What Season is the Best?!


  • Enkidu13 - 9 years ago

    Season 2 has Discord and Queen Chrysallis...

  • Jonny Manz - 9 years ago

    What's funny is that the current order of the results is exactly the way I rank the seasons, haha (5>4>2>1>3).

    I like 5 the best because it contains the only two episodes (Amending Fences and Crusaders of the Lost Mark) to actually legitimately make me emotional (e.g. tearing up, that sort of thing), plus lots of great comedy too. I really liked the premiere and finale (and am intrigued by what they'll do, stemming from events of the finale, going forward), and while I think the first half was a little stronger than the second, I think they both had some great episodes with no real stinkers (the worst I felt was that the two episodes by Neal Dusedau were mediocre). I also really liked Bloom & Gloom, and thought it set things into motion quite nicely.

    Then 4, because I honestly recall it as the first season where I was blown away by the quality of the episodes (I think I was honestly impressed with how they handled the whole AliTwi thing), as well as a season where I felt there weren't any true stinkers (the worst was mediocre, similar to season 5). That finale was really fantastic; I don't think anything else needs to be said. Sweetie Belle starting to use magic was also something I really, really liked.

    Next, 2, and one part of that is because it was the first season I ever watched as it was airing, on those livestreams (I didn't become a brony until just after season 1 had finished), so it will certainly always hold a place in my heart. I loved the premiere (Discord was a great villain, and huge improvement over NMM, I felt), and stuff like Lesson Zero still makes me crack a smile to this day. I think the closest the season had to bad episodes was Mare Do Well (though I honestly still kind of liked it) and Putting Your Hoof Down (I think the first half of that episode is horrible [I wish I could italicize for emphasis right here, haha], but the second half more than makes up for it)

    Then is season 1, though if I could split it into two halves, I would probably put season 3 in front of the first half. I see the first half as something of a necessary evil (establishing the characters, their motivations, etc), similar to the first few episodes of Steven Universe, when I honestly contemplated giving up on that show (and as an aside, boy am I glad I didn't because it's become the only animated show still airing new episodes I like more than FiM). It seems, for the most part, rather dull (and also has the dubious "honor" of containing the only episode I actually dislike, in Fall Weather Friends, though one other comes close, in Griffon the Brush-Off). On the other hand, the second half quite impressed me when I watched through it on YouTube for the first time, with The Cutie Mark Chronicles and Party of One being particular standouts. I also didn't have as much of a problem with the CMC episodes of that season as a lot of people seem to have (or rather, seemed to have).

    Season 3 is my least favorite season (though that should not be taken as me disliking it - I don't dislike any of the seasons) because, well, some season had to occupy that spot, and it was kind of at a disadvantage from the beginning, being only half as filling as the other seasons. Sombra was kind of a lame, disappointing villain (though I heard he got some good backstory in one of the comics, which I've yet to read), and Spike at Your Service, if it proved anything, it proved that while Polsky and Williams could write good episodes on their own, that teaming them up was probably not the best idea. There were plenty of good moments, though, such as the introduction of Babs Seed, as well as Sleepless in Ponyville providing some excellent development for Scootaloo and her relationship with Rainbow Dash. Also, while it wasn't the best episode, I do like what they've done with Discord since his reformation, so there is that, and I personally quite like Magical Mystery Cure (I still think that's going to remain the most divisive season finale in the s

  • Frenk - 9 years ago

    As long as we all agree that S3 was the absolute worst season, i'm happy.
    Anyway, voted for S1.

  • Sailor Sedna - 9 years ago


    Season 2 had two Applejack episodes in a row.


    Don't use that "unfair" bull again.

  • Lizuka - 9 years ago

    Pretty handily season two in my view. All of the seasons are good, but think it was the most consistent and most of the other seasons are much more up and down.

    Season five being in the lead is baffling to me. First half, maybe, but the second half is very up and down, mostly down.

  • Fluffy Pillow - 9 years ago

    Meh, as people claiming that people vote for newer seasons just because "its fresh on their minds", it could be claimed that people vote for older seasons just out of nostalgia. But everyone has his/her own taste, so it is completely fine whatever season you might like/ vote for!
    For me it was a toughie, but in the end i gave reign to season 5, it had for me the least weak episodes, and some really epic ones.
    Season 3 was actually solid, even though the shortest one and the one without a real storyline. Despite having great entries and finales, i consider season 2 to be the weakest. Obviously it had some really good episodes, but in my mind they dont make up for the vast amount of really weak episodes.

  • InfinityDash - 9 years ago

    Eh, this poll seems kind of... lazy... not that I can blame them during the hiatus. But in situations like this usually the most recent is going to be considered the "best" since it's still on everyone's minds (Primacy and Recency Effect, and considering that the show has only gained fans as the seasons have gone on, peoples' "first memories" of the show (primacy) will be spread all over the place, but their most recent memories (recency) are obviously Season 5). So it automatically gets skewed towards the later seasons (this of course wouldn't be true if season 5 had sucked.)

    Additionally, it really depends on your definition of "best." By "best" do you mean storytelling-wise? Continuity-wise? Contains-episode-100-and-Crusaders-of-the-Lost-Mark-and-Starlight-Glimmer-wise? (That seems to be what most people are basing their vote on).

    I think by "best" this poll actually meant "favorite" but I don't know. Since "best" is so subjective, I'll just answer assuming best=favorite.
    1) Season 2
    2) Season 1
    3/4) Tie between 4/5
    5) Season 3

    Yeah #3/4 is a cop-out and I'm looking through nostalgia goggles. Sue me. I personally found season 2 to be my favorite (watching The Last Roundup on a livestream was probably the happiest I've felt in the last 6 years (followed only very closely by CotLM)). I'm not joking either... TLR (and CotLM and a few other eps) *literally* brought me the most pure, child-like joy i've experienced in years and years. What does it say about me that the happiest I've ever felt (at least in a LONG time) is when watching this show? I dunno.

    And season 1, even though comparatively may not be as "high quality" just had something to it that no other season has quite captured, IMO. Again this is probably mostly nostalgia talking, but there's something to be said about that when you're considering your favorite. (Again, assuming best=favorite). I can go back and re-watch season 1 episodes and I get that warm fuzzy feeling I remember when I first began watching the show, back in a simpler time (fandom-wise). To this day one of my all time favorite episodes is one that consistently hits the bottom of polls, Look Before You Sleep. I really can't explain why. It's just so... simple. And comforting. And even relaxing with the muffled rain sounds throughout the entire episode when they're in the Library. (well, relaxing until the end of the episode...)

  • AnonShy - 9 years ago

    I'm thinking again, what does a season being the best? Less boring episodes? Continuity? More impressive episodes? I think the definition is quite unsure at least for me, each season has good things and I like each one of them, the whole series has something special that I couldn't felt in another show, and it's weirdly so similar and distant in the same time to the real life (avoiding we are talking about colorful ponies and all the thing).

    The characters were growing in all this time, physical and emotionally, they have dreams, and it's not everything pink as we can imagine in our mind. For example: Rarity finally could open a second Boutique in Canterlot, her beloved and dreamed city, but anything was like she thought in a first place.

    Rainbow Dash it's almost to be in the Wonderbolts, we saw her in the 1st Season meeting for the first time them, later, in S2 we saw her how she could handle a whole hurricane to Cloudsdale, in S3 we have seen the first attempt to be a Wonderbolt: she get in into the Academy, and she showed how to be a real leader. S4: Rainbow Dash needed to pass a history exam, and finally in S5 we have seen her doing her first flying appearance as a replacement. I think in S6 we are going to see she now as a Wonderbolt.

    There's so many things that I could say but, that's why I love and I enjoy this show, it's unique in every kind of sense, and I can't feel any season as the best. I'm going to feel very sad when all this fantastic universe end.

    Sorry if my english is not exactly good all the time.

  • MK - 9 years ago

    ehh, I still feel like I want to stab Starlight Glimmer in the throat with a dagger, so lets go season 1. There was a lot of continuity in season 1 that I liked, how a lot of episodes all pointed to the gala, which ended up a disaster. a lot of fun in season 1 :)

  • Auditormadness9 - 9 years ago

    Season 4 was the best for me (Only for Premiere and Finale), but Season 5 was very good too! (Middle episodes and Finale). S4 finale made me to close my eyes on every bad episode in S4 and gets the first place in my opinion. Season 5 goes second place because the Premirere was not so exciting as S4 Premiere, but not too boring. I loved it's finale but still, S4 finale was the best. S3 is the third place and also had a good finale, and was like a revolution for the mane 6 to advance maturity. S1 is the fourth place for me as it was well made but worse than S3. S2,...was a total joke. It goes fifth place for me as the worst season. This was caused by the boringness and lameness of the premiere and finale. Middle episodes were like mocking the mane 6. It was like Season 2 was saying them: "Hah! You think you are that good and are very important to the show?! Well, Season 1 made you queens, but I will make you total lame and mocking subjects. See ya all in Season 3! >:D".

    Now waiting for Season 6 and hoping for it to be just like Season 4 and have a better finale than S4 had, and better middle episodes like S5 had, and of course best premiere to start the hype on ;)

  • катамаран_с_мотором - 9 years ago

    Невероятно! Кажется все уже забыли первые сезоны. Как можно игнорировать основу фэнома, заложенную в первом сезоне? Как можно забыть о цепочке замечательных эпизодов начала второго сезона? Как можно преуменьшить значение самого музыкального сезона с потрясающей концовкой - третьего сезона? Для меня одна лишь серия Sleepless in Ponyville стоит половины пятого сезона.

    Когда я вижу пятый сезон на первом месте, то чувствую себя таким старым...

  • Icy Shield - 9 years ago

    It seems like many peoples forgot or didn't seen the whole beauty of early seasons, esspecially of season 2.
    I legitimately cried 3 TIMES during season 2 and that has to be something in the story, moral, character interaction or maybe feelings/issues that I can relate to make me do that in the show about colorfull ponies.

    But even with out sappy episodes/moments, there is still a lot of charm and good story written in early season that more modern seasons don't have or don't as much as they used to

  • AnonShy - 9 years ago

    Let's see... I've rewatched practically all S1 and S2, and now I'm on the way with S3 and S4, (I don't need to rewatch S5 due is the most recent). It's a hard choice, I would like that in this poll could exist the option: "All seasons are best season" or "Other".

    Hmm... I think the season with less "meh episodes" was S2 and S3, but the most impressives are between S4 and S5, where the series shows to us how mature are now the ponies (I love Amending Fences and Crusaders of the Lost Mark, fantastic).

    I think my vote goes for Season 5, episodes like: Amending Fences, Crusaders of the Lost Mark, Slice of Life, Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?, Brotherhooves Social (and more) are really good —at least in my opinion—.

    Let's see what happen in S6!

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    “Just like every new episode is the "best episode ever" to you people, it's easy to think that season 5 was the "BEST SEASON EVAR". You guys will swallow anything pony.”
    It's not their fault; these results are in line with what should be expected from the nature of memory. Regardless of quality, the more recent seasons are better remembered, and so are ranked higher.
    Other factors might include the season that was airing when each voter joined, which could produce a similar pattern (because many of the long-term fans came in for season 2, and most of the fresh meat will have come in the last two seasons).
    Season 3 is ranked lowest not because it had bad episodes (though it may or may not have), but because it was half-length, meaning there's a lot less to remember and fewer people joined during its airing.

  • NoRelationstoJFK - 9 years ago

    Just like every new episode is the "best episode ever" to you people, it's easy to think that season 5 was the "BEST SEASON EVAR". You guys will swallow anything pony.

    I'm still sitting on Season 2 for best season. Season 4 has Pinkie Pride which was freakin' amazing and is my favorite overall episode, but a few really cool episodes doesn't trump the many greats in Season 2. I actually like Canterlot Wedding despite its flaws, and everyone seems to forget how near perfect Return of Harmony and Lesson Zero were.

    But nah... Starlight Glimmer is a way better villain than Discord. She has such a fleshed out and meaningful backstory.

  • Connor Williams - 9 years ago

    Season 5 isn't the best season. Several episodes were lacking, but episode 10 was absolutely horrible. I can see why it got the worst ratings.

  • Joshua - 9 years ago

    This is exactly what this fandom needs, isn't it? A battle over which season was the best. XD

  • *OuTbREaK* - 9 years ago

    Every season's been better than the last. I'm kinda disappointed that Season 3 is rated so lowly, TBH.

  • Joshua - 9 years ago

    Season 5 is the best so far. Then again, they're ALL great!

  • Cat's Tuxedo - 9 years ago

    I was close to naming Season 1 the best based on it having the lowest amount of bad episodes, but I decided that Season 4's good episodes outweighed the bad ones enough to have the advantage. I think the first half of Season 5 was really good too, but the second half wasn't as strong for some reason (probably the different director).

  • Red Tourmaline - 9 years ago

    Season 4 is best season.
    Season 5 is meh
    Season 3 sucks
    Season 2 is good
    Season 1 is meh

  • don - 9 years ago

    like a ladder every episode set you up for the next and a season for the next season.
    I like it all, the good the bad the Sparity......er ugly??????

  • Matt - 9 years ago

    Season 2 by FAR. That episode lineup is really tough to beat in my mind. Then Season 1 edges out Season 5. Then 4 and 3 is definitely last.

  • lucas - 9 years ago

    Season 5 and 2 lacked Applejack and Season 3 lacked Rarity. Season 4 and 1 are the most divided one thus they are more fair, Season 4 and 1 are the best.

  • Sailor Sedna - 9 years ago

    Season 5 IMO felt kinda lacking (but still good) until episode 18.

  • . - 9 years ago

    Ahh, see?
    Now THIS is a correct, unbiased pollnwithout any multiple positive answers bullshit.

  • Fluttershy626 - 9 years ago

    Season 5 definitely. But I love all seasons -I love the entire show.

  • Warrior - 9 years ago

    Season 4. Season 5 was kinda ok, the first 8 episodes put me to sleep, the rest was fine, but that Final made me retch it was so sickeningly awful, so Season 4 for me :)

  • ZerOcarina - 9 years ago

    Season 1 was really "meh" compared to the others, but every show must begin somewhere.
    Season 2 was a lot better, but still not the best.
    Season 3 was the best for a looooong time (funny how I always prefer season 3 in every show I watch).
    Season 4 had a good start and an excellent end but in the middle I almost lost interest.
    Season 5 had some "meh" episodes but was really great, and that finale definitely makes it the best.

    I just don't get why people don't seem to like S3.

  • Frith - 9 years ago

    It's hard to pick a season. I'm still here haunting EqD between seasons because I like all the seasons, warts and all.

  • Melissa - 9 years ago

    Season 1 and Season 4 are the best ones, the rest are unfair.

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