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Which has been the costliest gaffe of the Conservative campaign so far? (Poll Closed)


  • Cathy - 16 years ago

    The Ritz thing was not included in this list, I see. That man's comments sound worse and worse every time they're repeated. What ignorant, AWFUL things to say ~ even in private!
    I can't wait to see what stupid thing the (non-progressive) Conservatives do next week. We truly understand the purpose of Harper's gag order now!

  • Nancy T. - 16 years ago

    Gerry Ritz. was not speaking privately with a few gov't. employees. He was on a conference call with 20 to 30 people including some from the meat inspection agency. If he does understand how boorish and tactless his remarks were, then he does not deserve to be in a position that requires at least some level of diplomacy. Whoever said: "Tact cannot be taught. It's a combination of sensitivity, consideration and good manners." was absolutely right. And Gerry Ritz showed none of these qualities in the Listeriosis gaffe.

  • Nancy T. - 16 years ago

    Gerry Ritz. was not speaking privately with a few gov't. employees. He was on a conference call with 20 to 30 people including some from the meat inspection agency. If he does understand how boorish and tactless his remarks were, then he does not deserve to be in a position that requires a certain level of diplomacy. Whoever said: "Tact cannot be taught. It's a combination of sensitivity, consideration and good manners." was absolutely right. And Gerry Ritz showed none of these qualities in the Listeriosis gaffe.

  • Robert Finch - 16 years ago

    Harpers got to go. We do not need LIERS as a PM. Its bad enough who we elect do not represent us (The EMPLOYER)
    R. Finch

  • Peter - 16 years ago

    You should have included a chance to vote for "All of the above."

  • Sunshine coaster - 16 years ago

    Wish the media would be more interested in printing the policies- programs- plateforms- ideology etc. of all the parties- let the parties-let the gaffes-be. Everyone makes mistakes- & I'm not interested in a gaffe- especially if it was said behind closed doors- people should not have to resign-or even apologize for these things- it's none of the medias business! I have said- many times- "I'll kill you if you tell- or do that -or whatever-etc." but I would never kill anyone-what's to apologize for-it's just a saying!!! Now lets get on with it- & find out the strength of each party- what they stand for- we have a stronge conservative running in this riding-thank goodness-good knowledge of all things to come. As far as the war goes- nobody wants it- but it's there & must be faced- can't just pull out overnite- like Jack Layton proposes- says- he will pull out immediately! Can you imagine the consquences ! We must have people in power able to deal with such-that's the conservatives!!!!Thanks.

  • Jean-Guy Emond - 16 years ago

    Every election, I make a new choice for the political party I support.

    This year, the Conservative party has the best ideas for the future.

    I have been surprised when Stephen Harper promised a 50% cut on the diesel fuel. It's the same thing as giving a subvention to help burn more diesel fuel. It's contrary to the general trend wich consist to respect and help the environment.

    If the Blue Party don't promise too many things as the diesel fuel consumption subvention, I will vote for them.

    Thanks you for reading this message.

  • Harold - 16 years ago

    Each of these so-called 'gaffes' tend to show the mean-spiritness of the Conservative Party. Instead of debating issues, they prefer to throw mud. Is this the sort of party and sort of leader that we really want to run Canada when the problems are accumulating so fast and furious that even Harper won't be able to hide them much longer?

  • George - 16 years ago

    I missed the story about the father of a fallen soldier being a Liberal. If the report is correct, I don't know the context of the comment, but, the political affiliation of a soldier or a parent of a soldier must not come into play - in any way.

  • Grumpette - 16 years ago

    I have to agree with geo wratkins, surely to goodness there are more important things to worry about in this election, like real issues for instance. I am sick and tired of the media frenzy with what are really minor gaffes, that what Mr. Ritz said is certainly deplorable, I can't help but feel that given the fact that it was technically behind closed doors, and probably to relieve the tension at the time, it would have been far more reprehensible had it been a public statement. Who among us can honestly say that we haven't used black humour in times of crisis? It generally tends to calm one down somewhat. My family and I have done it after the sudden death of an immediate family member, and believe me, there was no disrespect intended. This nation of ours is beginning to take everything far to literally and seriously. We are now at the point where one is now afraid to open ones mouth at all for fear of offending someone. This is life people, live it and don't be so darned thin-skinned and serious.

    The coming election is a very important and serious matter, let's bite into the real issues, and maintain a sense of humour at the same time shall we.

  • hurtinAlbertan - 16 years ago

    Although I do believe these are all important gaffes for the Canadian public to take note of, I think the most painful thing so far has been the unforgiveable comment by Mr. Ritz. How can he still have his job??? Behind closed doors was still in conversation within the contest of his portfolio, not an asinine thing said at a family barbeque!!
    Or what about prespending on campaign flyers (photocopy postcards) before the writ was dropped? They did learn from last election: just to be more deceptive.
    They are mocking the very process they set out to reform. I am honestly, deeply hurt by Mr. Harper's actions over the past 12 months.

  • geo wratkins - 16 years ago

    Only Macleans would present a poll like this. Should their not be an option in the text of maybe "the campaign has been run well to this point" or something along those lines.... no instead you will just point out minor moves trying to get some to think twice about voting conservative. Can't wait to see you do this poll for the four other major parties (although I strongly think it will not be done or done in the same context).

  • SERENDIPPITTYDOODOO - 16 years ago

    I really think it's more important to deal with the issue of how incredibly stupid the [Polymorph] Consrvative Reform Alliance Party continues to discredit itself by trotting out a would-be spokesperson with the intellectual attributes of a vacuum-sealed doorknob.

  • Patrick Ink - 16 years ago

    I am surprised that the soldier issue was the most detrimental. The conservatives actually care about our military as opposed to other parties. Perhaps the father was a staunch Liberal, there are many of them who cant stand to see the torys get votes,power is a sense of entitlement for a lot of libs. The media needs to talk more about this kind of thing. As an example , why does the media not talk about the ontario govt-fedral tory rift as simply Ontario Liberals vs. federal conservatives.

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