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Are Rachel Notley's policies making tough economic times better?

Total Votes: 12,455

  • michael lastella - 8 years ago

    For those of you who are NDP strong you should pay attention to what the NDP govt did in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. In short they ruined those provinces financially and for the most part pushed big business out of those provinces. Look at what happened in Saskatchewan with the NDP being voted out of govt. They have prospered and done very well giving the province and there people opportunity. Think at what Alberta was 10 yrs ago, why was there such a surplus in population over the last 10 yrs? It was opportunity to the people moving here because the province provided opportunity to business on many levels. I moved to Alberta 15 yrs ago because of opportunity and financial gain, and the big bonus was benefits in tax structure because as a young Canadian I was tired in seeing my tax dollars go to govt over and over again and never getting ahead. We are in a province that leads the pack and that goes back because of good gov't in this province. I agree that the PC's made mistakes but knowing what the NDP is capable of and were seeing it now makes me very concerned for this beautiful province we live in.

  • Andrew - 8 years ago

    A better survey question would be: "Are the current governments policies making a tough economic conditions worse?"

  • Stan - 8 years ago

    All government employees should be taking a 20% wage cut ( 10% minimum ).
    Most workers in the oil patch have taken 25% cut or worse, have loss their jobs.

  • Bob m - 8 years ago

    Life, and quality of life, is not all about money, it is about respect, caring about how we live, about family and friends. More money does not buy happiness. Humanist like Notley understand this, greed mongers like O'Leary only want to exploit others weaknesses to their own ego and financial advantage. Alberta has wasted decades of energy advantages by conservative mismanagement and misappropriation of wealth for their own personal advantage. The chickens are coming home to roost.

  • Jayson - 8 years ago

    The NDP has raised taxes, messed with royalty rates and wants to raise minimum wage. How does any of this bring investment, business or jobs to Alberta? These policies are scaring away investment from Alberta. Investment means jobs and Albertans need jobs right now. No chance the NDP will see a second term.

  • Leo Maxwell - 8 years ago

    Notley was not voted in. She slipped up the middle split vote in 40 ridings

  • Phillymon - 8 years ago

    Where do all the people that have a problem with the NDP government in Alberta get their information from? What more jobs are being added at the government trough? I have never voted conservative and I am in my 50s; through the years I have only become more and more convinced that the conservative arm of politics in Canada and Alberta is only about cozying up to big business at the expense of the common person. If people learn anything over the years, they should come to the conclusion that, unless you are corporate based or all for stomping on the social programs that can give everyone an even shake, a person should move from voting PC to a more left leaning platform. Oh, wait, both in Alberta and federally this has happened.

  • God Fox - 8 years ago

    The NDP was elected in a landslide victory. Way too many whiners. But nobody voted her in, right?

  • Kelly - 8 years ago

    Madame Notley had a opportunity to make a huge difference in AB, although the voters intentions were in anger. The NDP party could have revamped its horrible reputation, but their actions show that after they are eventually voted out of AB their Party will be dead to Canada for decades. When will Canadians learn you never vote with emotion or wrong intentions. Or vote ABC our federal elections.......the younger naive voters have a big lesson to learn. In your 20's and 30's you vote Liberal but by your 40's if you haven't transitioned over to Conservative you have learned nothing !

  • Bruce Brown - 8 years ago

    Audrey should re-read the article. Something didn't sink in.

  • Ralph Sliger - 8 years ago

    The NDP have an opportunity to make right what the last party did not. Unfortunately, they are compounding the end result and making the economy worse by the minute. You're correct the low price of oil and gas was not created by the NDP, however, creating a culture and enviornment to stimulate business that in turn creates employment for all workers (union and non-union) is a mandate of every government. Supporting only those that elected you is admirable, however, it's not logical nor productive in a deminishing economy. PLEASE convince the NDP government they represent ALL Albertains not just those that voted for them but the 65% that did not vote for them too.

  • Kate - 8 years ago

    The NDP - a party of, and for, innumeracy.

  • Rose Dillman - 8 years ago

    Believe me.. Notley is not standing for workers.. She is standing up for Unions. She not helping our Economy at all .She is adding more jobs at the Govt trough but somehow she does not realize who fills the trough.. I don't know the NDP can be so incompetent

  • Cindy Ross - 8 years ago

    Thank you for running this article.

  • Average joe - 8 years ago

    Alberta voted to remove the previous party and not necessarily for ndp. They were just so frustrated that they didn't realize what they b were really doing and would imagine a great deal of the majority would like to take back their vote. Those in the public sector should take a 25% cut as they are grossly over paid as they are not affected but simply reap the benefits.

  • Audrey Howe - 8 years ago

    Rachel won the election by standing up for the workers not Corporation's. The concervatives during premium oil dollars put the province into a deficit position. Now you are blaming her for the decline in the oil industry. ISN'T IT FUNNY YOU ARE NOW BRING IN THE BIGGEST CREEP IN THE CAPITALIST MARKET THAT NO ONE CAN STAND. Keep it up .Rachel I have a great respect for you. GO NDP Remember who elected you not the farmers the workers Audrey

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