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Are you going to watch Thursday's GOP debate?

Total Votes: 47,515

  • Veracious Poet - 8 years ago

    Carnival barkers in New Yawk pretending to be friends of "Conservative" Americans was always a sham, one that many have been hypnotized by and has profited Murdoch & Co., who view their audience as only a few steps up from porn viewers.

    Thank you Mr. Trump for saying no to faux journalism, real American Patriots deserve better than infomercials full of bloviate and pablum...

    Hopefully a 21st American Journalism broadcast will rise to serve with honesty, respect and decency soon - No more RINO/PROG insanity!

    Don't be a Chump!

    Vote for Trump!!!

  • dwa - 8 years ago

    Meghan Kelly is not a first-rate journalist and you know it. Your organization is
    making a mistake by forcing her on the viewing audience.

    Trump was doing everybody a favor by asking that somebody else be a moderator.
    The fact that you pushed the matter shows that you are out of touch with the country.
    In my opinion, you are spitting into the wind.

    I will be watching Trump gather with American Veterans if televised. I understand
    this will be happening at the same time as the debate. This is, to my way of thinking,
    much more meaningful and significant than the debate, in any event.

  • Jerry Schrecker - 8 years ago

    You're (FOX News) reaping what you sewed the in the first debate when Megan Kelly showed her derriere by attacking Mr. Trump. I don't blame him and I will certainly watch what Trump does if it's televised rather that watch the Fox debate.

    It's patently clear that debates involving Megan Kelly devolve rather quickly into attack politics rather than substantive information from the candidates anyway. I can watch MSNBC and see nonsense like that anytime I want.

  • B.D. Kittley, Jr. - 8 years ago

    I'm 68, have always been a Republican and will continue to be.

    I will not watch the debate because it will be turned into a circus.

    Have not made up my mind who I will vote for, but the last debate convinced my that my decision will be made from my own research, not your program.

    I despise the back room dealing and tricks of the current GOP "leadership". They are a party to the destruction of the nation. Not as guilty as Obama, but a contributor. And the MSM is also.

    We the people will fix this, it is clear that the MSM (including FOX) nor the GOP leadership will.

    I admit that you are the best of the "networks", but the deception still sucks.

    It is TIME to DownSize DC! Close entire Rogue/Unconstitutional Departments, including their SWAT Teams. It is Time to force Congress to telecommunte from their home district most of the year. Away from Lobbyists and the group corruption of DC.

    Texas Legislature meets once every 2 years unless the Governor calls a special session. It has worked well for TX. There is no reason it would not for the Fed Gov.

    We currently have the best government that Foreign Money can buy. That must be exposed and end.

    Billy Dave Kittley, Jr.

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