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Is it okay to admire Bill Cosby's lawyer Monique Pressley?

Total Votes: 1,678

  • Evika - 9 years ago

    Why not celebrate her intelligence and her ability to CHOOSE her profession? Why does she NEED to only defend victims? Clearly, she is not an idiot. She is not being deceived. There is such a thing as defense counsel, whether it is a public defender, a better paid private defense attorney, or in house counsel in the criminal and civil contexts...If they do their jobs well, then we should not be afraid to "deceive" ourselves into not wanting to clap for people who are an awesome example of what minority professionals are and can be.

  • Big Will - 9 years ago

    The author did a piss poor job on this article. Obviously, the author has crucified Bill Cosby and deemed the women accusing him as "victims" without vetting the women. How about reserving judgment until Mr. Cosby has his day in court? It makes me wonder who his the author really working for?

  • LH - 9 years ago

    It seems as if this poll is biased. I would have liked a "Yes. She is representing a person who was crucified in the media and deserves a fair trial like everyone elselse and she is doing it with an amazing amount of knowledge and grace".

  • Motun - 9 years ago

    Blue telusma,it appears you have made up your mind that he is guilty even when there is no proof and when the unsubstantiated stories by the women are beyond ridiculous,so your article about. Struggling whether to admire Monique or not is silly at most. Could it be that Monique Presley just makes sense? She is impressive,yes, but also is making arguments that just make sense. If you are out there to get Bill cosby without any logical or credible evidence, how do you win against someone like Monique who lives in reality and not fantasy. Maybe the idiots insisting Bill cosby is guilty based on nothing shouldn't just admire Monique,maybe listen to what she is actually saying and let it register into your brain

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