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Should we lower the voting age to 16?


  • Linda Christiansen - 8 years ago

    I remember my children at 16 years of age and there were times when I didn't think that they should even be able to drive. They had no interest in the politics of the day and had they been able to vote, I am sure that they would have, if only to feel more grown up. 16 year olds are wonderful but, they would not and should not be capable of deciding an election. After all, at that age, you tend to do what your friends are doing and that's the way that their vote would go. They would all be easily wooed and this seems to be a simple ploy so that a party (or any party) could woo the young uninformed voter and win an election. We must not let this happen!

  • caldon johnson - 8 years ago

    I voted yes, i think the same ratio of "informed" to "uninformed" voters would show up. That and if they're old enough to pay taxes, in my mind, they should be entitled to have a say in how it is wasted. Youngest prime minister, youngest voters. Hmmmm, maybe they could then also lower the retirement age back down to 65? Lol

  • Jaclyn - 8 years ago

    I have thought for a long time that the voting age should be lowered to 16. However, this would only work if there was a new curriculum implemented in schools, where students would learn the way our political system works, the importance of voting, the current platforms of each party, and be kept up to date on decisions currently being made. Otherwise, I think they would just vote how their parents vote, or not vote at all. Either way I think there should be more political education in high schools, whether or not they lower the voting age. I think if there were a course added for high school students, there would in turn be a higher voter turn out and these kids would grow up with a better interest in politics, rather than growing up to be non voters as they are now.

  • Heather Perret - 8 years ago

    These young people can't even cross the street at their schools without traffic slowing to 30 kph! I think only a few of them would inform themselves enough to make a mature decision during an election.

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