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How Would You Want Hasbro to Handle a Generation 5 MLP?

Total Votes: 12,472

  • Your Name - 9 years ago

    I'd like to see the same world but with different characters. Kind of like a spin-off but more meaningful than that. Like how in the wake of Breaking Bad we now have Better call Saul or what they did with the Avatar series.

    I'd really like to see a story with the crusaders since they already have a solid background it's easier to build good ideas off.

  • TheBaraclough - 9 years ago

    I voted new characters and world. As much as I like G4 I'd rather them do something brand new but keep the dedication to making solid characters and stories if they were going to do a new generation. If they were to do something set in the same world/universe and make a G4.5 I'd probably prefer a prequel series as mentioned above. One thing that I really liked about G4 early on was the medieval like setting and I'd love to see more of that and definitely wouldn't mind seeing more of Celestia and Luna's characteristics.

  • Zidders Roofurry - 9 years ago

    I'm always going to want to keep the G4 characters I know and love around as unrealistic as that might be. That said having it set in the future with the G4 mane 6 showing up now and then would be the way I'd most want to see it go if they absolutely have to proceed to a next generation.

  • Goatmeal - 9 years ago

    The Future choice reminds me of Legend of Korra in respect to Last Airbender.

  • Juliette - 9 years ago

    What if G5 was the cutie mark crusaders and their adventures as the cutie mark crusaders and trying to leave they're mark on Equestria by helping other ponies just as the mane 6 did?

  • Qbe Root - 9 years ago

    I like G4’s universe, and I also think Hasbro’s best bet is to stick with elements of G4 (especially the crew behind it, actually). But would a direct sequel to FiM even be considered a different generation?
    The prequel about Celestia and Luna’s era could make for a fantastic spinoff, but I don’t really see it take off on its own, for some reason.
    Keeping the same characters and universe but breaking continuity seems more suited for shows that are about alternate realities and stuff. I could see a new generation of Doctor Who start like that, but MLP… meh.
    I think the best G5 could be (other than G4 under a hood) would be a follow-up in the same universe with a new mane cast, while the current Mane 6 become background/secondary characters (insert joke about Applejack here), or appear in history books or something.

  • Bacon_Pony - 9 years ago

    I reckon that if G4 ended, that means it probably overstayed its welcome. While of course I adore the show and everything about it, once G4 ends, it would be better to explore something completely different. There's only so much that can be explored in one world or one cast of characters, even if the characters are older or the lore slightly different.

  • Trev - 9 years ago

    Wow, those are all really good choices, hard to pick just one. As long as we have talking ponies, in a mythical world, with some good world-building, adventures, and lore. Then I'm good with w/e.

  • name - 9 years ago

    And we'll never have an opportunity to have David Bowie guest star. Why even bother going on?

  • name - 9 years ago

    They'd have to find someone passionate and imaginative, and given wide creative freedom to pull off anything like FiM's success. They haven't managed it with their other franchises, so I can only see G5 being disappointingly unable to follow G4's expectations.

    This isn't blind Faust worship. It was mostly fortuitous coming-together of several variables that resulted in this generation's massive fan following. Right time, right franchise, right creatives, right online environment. What Lauren brought was passion along with (and due to) stories and characters she'd been nursing her whole life, but that was only one component. Finding just that component again borders on the impossible, never mind everything else needed to bring together a perfect storm of success.

    No, they'll milk this generation for as long as they can, probably longer. And whatever does follow will disappoint. Enjoy it while it lasts.

  • ChocolateCrane - 9 years ago

    I seriously have no idea what to vote for here...

    In my opinion, it all depends on the execution. I mean, who among us actually thought fourth generation reboot to My Little Friggin' Pony would have turned out as well as it did?

  • Moona - 9 years ago

    I see the results — I hate y'all. I prefer star trek style reboot with mane6. Cause I love them so much.

  • Edwin - 9 years ago

    I wanted to put in different characters, same world, but alternate universe.

  • OtherGuest - 9 years ago

    Bad guest, bad.

  • Frith - 9 years ago

    Cool beans, TheBeatlesPkmnFan42! Now I know why that weird chubby design is 3.5 and not 4!

  • Guest - 9 years ago

    Have absolutely no male characters even in the background, include lots of well-handled, non-offensive representation of LGBTQ people/ponies and have heavy social justice overtones. Hopefully this show of basic human decency and progressive ideology will cause this rancid fandom to get fed up with Hasbro's "SJW bullshit" (aka-inclusion of anyone who's different from them) and finally cause it to vanish like it should have years ago. :D

  • Sterling pone - 9 years ago

    I like the idea of gen 5 being sort of a next generation thing, with the main six taking on mentor roles for the new elements of harmony who'll have to face new and even bigger baddies.

  • TheBeatlesPkmnFan42 - 9 years ago

    Given all the other votes and most other comments. And the fact that this is a poll to begin with, it seems a lot of people in the brony fandom are not aware of what constitutes as a generation in MLP.

    As "generation" is a fan term originally used by collectors (the term borrowed from the Transformers fandom), and the MLP collector community defines a new generation as a franchise reboot, this means in order for something to be G5, it would need to be all "new characters, all new world" (and an all new art style). This means both the art/toy style and canon has to be different in order for it to be a new generation.

    Only a new canon but same art/toy style, for example the original MLP cartoon vs. Tales, or original G3 vs. Core 7 G3, is still the same generation. Whereas a different art/toy style but the same characters, like Core 7 G3 vs. G3.5, is a .5 generation. Not quite a new generation, but not quite the same generation. So, keeping both the same art style and continuity would still be G4, even if it's future Equestria. If Hasbro were to keep the continuity and change art style for whatever reason, we'd have ourselves G4.5. If they kept the art style, ended the FiM cartoon, and made a new show with different character, it'd be G4 still, just like what happened in G1 and G3.

    While I would love to see them explore various ideas on this poll, such as future Equestria, it would not be generation 5.

  • Matt - 9 years ago

    I think a prequel series would be the most interesting. I feel the series will end on a good conclusion, so a sequel series doesn't seem all that necessary, and I don't think the CMC could carry an entire series on their own with their crusading things. I don't know, but since they already have an established continuity, I'm sure they would have the ability to make a good prequel. But if they do, they would need Faust back, because she's the one with the world in her head, not anyone else. It's like George Lucas. he's the one with the Star Wars universe in his head, and they only reason the prequels turned out so bad is because he's shit at putting his ideas on the screen in an effective way, which is why he needed other people to challenge him more like they did with the original trilogy. It's kinda like how Faust isn't exactly a great writer, but she has a shit load of interesting ideas and concepts.

  • sandal - 9 years ago

    ive always thought it would be like a future equestria
    but that prequel idea is really great
    i think thats my new fave

  • Zerokropek - 9 years ago

    Keep the characters but reinvent them. Works for animated Batman, I'd say. The world could use a revamp too.

    But in all fairness, I'm down with whatever as long as I get more pone. If the creators give their idea enough love it will be great.

  • Warrior - 9 years ago

    Well, I'd rather there not be a G5 to be honest, by season 4 I was starting to lose interest in FiM because it was starting to feel watered down. I'd rather it be done well and have a huge finish with that movie (provided they get it right), than to have it go down the path of many a troubled TV show.

  • Cat's Tuxedo - 9 years ago

    Clinging on to old characters was part of what made Legend of Korra suck. I'd rather have Gen 5 be a complete and total reboot like the other generations were.

  • don - 9 years ago

    "Come here I want to gum you!"

    "Rarity! what are you doing with Spike?"

    "It's ok Twi we're engaged".

    "Well disengage! Lt. Scootaloo set a course to Gama Pony one!"


  • EmeraldSkies - 9 years ago

    All new characters, all new world. We know too much about Equestria and how it works for the show to feel fresh. It's riskier, but opens up a LOT more possibility for ideas.

  • Frith - 9 years ago

    G5 implies a new design model for the toys, and by extension, a whole new look to the cartoon ponies. Thus, I voted for something new in the Star Trek spinoff vein, just to retain the mechanics and lore of Equestria even if most of the settings and characters get changed.

  • A broneh - 9 years ago

    It'd be interesting to see the future - With Twi as a main character, and if the other mane cast gain immortality, them as well. Alternatively, the history would be pretty cool.

    Overall, though, I like things as they are.

  • Feanor - 9 years ago

    Other. I'd be interested in a series in the same world in atleast roughly the same time following a different Mane Cast led by Sunset Shimmer with perhaps Trixie and other interesting characters. Ofcourse with an even more adventurous, war-torn world with darker themes and more bad-assery :P

  • SeraphimDawn - 9 years ago

    As long as it's the same universe, same lore, same mechanics and art style.

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