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As a Conservatarian who do you support for President?

Total Votes: 1,146

  • David Kio - 8 years ago

    the only one that can beat Trump is Cruz...he is the most conservative and aligns closest to Rand Paul.....No other candidate can win and Carson plays the victim wayyyy to much

  • maryjcomfort - 8 years ago

    Dr. Carson is brilliant, honest, and capable. He has a background that shows the diversity of our country so that hopefully people who often ignore politicians or just follow the crowd will see what he has achieved and listen to him. He doesn't need to yell and scream like the others and you can trust him. I wish more people would go to his site and read his plans to bring our country back. He is not weak...he is strong and our only hope to solve all the problems we have now with God's help.

  • Linda Jordan - 8 years ago

    Not only is Dr. Ben Carson brilliant, but he is also very bold! He will also seek out the most reliable & knowledge people when necessary! He has a tremendous amount of commen sense! He has more ability than any of the other candidates to turn this great country around in the right way! The proud way! He's stood by his word at all times! He is the best man for the job without a doubt! You will feel honored and blessed by endorsing him!

  • Janet Ebey - 8 years ago

    I strongly urge you to endorse Dr. Ben Carson! He is the only candidate with the integrity and wisdom to heal our divided, broken country!!! He is only running because he received thousands and thousands of letters requesting him to run from We The People! He loves God, our country, and our Constitution!! He has spent his life healing children as a pediatric neurosurgeon and cannot stand to see what is happening to our country from poor leadership and political correctness! Please check out all his detailed plans at www.

  • Alberta Houck - 8 years ago

    Dr Ben Carson is the only candidate running that was chosen by the people. He understands our issues, he knows how to get our nation back on track. He understand the meaning of difficulties in life, the need to fight to achieve with the odds stacked against him. It's is with experience and faith in God he should be our nations leader. We the people are sick to death of the grees and corruption. It's time we the people have a leader who is there to serve this great nation, to preserve our moral compass and heal and revive our nations people to once again be proud and hard working. We need him and he needs us

  • Donna Drake - 8 years ago

    I prayerfully wish for you to Endorse Dr. Ben Carson. Dr. Carson was Drafted by We The People, and he is Funded by We The People. No Corporations, No Big Government entities...He is a Christian Man and has led his entire Life as such...His Campagne has been Sabatooged by Cruz and Rubio not once But twice already. He speaks NO ill toward anyone. I am a Carson Supporter , but Rand was my second choice.. Cruz Lies so Much....Rubio is a Government Puppet. It would be Great to have Carson / Rand in the WH.....You never know...Dr, Carson has had so MANY great solutions , and as the Race goes on, the other candidates are repeating the Dr. Words.....Almost word for word. ARE they studying his videos.? They are almost Exactly the same words...We Need Dr. Carson to bring GOD back to the White House. America needs to Vote for Dr. Carson....Thank you for Any consideration of Endorsing Dr. Carson...#WENEEDADOCTORINTHEWHITEHOUSESTAT..

  • Randy Pope - 8 years ago

    I am #stillRanding. There is no other candidate that I trust in the WH, and I hope, with Rand out of the race, that liberty minded activists will shift their time, talent, and treasure to state legislative races, where we can get liberty minded candidates elected.

  • Theresa Hulchanski - 8 years ago

    Honesty, Integrity, Compassion, Knowledge, Leadership.
    He truly cares about AMERICA.
    He believes in WE THE PEOPLE.
    He entered the race for Presidency to make our world a better place for OUR CHILDREN.....

  • Jenny Baker - 8 years ago

    When Dr. CARSON first entered the race for President, he affirmed the magnitude of de-politisizing the Supreme Court with a jurist with tried and true judgments instead of "talk."

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