Should coffee pods be banned from government run buildings?


  • Me - 9 years ago

    It's curious that most people who freak out about single use coffee pods have no concerns about single serve creamers, sugar packets, tea bags, and single pot coffee bags. This is more about protesting Keurig, Nescafe, Starbucks and other large companies that produce single serve coffee pods and machines than protecting the environment.

  • hans - 9 years ago

    Ban the pods all together and use single serve reusable pods. We have used them for 4 years. At 4 cups a day thats almost 1500 pods.. Its a no brainer

  • Bryan Cronk - 9 years ago

    And how about the extra cost of operating these coffee systems: cost per cup, lost time deciding on flavour, money thrown away on unpopular flavors (600 choices), etc.

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