Do You Think Kim Fields' Husband Is Gay?


  • franolla - 8 years ago

    all Kenya has ever done is cause heartache I really think if she was to get pregnant her attention would be on the baby not on the women of Atlanta.

  • Abayna - 9 years ago

    Kenya is so damaged(mentally) she hates to see anyone happy. She is targeting Kim because she didn't let her pawn that melodramatic mess of a mini-movie on her. She was trying to use Kim's contacts in the BIZ, and Kim didn't fall for it. Now she wants to claim Kim has no standing in the BIZ anymore. Kenya is crazy and a very envious person. She hates Porsha, but tries to mimic her hair and make-up. Porsha has a natural beauty and would still be pretty without the weave and make-up. Kenya needs make-up to cover imperfections, that's why she was upset that Kim suggested not wearing any at the brunch. Kenya is just plain evil, deep down in her soul. Kim has a man who LOVES her and treats her like his Queen, unlike the little boy who is with Kenya for the notoriety, such that it is. Kim is taking the right attitude walking away before punching her in the face. Her goal is to get rid of the competition. It almost worked with Porsha. I would have stopped watching the show if they let Kenya get away with that, and fired Porsha. I could go on, but just thinking about the hateful Kenya is enough for one day.

  • Maggie May - 9 years ago

    Oh come on. He sure seems gay but that is no one's business if he is not ready to come out. Kenya is a monster.

  • Jacqueline Allen - 9 years ago

    That is absolutely no one's business but Kim Fields and Christopher Morgan. That's the problem today individuals need to stay in their lanes and mind their own. The devil is everywhere waiting to pounce. Right, Kenya Moore? .... Shame on you Kenya Moore!!

  • Jacqueline Allen - 9 years ago

    That is absolutely no one's business but Kim Fields and Christopher Morgan. That's the problem today individuals need to stay in their lanes and mind their own. The devil is everywhere waiting to pounce. Right, Kenya Moore.

  • Trish - 9 years ago

    It doesn't matter either way. What happens in anyone's bedroom is with their consent. There is only one true Judge and we all with have to only answer to Him.

  • DatDamDiva - 9 years ago

    So when I googled Chris all I got was information on the rumors on this show.. Nothing old..

  • Pretty Smiles - 9 years ago

    Kenya is always talking about all the ladies behind their back. She is messy and someone need to put her mouth in contraction. I don't like her period.

  • Smooth lady - 9 years ago

    Kenya's friend stated he is 28, was in the service for 5 years, and a personal trainer for six, she needs to question his age, and stop standing next to him looking like his mother. If she wants to be his mother please teach him how to lie better.

  • lleno222 - 9 years ago

    Chris is a Godly man as is exhibited in his church and family life. The entertainment industry is over run with people of various sexual persuasions and it wouldn't take little more than a casual conversation with someone of that ilk to get gossippers running their venomous tongues. Even if Chris were (past tense) gay, his current life speaks different. Next subject!

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