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CES innovation I'd most like to own is:

1 Comment

  • Luie - 9 years ago

    The "Human Carrying Drone" could be very practical for Disabled Veterans, Disabled, of all kinds & Seniors! All it needs is to open the fridge & bring me stuff? Only when I can't ride it to the fridge myself! There are those days, when all is dark! This apparatus, can only help those days, specially if it smiles & says "Hello"! Even an automated/electronic response is better than being alone & having no help! This can carry me &/or my stuff, for me? It Is An Invaluable Device! Next Problem? Is It Affordable? For the above mentioned! As usual? The "Above-Mentioned groups? Will probably be the last ones to get one! Ideal for those who really need help moving around & assistive in staying independent! My congratulations to the creative company!

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