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Should Princess Cadance Be Shown Pregnant in the Show?

Total Votes: 10,097

  • aroddo - 9 years ago

    As long as they don't show one of those bloody birth scenes because "the miracle of child-birth is something wondrous and shouldn't be tabooed" I couldn't care less.

    I'm honestly sick of all those movies where they show screaming women squeezing out newborns to show off their acting skills in 'edgy' scenes ...

  • Nightcolt - 9 years ago

    Through the magic of TV editing, it looks like we go from Cadence announcing that she's pregnant to the final product.

    Guess Hasbro did not feel like marketing a 'fat' Cadence.

  • don - 9 years ago

    What's all this hate for a baby alicorn or her pregnant mom?

    you boobs are getting bent around the axil over a fictional characters in a cartoon.

    maybe you checked out along time need to check back in.

  • Richness - 9 years ago


    No, she's just fat.

  • don - 9 years ago

    too late behold Princess..................................

    \--------------------------SUGAR( . )GLIDER---------------------------/

  • Who dat? - 9 years ago

    Cadance should be publicly executed on the show along with Shitty Armor and Twilicorn.

  • LanceOmikron - 9 years ago

    @ Egg

    "Actually Mrs. Cake was shown to be visibly pregnant."

    What? No, she wasn't. When did you think she was?

  • Unimpressive Chaoslord - 9 years ago

    Well, let´s just forget about this poll.

    Thanks a lot, Hasbro!


  • Egg - 9 years ago

    Actually Mrs. Cake was shown to be visibly pregnant.

  • sandal - 9 years ago

    ever since that episode
    this is the only thing i really hope for
    i want to see pregnant cadance

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    Why would it be a stretch? I honestly don't get this taboo. Toddlers all over the world see their own mother pregnant before they get a sibling. It isn't hidden, as far as I know.

    I"m still holding out on them having an unconventional birth model, like popping up out of a flower after a ritual.

  • Joshua - 9 years ago

    That would be... quite a stretch, given that this is a show originally targeted for toddler girls, but I wouldn't mind a little bit of preggers tummy going on with Cadance.

  • ShadowRose - 9 years ago

    Other: Forget the damn baby.

  • Woolytop - 9 years ago

    It depends. If it's possible to do it tastefully, so that the mothers of like six year old girls don't get up in arms, then I don't see why not.
    They could even have it be like a Spike episode, where he's trying to understand why Cadance has gotten so fat; the running joke could be that Twilight's always be on the verge of explaining it clinically, but when she goes to start, one of the other Mane Six shuts her up and brings in their own metaphor, each five of which only serve to confuse Spike further, until finally Twilight's able to get her piece in, but it turns out the whole time she had a metaphor ready that Spike understands perfectly. Or at least, close enough for a baby dragon.

  • Gorgeous Gary - 9 years ago

    Cadance should have an abortion.

  • richfiles - 9 years ago

    Every kid these days knows how it "really" works. Mommy has a baby in her tummy that she'll "poop out"! XD
    They'll learn the real truth at 7, once they get online.

    Honestly, i think it'd be awesome to have the show be true to life, and do a pregnancy, even if it's just a background element to another story.

  • don - 9 years ago


  • LanceOmikron - 9 years ago

    I'm really hoping that we'll actually see a visibly pregnant Cadance. We've never seen a pregnant mare in the show before, after all, and the closest we have to a model that could represent one is Twi when her stomach was stuffed with apple foods in the first episode.

  • Frith - 9 years ago

    Yes. Pregnant mares get enormous, I'm interested in seeing how they'll handle it. As for precedents, Wilma in the Flintstones is shown pregnant in that cartoon. I can't recall any others off hand.

  • Someone - 9 years ago

    Should Princess Cadance Be Shown to Have an Abortion in the Show?

    1) Yes
    2) No, Just imply it by the foal never being mentioned ever again.

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