Are You Excited for Guardians of Harmony?


  • jk - 9 years ago

    guard harmony good idea

  • jk - 9 years ago

    sunset shimmer 7 harmony elements good

  • Sailor Sedna - 9 years ago


    Oh my, I didn't know I was so famous!

    I'm doing quite fine, thank you. Far better than a troll/hater like you; or are you one of those pathetic season oners? I'm not one of those people who will slop up everything that's thrown in front of me; there are times when Hasbro's disappointed me with MLP but I still like it.

    If you think I'm one of those "Hasdrones" who will blindly get anything from MLP then you need to stop complaining and bitching about the show and leave, or in other words, buddy.

  • . - 9 years ago

    @Sailor Sedna
    Oh look, a Hasdrone.
    The kind of funny people who think that giving their money to Hasbro and whiteknighting them for free is some kind of feat that will earn them fame, respect, power, money and love, all in real life.

    How are you doing in these areas, big boy? Especially love?

    Hmm, yes I pretty much suspected it. :)

  • Sailor Sedna - 9 years ago

    @Badly Drawn Turtle

    "." is obviously a troll. Don't bother with him.

  • Swash - 9 years ago

    @ The Urban Mystic

    Being all over the ED news, it's kinda hard to be ignorant about Guardians of Harmony. It's a new action-oriented toyline that will tie in with an upcoming comic series, and is manufactured to sell to adults, young boys, and young girls who like toys from the blue aisle. Best example is a big Spikezilla figure with lights, sound, battle armor, and a fire-launching mechanism.

  • name - 9 years ago

    I'm all about that NMM figure at the very least.

  • The Urban Mystic - 9 years ago


    What's Guardians of Harmony?

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    You're hilarious. No, seriously, this is fun. Make some more jokes about the body you imagine me to have. Give me pointed ears and an extra arm.

  • . - 9 years ago

    @Badly Drawn Turtle

    So you dislike idiots, fatty? You must hate yourself a lot, then.
    But again who DOESN'T hate a fat idiot who tries to seek for self validation on the internet instead of on real life?
    Oh right, it's because in real life everyone can see how you are and they can give you a good belting when you try getting preachy or manipulate them to stop doing what you don't like, eh? Oink.

    Keep arguing with me, lardo. That is totally going to shave some pounds out from you, and it's absolutely going to get you noticed by pretty girls half of your weight.

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    Did you just call me ‘fatty’? That's a low enough blow when it makes sense, but you don't even know how heavy I am.

    I told you to go away for your own good, because you're making a fool of yourself. You are free to ignore my advice, and I am not going to attempt to pressure you into leaving. You fail at understanding free expression.

    And yes, I do dislike idiots.

  • don - 9 years ago

    Nothing wholesome can come of an AGED up Spikey Wikey,,,

    DON'T ............STOP!

    DON'T,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,STOP! TWILIGHT!?! Oh . . . Oh . . . . Ohhhhhhhhhhhh

    don't stop don't stop OH My precious Scales!

    Yepper nothing to see just an over active imagination . . . . .

  • . - 9 years ago

    @Badly Drawn Turtle

    Make me, fatty. :)

    So much for freedom of expression whenever it comes to things you dislike, eh?

  • Kay - 9 years ago

    I might be persuaded to see it if Starlight Glimmer is not a part of it.

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    You don't understand how polls work. Go away.

  • Kree - 9 years ago

    I voted for 'other' because it depends on if Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy will be included. If not I have no interest in it, I'd either have all the mane six or none and that goes for any lines, simple as that.

  • Joshua - 9 years ago

    Nothing against the comics, but I'll go for the toys. :)

  • Strickerx5 - 9 years ago

    Honestly, I'm really just excited about what this could mean for the show and brand in general. I mean, Hasbro willingly gearing one of their most popular toy brands to a wider audience with these cool ideas? Yes please! Hopefully it's not just the comics that see these plot lines.

  • Sailor Sedna - 9 years ago

    I'd love to get the toys, but I just hope the comics are good considering all the shit IDW has been releasing lately...

  • . - 9 years ago

    Oh, look! Another rigged poll where you have FOUR different ways to agree with the staff! (But only 2 to disagree)

  • Frith - 9 years ago

    Well, of course I will buy copies of the comics as they come out, but I am not excited by something I haven't read yet. As for the toys, I want the Celestia and the Nightmare Moon figures, but mostly I'm waiting to see them in person. So yes. But not "Yes!". Not yet.

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