Do You Want More Daring Do Episodes?


  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    I love how you focus on the part of my comment you can claim victimhood over, instead of addressing any of my points.
    And feel free to explain why someone who apparently doesn't want more episodes of the show is hanging out at a news site focused on new things about the show. Because as it stands, it's completely valid to assume that people hanging out here… want to hang out here. Apparently you don't, which is really, really stupid. It's like going to a nudist convention and complaining that everyone is naked. You're right, this poll isn't meant for people who don't like the show. There is no problem with that. You can be a show-hating ‘fan’ somewhere else.

  • . - 9 years ago

    I love how you immediately tried to use the "why the fuck are you hanging out here?" bullshit to silence an opinion that made you feel unconfortable.

    Equestria Daily represents the voice of the fandom, my black ass.

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    Oh, I see. You have a problem with the neutral response affirming a desire for more episodes.
    First, it can't mean ‘No, but Yes’, because the question is in regards to whether you want more Daring Do episodes. It literally says ‘I don't care’. That it implies a yes to another question does not change that it is neutral to this one.
    In general, it is assumed that people answering this poll are looking forward to more episodes of the show, for the simple reason that if you aren't, why the fuck are you hanging out here?
    For people who really have a problem with the way the answers are worded, that's what the ‘other’ option is for.

  • . - 9 years ago

    I love how the hasdrone refuses to see how "I don't care, more pony!" isn't just another way to say "No, but yes!"

    But please, stay around to keep applying free damage control to all future polls whith more ways to say "Yes" than "No"

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    You have failed to prove your claim. There is no ‘No but Yes’ option here. It even has the words ‘I Don't Care’ in it. If you think ‘Other’ is the ‘No but Yes’ option, you don't understand the word. That choice is for people who are confused about what they want to answer. I really don't get why you're so upset.

  • . - 9 years ago

    I love how you try to deny that every Equestria Daily poll is rigged to only give you one choice to reject whatever they try to push and then the rest is nothing but different ways to agree with it.

    This poll had a "No", a "Yes" and a "No but yes" option that still agree with it.

    A true, impartial poll only should have 3 choices: Yes, No and I don't care.

    Only closed answers, not the rigged bullshit that still agrees with EqD's views but using different words.

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    There are four options in this poll: Yes, No, Neutral, and Other. Perhaps you misread the choices?

  • . - 9 years ago

    I love how you guys keep rigging your stupid polls by always giving us a single option to disagree and then wording the other options on a way that still agree with whatever idea you want to push.

  • LanceOmikron - 9 years ago

    I'd like to see more Daring Do. But even more, I'd like to see more Daring Do books, and see the show utilize locations and concepts that are established in the Daring Do books.

    For instance, the town of Alto Terre from Daring Do and the Forbidden City of the Clouds, a town where each resident only ever had one color in varying shades. For instance, a pony with a red coat would also have a red mane and tail, red eyes, and red clothes. Same with a blue pony, or a green pony, etc. It's implied that there's some sort of reason for this, but the question isn't answered in the book. I want to see that town in the show. '3'

  • Sailor Sedna - 9 years ago

    I want more of the ponified Indiana Jones!

  • Light Sketch - 9 years ago

    i think the 1st one was ok but i didn't like the second one. Although i am sat with the daring do adventure collection in front of me, i want a new episode if its not shit.

  • LegendofMoriad - 9 years ago

    I'd like more Daring Do, but more as "Adventures Outside the Mane Six." She can be a strong character that could be strong on her own, without having to support the Mane Six. Maybe have Rainbow Dash read a new novel?

  • Broken Record - 9 years ago


    It sure would be nice if it was one of the ponies for once.

  • anon - 9 years ago


    Dash isn't a loser, unlike Lightning Dust.

    @Broken Record

    Because Spike totally needs to be involved with every little thing they do. *eyeroll*

  • ShadowRose - 9 years ago

    I love Daring Do and welcome more episodes of her! Though, I doubt any future episode could top Daring Don't. XD

  • Matt - 9 years ago

    Other: Absolutely! As long as it doesn't screw up the established canon like the second DD episode did.

  • Sam - 9 years ago

    Only if it doesn't involve Dash being a total loser. I would prefer to have Lightning Dust back, not another reoccurring character.

  • Broken Record - 9 years ago

    As long as it's not another waste-of-time episode where all of Spike's friends run off without him.

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    I'd like a ‘day in the life of Daring Do’ sort of episode. No mane characters, just Daring Do the whole time.

  • Lunae Lumen - 9 years ago

    Other: we really need more Daring Do BOOKS.

  • FP - 9 years ago

    I would like one more Daring Do episode since we haven't heard a word from her since the 4th episode of season 4, but I think one episode is enough.

  • ChocolateCrane aka Pommel Weed - 9 years ago

    Get that damn Indiana Jones impersonater out of my pony for God's sakes!

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