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Who 'Won' the Democratic Town Hall?

Total Votes: 14,801

  • Peter Sichel - 8 years ago

    Hillary answers almost every question like she is a defense attorney trying to defend her client.

    Asked if there was perhaps another way besides regime change, she talked for over a minute on why regime change was the right choice (even though violent regime change failed badly for the people of the region). She never answered the question.

    One moment she is the most experienced candidate, the next she's not the establishment choice because she's a woman and Bernie has been in Washington longer than she has. Really?

    She has received lots of money from Monsanto and opposes GMO labelling. She believes woman should have the right to control their own bodies except when it comes to what they feed themselves and their children. Money would never influence her thinking. After all, Obama has accepted money from corporate America.

    Everything is a defense instead of stating the simple truth. Our campaign finance system is corrupt. Wall street's excesses are a systemic threat, not only to our economy but to our democracy. The Wall street banks are bigger and more powerful now than they were in 2008, yet she still says "if they become a threat", she would go after them. Really? What criteria would she use to determine they are a sufficient threat?

    For every policy Bernie proposes, she has one that "goes further". In my view, If we don't take back our democracy from the Billionaire class who buy elections, nothing else is going to make much difference. A vote for Hillary is a vote for more of the same.

    In Bernie, we have a rare chance to try something different, if we have the wisdom to take it.

  • Ceeparrish - 8 years ago

    Hillary Clinton has a terrible record , she stole from the white house and she is an obvious liar. I'm sick of people talking about bernies age. Who cares ? He's smart and honest. He's working on making things better for the middle class.(ME) Free college = more intelligent peogle = more progess. Free health care = coverage for all = saving lifes.
    Put it like this hillary wins. Then it's between trump and Hillary and trump wins. We're fucked. He's an idoit who speaks at a 4th grade level. An he will obviously win because hillary comes off as a liar. At least if bernie is up against trump people can see what a dumbass trump really is. Honestly other counties look at us as a joke. I want this world to be equal, affordable and clean. It's sad that most of the younger generation can see what the real problem is and that's why we vote bearnie. We will stand with bearnie to help stop this corrupt country. Bearnie 2016 !

  • Ceeparrish - 8 years ago

    Hillary Clinton has a terrible record , she stole from the white house and she is an obvious liar. I'm sick of people talking about bernies age. Who cares ? He's smart and honest. He wants this country to be fair and better for the middle class. Free college = more intelligent peogle = more progess. Free health care = cover

  • Megan - 8 years ago

    You know I didn't get a chance to watch the town hall, but in reading this article I did notice that there are seven videos of Bernie Sanders speaking, and only two of Hillary Clinton speaking, and yet the Bernie supporters are the ones crying fowl? The article that accompanies this poll is entirely biased in one direction, and it's obvious.

  • Jason - 8 years ago

    Bernie by far. Why ? He is honest,sincere,and knows that we need OUR Democracy back , firstly , then we can fix all other issues. He talks of solid solution as opposed to broad polished politician rhetoric.
    She can't hide her lying eyes.
    I will not vote for Mrs. Hillary Clinton,,,NO MATTER WHAT

  • Richele - 8 years ago

    Extraordinary. Why do we allow the media to so bias our process. I noticed audio problems during Bernie's turn. I noticed the foreign policy...commander-in-chief question served up in beginning of Clinton's such opportunity was given Sanders. The point about the women introduced during Clinton's turn...well taken. Why weren't they introduced during Sander's he too could address them. No one but "no-matter-what" Clinton supporters could honestly say Mr. Sanders did not win this Town Hall. Mrs. Clinton so obviously framed most every answer to political advantage....I felt Mr. Sander's was speaking from his heart and his passion for things to everyone has a chance to win. I like Mrs. Clinton....she has accomplished much in her career. I just think the country needs desperately what Mr. Sander's wants to bring. I wish the woman candidate in this cycle was similarly inclined...I too want to see a woman win the that wants to bring the sincere human care that the man running is proposing. Eight years of Clinton's....eight of Bush, the so called compassionate conservative and eight years of our first black President (I'm a fan no doubt)....but why are so many of these real issues not better....In 2008...both Clinton and Obama promised solutions....yet here we are....eight years with so many of the same unresolved issues....don't you all think "enough is enough" and time to try something new. Mr. Sander's is offering a change of course. Why should we not give him our vote, and give him the shot to lead. Extraordinary on that too...that more aren't publicly admitting the truth. Change is critical if we are to be our greatest going forward.

  • onevoiceofmany - 8 years ago

    In response.
    1) most qualified how? Her record speaks otherwise; iraq, banking regulations, trade, etc.
    2) Keeping peace in the world is not her strength. Again see her voting record on internationally unpopular military intervention.
    3) Blatantly ethnocentric comment unworthy of response.
    4) Her actions weren't of forgiveness, they were calculated to maximize political sympathy and maintain powerful political relationships.
    5) I think you were saying that Hillary's economic policy is more sound. The only full economic analysis performed on Sanders policy predicts domestic growth unseen since the early 1950s. One economist who was critical of the Sanders plan acknowledged that he never really crunched the numbers. He published a retraction after he did. He in fact made the same growth projection as the other study after analysis.
    6) Hillary is only 6 years younger than Bernie. That's just a silly argument.

  • Patricia - 8 years ago

    Um, are you serious? You just said the most racist ugly thing about people of polish descent. And Bernie is only 4 years older than Hillary, and he's in much better physical shape than she is, that is a fact. Why don't you go fix your own country since you have no vote here.

  • Patricia - 8 years ago

    @bereal, no one in these comments has "put Hillary and anyone who says anything nice about her down". These comments have mainly been pro-Bernie, with some complaints about CNN, tonight's town hall, and the corporate media bias against Bernie, the questionable vote count and fairness of the Iowa caucus, and the influence of corporate money in politics. If you are reading these comments as an attack on Hillary, then YOU are the one associating her with that corruption, NOT the commenters here. Maybe it's because deep down you know we're right?
    #FeelTheBern #BernieSanders2016 #Sanders2016 #Bernie2016 #NotMeUs #EnoughisEnough #WeAreBernie

  • asadulislam - 8 years ago

    I am over sure Hillary Clinton will win the democratic nomination and win the presidency in November 2016. Why?
    1. She is the most qualified person to be the president.
    2. US president not only matters the lives of US citizens, it matters to a lot other people around the world. Hillary knows how to do it, how to form coalitions with other nations to keep the peace in the world.
    3. Sanders in of Polish background, these people from Poland are not of good heart.
    4. Hillary is so good as human being, she didnot leave her husband during the Lewinski case, it only proves her being so tolerable and pardon minded. That 's the mind of a president. She can pardon and give a second chance to people's lives.
    5. See how Hillary is associated with Dr. Yunus, who is advocating Social Business, the idea is much more than what Sanders is telling without knowing how to do it. Hillary can.
    6. History is made on how early you can become US president, now how old you can be the US President, Sanders's dates are over. May say it as discrimination, but remember, you are giving too much responsibility to a too old to bear that person? History is made on the one who is the first female president of the US.

  • bereal - 8 years ago

    I find it amusing that there is so much hate .If one like Bernie so be it. I don't see a reason to put Hillary and anyone that says anything nice about her down. We are all entitled to our opinion .but we look at the facts.

  • Jason - 8 years ago

    First of all, Kudos to Kathy Cook. Her comments could have been my own. Just look at Bernie's arrest video that surfaced recently. The major tv news networks pretty much blacked out that story. Had a video of Hillary surfaced of her being arrested for fighting for civil rights,mime would have stood still in this country. It would have been a lead story for weeks. It's sickening how obvious it is that grassroots influence on our nomination process has been all but abolished. Even more troubling to me is the fact that even though every post debate poll online in this cycle has shown Bernie winning by 85 to 95 percent, also accompanied by overwhelming support for Bernie in every comments section on every website, somehow translates into Hillary always winning by a ultra slim margin. I don't believe it. I think the whole vote collecting process has been compromised. I especially am suspicious of the Iowa outcome.

  • Jackson Holmes - 8 years ago

    I so hope your right but I'm not holding my breath. After Bernie loses in South Carolina I'm afraid he may lose some momentum but he's the right man for the job. Someone who is not a racist and has actually been involved in politics their whole life.(also holding firm to what they believe in the entire time) Is the right person to help us with the corruption that is threatening our country.

  • CursingOldGoat - 8 years ago

    Senator Bernie Sanders is the only viable candidate. He is of and for the People. Senator Bernie is the only candidate in either party who is not in the pockets of the billionaire/corporate puppet masters. This election is not about lib. vs conserv. or democrat vs repub. it is about getting our country back for the people. Right wing, left wing......All the same TPP

  • kathy cook - 8 years ago

    CNN. Everyone knows about your love affair with Clinton !!!!!!! and your almost hate------ for Bernie. Your so called fairness is laughable. We Americans looking for the most qualified person to lead our country are far more intelligent then the freak show R republicans you shove down our throats 24 hrs. a day.I especially enjoyed how CNN and Clinton decided how effective it would be to plant the mothers of black kids who were killed in the audience . To what ? maybe get more black votes ? Why were they not introduced when Bernie was on ? Then he to could comment about and to them about guns and bad cops !!!!!!!! NO THAT WOULD BE FAIR PLAY AND WE ALL KNOW CNN DON'T PLAY FAIR . BUT WHEN ALL IS SAID AND DONE BERNIE SANDERS WILL BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT . He is the best person to come along in my life time and i am 66 yrs. old so i have been around awhile.I find it very on American that money and power is the only thing that is important to so many in our beloved country.AS Humans where has your soul gone ? Bernie only has our best interest as a country in mind and the vision to be bold enough to change the things that are so very wrong .As i see it we as a country have only two choices one continue as we we will with Clinton or her Republcan freiends and millions continue to suffer . OUR COUNTRY SHALL SURELY COLLAPSE !! AND SO SHALL THE WORLD ! OR WE TRY A NEW WAY BERNIE'S WAY WILL LED US BACK TO A REAL DEMOCRACY AND A STRONG COUNTRY AGAIN AND THE WORLD WILL BE A FAR BETTER PLACE .

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