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Do I have to cancel my vacation...


  • Gaby - 9 years ago

    No, you should absolutely go! Some people forget that planning a trip is a lot of work and cost money that sometimes you can't get back. They are not the only people on that island or hotel so they don't have the right to tell you not to go, even if it is their honeymoon. You don't have to change hotels just to make them happy either because like I said they are not the only people there, a honeymoon is about them enjoying themselves not where they are or who else they're with so it shouldn't matter. You go enjoy yourself Sarah!

  • Jessalynn - 9 years ago

    I don't think you should have to change your plans because he wants to be cheap for the honeymoon! You saved your money and deserve to enjoy yourself just get another hotel away from theirs and have a good time!

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