Worst Way to Die


  • Jaella Humphrey - 9 years ago

    Eaten alive. You can imagine there are several millions of things to be eaten by, but all of them would be absolutely terrifying. Buried, while a base fear of pretty much everyone I know, would likely be rather painless(unless the culprit was unquestioningly creative), because you would pass out from oxygen deprivation rather rapidly.

  • Teresa Stribling - 9 years ago

    Crucifixion is a method of slow and painful execution in which the victim is tied or nailed to a large wooden cross and left to hang for several days until eventual death from exhaustion and asphyxiation. In days of old, to express mercy, the executor would break the legs of the victim so they would not be able to push up to get a breath, thus expediting the death.

  • George Stribling - 9 years ago

    Actually, I had two options which were to be angry and then die buried alive. Both of which I will make it a point to avoid.

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