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What do you think of the new character revealed earlier in the week?

Total Votes: 10,596

  • Frith - 9 years ago

    @SeraphimDawn: the polls are almost always like this. The comments paint a picture of a fandom that is intolerant, Hasbro loving, Hasbro hating, reactionary and biased against (name your cause). The polls paint a picture of open-minded interest in things past, present and future and more curiosity than anything else on how the show writers are going to take us next. And Luna wins all the polls, because it's funny.

  • SeraphimDawn - 9 years ago

    How moderate most of us are on this.

    Also, Disqus seems to be having an issue on the main site.

  • Sailor Sedna - 9 years ago

    To anyone complaining about the new character and not liking where the show's direction is going, if you don't like it, then STOP watching it! And not all of the fans of My Little Pony who love the show just "swallow Hasbro's greed" entirely! That is the #1 POINT of the My Little Pony franchise, to make and sell toys to little girls and collectors, and in a way, we should be a bit thankful for that because as long as the My Little Pony toys are popular, the franchise will NEVER die.

    Geez, the way this fandom seems to praise but criticize everything about the show (like every single FREAKING episode) and how within two years the show debuted a lot of them just suddenly turned around and hated it, first over the stupid "Twilicorn" bitching, then the finale, then with Starlight Glimmer and the CMC getting their Cutie Marks, I'm starting to fear that G4 My Little Pony was never truly was great or wonderful as the fandom says it is or built it up to be...can't we just stop arguing about the show's quality and just enjoy it if and love it or take a break/move on/stop watching it if we don't?

    G1 My Little Pony, though this is kinda off topic, is easier for me to get into because of this (and not only is it just as awesome as, but in some ways it's better than G4!).

  • Sailor Sedna - 9 years ago

    @One Persons Opinion

    I heard Lauren left due to the clopper side of the bronies.

  • RD1982 - 9 years ago

    Terrible. Another G3-type marketing exercise. Being born an alicorn screws up the canon of the show, IMO.

  • Meep? - 9 years ago

    The name is awful, the character can't be judged yet.

  • Joshua - 9 years ago

    I was a little scared that the highest vote would be the hate vote, but I'm glad we get the "Alright with it" vote with the most points.

  • Evil Angel JS - 9 years ago

    I think it's a little early to form an opinion on a character we know almost nothing about.

  • Frith - 9 years ago

    I'm alright with the new character, what interests me is the somber moods of Celestia, Luna and Cadence in the nursery.

  • don - 9 years ago

    Weeeeee Heeeeee ! Ah horse feathers! where's the foal?

    Dude that's 200% more wings

    Ya done gave berth to a sugar glider , Sure glad Mac didn't have a hoof in this

    Spike! Stop eyeing Rarity like that!

    Why Twilight he's a growing boy , He likes what he sees

    Oh my Celestia her wings! If you don't mind Oh my they're ginormous, sorry they're frigging huge!!!

    Ah Rarity? I think we can do better then Shining and Cadance .......Gosh look at those things!


  • One Persons Opinion - 9 years ago

    We didn't need another alicorn. Whatever happened to the characters that we ALREADY HAVE and giving them some proper backstory......Where is the celestia episode?, where is the episode explaining how cadence became an alicorn?. Are they just not gonna mention starlight anymore?.... I would've MUCH rather had it be about Her becoming twilights apprentice or whatever, than having yet ANOTHER character added in ONLY TO SELL THE TOY VERSION OF IT!!!!. Its like everybody in this fanbase forgets the reason why lauren stopped working on the show was because of stupid decisions like this..... Adding in something that is literally ONLY MADE for making money, and then LATER trying to explain why it was needed Is a shitty cop-out excuse to make it easier for the fans to swallow hasbros greed and like it.

  • Daniel Mackowski - 9 years ago

    I'm not sure what to make of the new character yet. It really depends on what story they tell with this character and how this character will be characterized.

  • hrafnkell20 - 9 years ago

    she terafies me

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