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Who do you think won the CBS News South Carolina Republican debate?

Total Votes: 47,015

  • Todd - 9 years ago

    Trump will get us into a nuclear war. He has not clarified one platform.

  • Ron D - 9 years ago

    Well u guys got to understand Trump wins and always will unless he is cornered into denying his personna of the strong patriot outsider who can't b bought. Its as simple as that. It doesn't matter if Rubio is more knowledgeable or if Carson is a much nicer man. People want what Trump is selling Bush is a moron and Cruz is a holier than thou lier kassik is too establishment so there's no one too stop trump. To do that u have to discredit the personna he's crested of the tough unboughtable outsider. The thing is his message will resonate with blue collar dems but not with Hispanics and most blks. He can only win in 2 scenarios if Hilary gets a criminal referral. From the FBI or if he gets a massive White turn out
    Here it is hoping for both!

  • Brenda - 9 years ago

    Don't care if Trump is democrat or republican...he has my vote!

  • Your mom - 9 years ago

    Retards vote for Trump.

  • Bob - 9 years ago

    Well now, it is about time the real El Chumpo showed himself last night and look how proud of himself he is what a dumbass.

    Also people, don't realize that we throw out the top and bottom scores and the remaining high scorer wins so with that said - GO TED CRUZ !!!!!

  • james - 9 years ago

    Realist, hers a reality check; if Rubio is the only one who can beat Hillary, why isn't he beating Trump? That's like betting on a favored horse who is running 3rd and losing ground.

  • james - 9 years ago

    Trump is using the strategy of Mohammed Ali. It the fight was 15 rounds, Ali would mix it up and take blows on the way when the fight got boring. ALI would even take punches to the point that he looked like he was going down. This shook the confidence of his supporters, but then he would come back with a barrage of punches stunning his opponent, driving the audience wild and pulling more supporters to his side. In the fifteenth round, just when his opponent thought he had Ali figured out and was going to take him out, Ali would unleash on him with punches he hadn't seen to this point, the rope adope, and totally catches him off guard and Ali ends up with a knock out. If you wonder why Trump is so vague with his plans, he is being unpredictable. He's not showing his card hand so his opponents have time to debunk them. So when Hillary debates his, he will rope adope her. He will debunk everything she puts up, and in detail explain to the American people why it wouldn't work. Trump didn't become a billionaire acting childish like he's doing, rather, it's part of his strategy. When he mixes it up and blames republican and conservitives for getting us in this mess, and is attacked by the other candidates, that is just Trumps plan to build his base with both demo and independent voters. It's working too. Republicans, stand on your priciples, democrat change America give free stuff away. If both sides stay to their principles, sounds like gridlock,more of the same, very little getting done. Cruz, saying he stands on his principles no matter what.if he has a fight with his wife and feels he is in the right, he never works things out, or says I'm sorry? Right now, I don't think American is looking for a Republican or democrat. I think we're looking for someone to battle for us all. Right now I am leaning Trump, because I do believe he has the interest of the American people ahead of party lines and he certainly has a history of making good deals

  • Elly Ford - 9 years ago

    Washington people just don't understand.... the voters don't care if Trump is a Conservation or Liberal or not Conservative enough. They vote for Trump because he is not bought by anybody, he is not under anybody's thumb. They know he loves his country and he will not do harm to his country, he will protect his ountry. He will restore the economy after 8 years of Obama blamed Bush and not doing anything except blame. People are tired of listening to them drumming their chests and saying I am the most conservative and the most religious... who cares... we're not voting for a Pope. Trump understands what people want and need and he delivers that's why he is so popular.

  • Mark Rush - 9 years ago

    DR. CARSON- although he didn't even get a chance to make a statement on immigration due to the childish bickering which the media loves to force down your throats... You love the drama. So, let me guess, you're going to vote for one of the biggest highlighted babies on that stage- you think that crap isn't going to happen in the White House, Congress, senate and the house? Carson is the one who put his plans IN WRITING FIRST. Turn off your damn TV and do some reading for shits sake...none of the media outlets want you to vote for Carson because they know he's right and it would stir up too much of the comfortability of the chaos that's already been created????

  • realist - 9 years ago

    WAKE UP YOU COMPLETE MORONS!...The only people who thinks he won this debate are him and his wife! Stop being Robots..The media tells WANTS you to vote for trump. Are you Blind? Hilary kills Trump in EVERY general election! So keep listening to the media and all these touting the INSURGENT candidate!!! BS! Use your brain,, what happens when you wake up in Nov. and hilary is pres and appointing another Liberal Justice after the unfortunate death of Judge Scalia today..That's the end of the 2nd amend and every conservative principle known to man...Please re-think this angry voter crap and WIN the election, The only candidate that beats Hilary in every election is marco Rubio,,,,48-41 and he hasn't even debated her yet...Trump loses 49-40...Ya see only trumpeters vote for trump. If you don't get some blacks, hispanics, etc YOU LOSE.... does the name BARRACK OBAMA ring a bell!

  • Tim - 9 years ago

    Mr. Trump WON this debate hands down. The people are tired of big government letting us down. Its time for the new MOVEMENT called trumpenomics to take over. People if your as tired of losing like I am....GET on the trump train coming to your state soon.

  • Larry - 9 years ago

    Trump did very well getting gang up on in this debate. This is a clue that they are all scared of him!,

  • Nmud - 9 years ago

    Trump won the debate hands down. The debate is being watched by conservatives all around the country, not just those republican lobbyists in the room. They have paid millions of dollars to have their political puppets get what they want over the years. They are all worried this will come to an end with trump in the White House...this is why they don't like trump. This is why they boo him. The American people are not stupid. We are all fed up with Brocken promises ..from republicans and democrats. We need a leader that does the right thing for the people not just the lobbyists for paybacks and bribes under the table. If it was not for Trump border security, ISIS, support for the vets, social security, and many other policies would have been swept under the carpet as usual and the democrats would have a field day. Now Trump has united the people of the US.... And is because he is a republican . A conservative ...that is challenging the business as usual political machine in Washington that has got us where we are today .... This is the reason he has won all of the debates and why he will continue to gain support. He doesn't need his mum to do his work for him.. He doesn't need to spend millions of dollars on political ads that just try to degrade people with hearsay ..( money much better used to support our vets) I'm sure everyone agrees on this .... RIGHT ?

  • Steve - 9 years ago

    Democratic comment or not, they did lie about WMDs

  • DAVE - 9 years ago

    Amen MJ very well said

  • Mj - 9 years ago

    Are you people in an alternate universe trump cemented himself as the democrat on the stage George w bush lied about weapons of mass destruction is a democrat motto planned parenthood does great things for women? Asked about foreign policy and he says he will hire great people to help him??? Wake up you trump bots before it's too damn late and you are saying hello Madame President I wouldn't be surprised if trump is trying to get his buddy Clinton elected after all he said she would make a great leader a couple years ago. WAKE UP the adult and true conservative on that stage is Marco Rubio. He beats hillary by the widest margins in every poll he is our best chance.

  • esmeralda - 9 years ago

    Trump won the debate. Donald Trump do not need to be conservative. Conservative elected politicians failed and destroy our country. We have a conservative leader right now, and look where our country heading. Is another huge failure. Jeb Bush brother went to Iraq with no mass destruction. Trump was right. This is one of the cause that the extremists jihadist Muslim trying to kill as many Americans due to bombing Iraq. Now the Jihadists extremists Muslim wants to revenge. Jeb 's brother has no any choice but to protect the country and the people. Trump just like the people fed up with the corrupt and liars, and untrustworthy politicians. Jeb Bush keep mentioning imminent domain. Jeb lobbyists is telling him what to say. Meanwhile Trump is trying his best to tell the people how he is going to restore and undo our crippled country. All republican candidates all mention conservatism. To me conservatisms failed and destroy our country and taking it into a wrong route. Not good. Conservatisms changed our country into a Muslim Nation number 38 around the world according to Obama when he was interviewed by a French journalist. Trump messages make sense.

  • john - 9 years ago

    All other polls have similar results Trump won the debate here is another one

  • David Kellum - 9 years ago

    Ben Carson is a good man, but Trump won in another landslide victory. South Carolina will prove that. Time to start beating up on Bernie and Hillary. Hillary may go to Jail, but not until she spoils this election. Bernie Sanders scares the hell out of me, as we don't know where his votes are coming from. Let's make America Great Again. Vote Trump

    Dave Kellum

  • Janis - 9 years ago

    There is no way Trump won that debate , anyone else on that stage did better than that , he lacked substance lacked answers to question because he lacked knowledge , he deflects the questions so that he doesn't have to answer. He acted like a child , he had no respect for us the audience and the people of South Carolina . I believe he is not capable of holding office , He would hurt this country worse than Obama. Over all this poll is rigged.

  • robbyn - 9 years ago

    TRUMP won sorry , yes I watched Jeb Cry, Cruzing the the Ego Idiot, Rubio the Cube Kid, Kasich the kaniver, Carson, the gentle powerful spirit that is drowned b those Liars & thieves...
    Only two on stage tonight that were Real men Donald J. Trump & Ben Carson

  • Lisa Anastasia - 9 years ago

    Marco Rubio is a plant of George Soros. He is an establishment and Bilderberg. He is polishef. But i choose Ben Carson only.when are the people going to realized politicians dont cste about you. Only the Dr Carson csres now start listening to him . He is reserved not like the rest of the childish boys on stage.

  • daddy gave a small loan - 9 years ago

    Trump never tells how he will pay for all these promises he keeps telling us. He is telling you what you want to hear and has no idea what he is actually saying... I hope South Carolina can see that!

    Trump says, " my dad gave me a very small loan and I built my empire."
    Reporter says" how much did your dad give you?"
    Trump says," it was just a million dollars, and that's not really that much.
    Reporter says, " .........

  • Carolyn - 9 years ago

    It's absolute BS that Trump won this debate. This is the 3rd poll I've seen that says he did. He bombed it. The trumpets are as whacked as he is.

  • Sjh - 9 years ago

    How can anyone say Trump won that debate when everybody was booing him all the time, he blamed Bush for everything and has no clue how he is going to accomplish anything? Dr. Carson did an excellent job! He just won't act like an idiot like Trump does. Well of course Dr. Carson is the brilliant one and Trump is clueless!

  • Gary Grant - 9 years ago

    I thought this was Trump's worst debate; not very presidential. He keeps getting sucked into Jeb's bull shit.
    However I still support him.

  • DAVID ARAYA - 9 years ago


  • Sonia - 9 years ago

    I don't think anyone YET understands why Trump is winning NO MATTER WHAT. People are not voting FOR Trump, they are voting AGAINST Washington, the media and the dirty politics. This is an insurrection and rebellion.

  • Marina - 9 years ago

    Trump needs to learn to act presidential. He was an embarrassment tonight.. Blaming Jeb for his brother's decisions and blaming 9/11 on George Bush. He should walk a mile in his shoes!!! Not to mention his constant interruptions. They all need to concentrate on the real enemy--Hillary and Bernie.

  • Redleg - 9 years ago

    Did the voters of this poll watch the same debate? This was Trump's worst performance. Its really amazing how he continues to have support no matter what liberal remarks he makes or the fact that he falsely accuses candidates, which no one holds him accountable. Ted's a liar, Carson is a child molester, Jeb "moons" people. He's the cult of personality that entertains, its really that simple. One last point, how is The Donald doing in general election polling? ???

  • John - 9 years ago

    Trump is not a politician that us for sure. A politician is not what thus country needs. All the politicians talk about all there sucess but looking in the rear view mirror shows only wrecks. Change takes guts and someone to lead in a new directiion. Don't get pulled into the old politics. Embrace the needed change.

  • Meg - 9 years ago

    Anyone can vote as many times as they want!!! How is this a true poll??!!! Give me a break. Some kid could have been paid to sit there and vote and vote, etc. plleeeeeaaaasez

  • Bill - 9 years ago

    This poll is meaningless, you can substitute Ron Paul's name for Trump and get the same results. Trump was a total buffoon tonight and he will never win the nomination.

  • Flora - 9 years ago

    Wow that is good for #DonaldJTrump.Let the haters keep bashing him it just makes his ratings go higher.Cruz is doing nothing but telling lies on #Trump and I sure hope you people in S.C know that..

  • KPfla - 9 years ago

    77% for Trump! Did you even watch this debate?! Winner of the debate was a toss between Rubio and Cruz. Wish we heard more from Carson and less bickering between Jeb and Trump.

  • Daniel Foley - 9 years ago

    Donald Trump was the winner of this debate. He towers over all of the other candidates. Cruz will say anything to get ahead. His vaneer is wearing through.

  • socritic - 9 years ago

    77% of this sites readers voted for the man, that is also leading the South Carolina pols @36 %, and also leading nationally @around 40% ..But please bash him and tell is more about cruz

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