all to come up short. You can see it in the players faces. It would be great if the owners would sell the team to someone locally who love this city. And bring the winning experience back to the fans.

  • Jim Atkins - 9 years ago

    Fire GM & all coaches. Take Henry or Treadwell in draft. Purchase strong free agents in that draft.

    It will take two years before the new Titans would be legit playoff contenders.

    Maybe take Bears OC or maybe Denver OC or New England DC as the new coach.

    Wait few years for Manning family ownership.

    Pray a lot...

  • Chuck Curran - 9 years ago

    Fire the ownership. Clean house and start all over.

  • Mikey - 9 years ago

    Sell team to silent partners! Fire all coaches! Trade pick for multiple picks! Hire young executive with experience as new GM. Hire a coach with offensive background who has paid their dues...Sean Payton. Sell team to a Peyton Manning led group. With him and Sean Payton it could be Peyton Place,

  • Doyle Shearer - 9 years ago

    I have been a fan of this team, growing up in Houston, Tx. since 1978, they have broke my heart so many times. I am a Titan fan and will continue to have hope, but today I must say, I am sad and disgusted with the product from top to bottom.

  • Robert - 9 years ago

    Definitely fire Webster - Mularkey I don't know. More importantly the NFL should make the Adams family sell the team to a local owner (or group of owners with at least one owner having 51%). What is left of the Adams family either doesn't understand how to develop NFL football success or doesn't care - or both. An absentee ownership just sucking on the teat of the NFL monopoly collecting income is not only insulting to the city of Nashville, the state of Tennessee and what few fans are left but is not in the best interest of the game or the league. Nashville knows what an "excellent" professional level of entertainment is and the product that has been on display the past several years in stadium "XYZ" is FAR from it. Nashville deserves a knowledgeable, engaged local ownership with a passion for success - not some snake oil sales group from Houston.

  • Randy Porter - 9 years ago

    I agree with Richard's comment - FIRE the useless scouts, among others. Webster should have been gone long ago. As for Mularkey, he was handed a total mess, with little to work with (just trying to be fair). Our offensive line could better serve the team in the concession stand. Draft Henery, replace the offensive line, ALL OF THEM and get some real protection. Clearly, Zack Mettenberger has brought little value to this team. He has proven indecisive and unreliable. As for Chip Kelly, I agree with other posters. He's NOT the right guy.

  • Marge Barrows - 9 years ago

    Keep Mularkey, fire every offensive coach, especially the offensive line coach. Keep the few players that have been productive, build a team around them. Would like to see Floyd Reese replace Ruston Webster.

  • Charlie Davenport - 9 years ago

    Ownership needs to move on or at least let we fans know they actually care... They seem dysfunctional, they are completely secretive in areas where you would think they would be boisterous, and they just don't seem involved... If they were, Rushton would be long gone and the open Head Coach position would be attractive and not, as it stands know, a difficult fill due to the ownership group. Take your money and run and sell to someone who acts like they care!

  • Ed Odom - 9 years ago

    Fire Webster and Mularkey.Draft Derrick Henry.Acquire offensive lineman and defensive backs via draft or signing of free agents.
    Do not hire Chip Kelly.He dismantled a playoff team in Philadelphia.He values his system more than players with talent.

  • Richard Soper - 9 years ago

    Whoa- let's not forget to FIRE all those worthless scouts that made one good pick (MM) in the past 12 years.
    Can't jeopardize our 2016 picks with those brick heads.
    My first pick- HENRY- Heisman Alabama runnin back .. then all line men for protection of Marcus...

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