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Should inmates get extra credit for living through poor jail conditions?

Total Votes: 1,232

  • jen - 8 years ago

    i agree with craig, the problem is, if the inmates are not behaving there range gets locked down. which is fair to me. they are grown men. if they really wanted to participate in the programs offered in the sudbury jail, they would behave, so they can participate and get rehabilitated.

  • Does it matter - 9 years ago

    Thats a joke...
    Harsh conditions... Lets put them up at the Hilton.

    Harsh Conditions....really...
    Look at the jails through out the world...
    Sudbury DJ looks pretty darn good.

  • Alister H - 9 years ago

    This raises an interesting argument. Should people be released for awful living conditions in jail? I personally do not think so. What about the non-violent crimes? Perhaps. I feel a more fitting solution would be to have prisoners serve their full sentence in the appropriate prison. This would mean murderers, rapists, pedophiles, etc. would live in worse condition prisons. Other crimes such as theft under $5000, and possession of an illegal substance would have better conditioned prisons to meet the severity of what was done.

  • vision - 9 years ago

    most of the people in jail are native
    ..or pot smokers
    ..or protesters
    ..or thieves that dont have opportunity etc etc

    so YES i think they should do less time if they serve under harsh conditions

    the violent crimes should be put into specialized rehab facilities

    we cant forget we are animal and sometimes situations get me it makes no sense to punish for extreme lengths of time under most circumstances

    there is an opportunity for an entire economy of rehab including all the population to take part in that should not be overlooked

    i would not vote for any more punishment than is needed..after all it costs us money and takes from society and also there is good possibility we will be judged after we die

    do unto your neighbor and you would have them do unto you

  • Ron - 9 years ago

    Do the full term of incarceration. The victims are not deserving of this be nice to perps.

  • Craig Helm - 9 years ago

    Don't do the crime if you can't do the time

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