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Should kids with lice be kept away from school?

Total Votes: 549

  • Kurt - 9 years ago

    You all realize that the cps recommends against keeping kids home, right? You realize that they are aware of your arguments, but as pediatricians, also possess information that you likely don't? A lot of expert groups are getting on board with this recommendation on the basis that keeping kids home is hugely expensive (a parent has to miss work) and given that most infestations are present and spreading 3 weeks prior to their discovery, keeping the kids home for an extra week will only be of marginal benefit.

  • Tammy - 9 years ago

    I believe that if the schools are willing to keep the kids with lice in schools then the schools should provide funds to help take care of it in our schools. However, with all the cut backs in our education and support system I'm sure no one will have that extra time or money to keep it under control!!! With that being said then "no' to kids going to school with lice. I would not want to have to spend extra money and cleaning time on something that could have been prevented if the child had stayed home and taken care of it there. Keep in mind the kids wont loose that much time from school and teachers could definitely send any work they are missing to their home and wouldn't mind for sure.

  • Shovini - 9 years ago

    Absolutely. This is the only way you can help spreading of lice..It will become a much mich bigger problem if kids are allowed to go to school.

  • Lisa - 9 years ago

    If the government is planning on keeping kids with lice in schools, I feel that there will be an epidemic. I would be more comfortable with this decision if they had "lice treatment centres" where they could educate people by showing them how to remove bugs and nits, and actually do it for people who cannot do it themselves. i cannot see why we feel this policy is OK.

  • Tom Wright - 9 years ago

    Yes or it will be in every home and then hospitals. Then it will cost us to clean up.

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