Who won the Republican presidential debate?


  • Cate - 8 years ago

    The only way Rubio or Cruz will be Trump is to sway his supporters to their side and the way they behaved tonight? Never. Rubio did not look presidential, he looked and behaved like a high school kid desperate for attention.

  • Nicole - 8 years ago

    I think what we're seeing is that people are generally sick and tired of the same old Washington D.C. kids being elected for positions of leadership because they wear their red/white/blue and spit out their trained responses. Donald Trump is a visionary. It's not that he doesn't understand that these subjects must be discussed in detail (foreign policy, etc,), it's that he is accustomed to looking at the big picture and confident that he can handle this, delegate and do what he does best: Direct and Lead as an Executive with business sense. He'll have a cabinet, he'll have advisers. What he has that the others don't is BALLS, BRAINS, BUSINESS and LIFE EXPERIENCE cred, and VISION. Most importantly, he loves his country and HONORS his country and unabashed patriotism by dropping the PC virus that has caused a state of decay to set in within this nation. About the others: Ted Cruz is a whiny creepy little delusional Theocrat. A vote for him is a vote for his delusional and dangerous beliefs. I wish he would just go away as I find him intolerable. Marco Rubio, while entertaining tonight (the Little Engine that really tried in the school talent show), doesn't have what it takes due to his lack of experience and young skunk naivety. He's fresh out of the frat scene and it's a little off-putting. Ben Carson, such a nice and admirable guy, but really needs to clock in once in awhile. A bit too passive. John Kasich? Please. Back to Ohio where he hopefully can audition for some sort of part in a coffee commercial. Donald hopefully steps it up should he become the nominee. We cannot let Teletubby Clinton or Muppet Sanders win. DISASTROUS.

  • Lesa - 8 years ago

    Jeb was correct about one thing..."Rubio is the Republican's Obama!" TRUMP 2016!!!!!!

  • Let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing," . "He knows exactly what he's doing, hes trying to pave a way for his muslim friends, he is a muslim, and we should deport him" and, im not a little boy, im marco.. im apart of this thing.. look my name is on here.. who cares if i memorize everything.. its called repitition. Ohh and i have bad credit and have showed up to work like twice a year if that. Suckers...buhahahahaha

  • lloyd hysan - 8 years ago

    No more Democrat PC Leftists, and no more GOPe do-nothing turncoats. America needs Trump to go to Washington and clean out that swamp of vipers.

  • Jack - 8 years ago

    It is obvious Dems are using hard for Trump. The audience for this article is largely Liberal and even though the debate obviously went to Cruz and Rubio Trump gets the most votes here on CNN. So much for poll integrity, the bias of this audience is plain to see.

  • jay bour - 8 years ago

    Astonishing! How could anyone have watched this debate without, unequivocally, deeming Marco Rubio the winner? As a Canadian, I am stupefied by the results of this poll. There is no underestimating the intelligence of Trump supporters. Go, Rubio.

  • Donald Trump - 8 years ago

    EVERY YEAR, YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR, we have POLITICIANS THAT ARE ALL TALK... AND NO ACTION... this is our 1 and only chance to have Donald j. Trump Americas greatest business man be our president.... after him, you can go back to politicians and have the same all talk no action we have been use to for nearly a century. So cast your votes on the 1 and only, 1 and only chance to have him... DONALD J. TRUMP

  • Sabrina - 8 years ago

    Trump is the clear winner, he was much calmer and very presidential tonight. I love that he was able to stand up to Rubio and Cruz. He is the only one worth voting for. AMERICIANS are tired of all these politicians with their empty promises. With trump what you see is what you get. We need a straight forward leader who will make mistakes and admit to them and that's exactly what trump did tonight, he wasn't writing or looking at any papers, he speaks from his heart. This is what America need to be the great nation again.

  • Beth Magomolla - 8 years ago

    Let’s say we're trapped deep in a coal mine with no apparent way out. We can choose to waste valuable time listening to people with degrees and mining experience compete for our attention to be chosen to lead us to safety. Or we can follow the person who quietly gets up to find a way out. He prays to God to help him and he tells us how God has guided him through challenges before that no one else had ever overcome. Even though he has never been trapped in a mine, He knows that God will guide him to safety just as He has countless times before. Humbly he asks us to follow him as he is inspired to go step by step out of the mine while the others remain behind, lost in their competitive arguments. Get the picture? This is Dr. Ben Carson. A man of faith and action who lives what he believes. He's a man we can trust.

  • Bret Michael Wheeler - 8 years ago

    It's about the Clintons! Remember? The disgraceful "Bill". Presidency ?

    Trump will kick their sorry excuse and erase Obama's over educated racist empty suit presidency! Barry is the king of leadership from behind. Barry is an Ass. Barry is a sheep. A follower. We need a shepherd.

    Americans love leadership! They love to win!


  • Kevin - 8 years ago

    All I hear is about how Trump has no special interests. I'm sure all the businesses he owns are going to be thrown to the wayside if he becomes President. And he will make sure none of his corporations are able to avoid taxes and what not. Sounds logical. Trump is his own lobbyist.

  • Mike Marlow - 8 years ago

    Trump definitely won the debate. He was steady under the fire of Cruz and Rubio. They are both very desperate and have to go on the attack. Rubio is too young and looks like a 16 year old kid. Cruz is hated by his own party. How will he get anything done? I would like to see Trump tone down the insults. I don't think he has to do that to get the votes. He has run a big business and created thousands of jobs. That means everything right now. No jobs equals no money equals big trouble for everyone. None of these guys understands the economy like someone who has lived it his entire life. Wise up everyone. This guy has been involved in big negotiations his entire life. He knows how to get the best outcome for the USA. We need that right now. We can't afford one more term of liberalism right now. Elect Trump!!!

  • Lori - 8 years ago

    Trump is a bully and has a vocabulary of a ten year old. Kasich or Rubio!

  • Roxy Boyd - 8 years ago

    Gov Jonh Kasich is the most sensate and will make a good president. Trump is nuts, liar and if he is nominated I better go democrat!

  • Ben - 8 years ago

    Donald Trump! He's the only one with a remote chance of "Making America Great Again". Just saying. :)

  • Benjamin - 8 years ago

    I think that Donald Trump came out very strong tonight and he was sounding very presidential. I just feel sorry towards Ben Carson and John Kasich who barely got any questions asked.

  • Dylan. C - 8 years ago

    Ok, I am disappointed in both Rubio and Cruz, But what shit that comes out of Trumps mouth is even worse. His entire voting community is to blind to see that his ideas will never happen. His ideas are insane and the plans that go along with them are weak, if he even has plans for all his ideas. This racist piece of shit is hiding behind the illusion that he is winning because of "a great by buisness" when the reality is his followers are either racist or blind. They are quite litteray being tolled what they want to here. This election has been a joke, and I can't wait till Trunp gets in office just for his voters to see the jackass he really is.

  • Frances - 8 years ago

    Rubio and Cruz should be a tag team in wrestling although I do not think they could win. Not only did they combine to attack Trump there were the moderators with gotcha questions. The two Junior Senators, each experienced established politicians, neither one have ever really accomplished much both cannot find the truth. After watching this performance I vote for Trump!

  • Edward Smith - 8 years ago

    Rubio and Cruz lost my respect and my vote. It's clear why Americans are fed up with Washington and the media. I'm voting for Trump clearly to send a message to Washington. We the People. Wake up America before its to late. We are on the verge of collapse and we are about to elect more of the same and or a Socialist. Trump will rebuild the country and will not take shit from dictators, the media and the special interest groups.

  • OMG - 8 years ago

    Trump always interrupts, always bullies, and you people are "losing respect" for Rubio, and think Rubio is "acting like a hoodlum"?? Trump has had FOUR bankrupt companies (causing many to lose jobs while he protected himself)--if you think that's good business, go work for him--you'll lose your job when he's covering his own behind. I used to think differently--now, I think Trump supporters are blind and deaf, and just want to be in proximity to something shiny. You don't care that he's hired illegals? You don't care that he's cheated on his wives and had a mistress for years? You don't care that he's bankrupt four companies? You don't care that he says "none will die on the streets" but doesn't want gov't paid health care? Who do you think is going to pay for those people's bills?? Not Trump. You (if* you pay taxes, of course...). You don't care that he won't stay in your hotels or eat at your restaurants. You're not good enough for him and you don't care. You don't care that you're a puppet for a narcissist.

    People get the government they deserve.

  • Mike - 8 years ago

    Trump should win because he understand how is rich people want life and I make enough to be in the top 1 percent that pays for half of people's laziness and I pay more taxes than you make in a year!

  • DCR - 8 years ago

    God Help us if we Americans want Trump to run our country. His mouth is big and he has no definite strong God plans for our nation. He is arrogant and narcissistic. Ben Carson is a man of integrity true to form.

  • Kevin - 8 years ago

    FYI... I'm citizen, and I will vote for Hilliary, she'll be your next president too :-)

  • Trump is a joke. - 8 years ago

    TRUMP is a narcissist. WHY DO PEOPLE BELIEVE HIM?! HE has NO solutions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Albert Rodriguez - 8 years ago

    Trump win's Rubio can't even look at him in the eye's , Cruz is nut's people hate him , both lost the Hispanic vote to Trump , face it Trump will be the nominee ......

  • Tonya - 8 years ago

    They just want to bash Trump!! Hes the only one worth voting for. Look her boys Cruz and Rubio our cabana boys. When you figure out how to grow you a set of Brass Balls like MR. TRUMP then we can sling some hash. You get out your birth certificates. Then we can all throw our taxes up for everyone to gander . So put up ir shutup!!

  • Heather J. - 8 years ago

    Who won tonight's Republican debate? Kind of a toss-up between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

  • Cleo - 8 years ago

    This poll appears to be a scam like most of the other debate polls have been with trump always winning by a massive amount. I see the trumpees do not like it when he is attacked but have no problem with him doing the attacks which he has done at EVERY debate he has attended. The best debate was the one where he refused to attend. I think all the other candidates did a good job tonight I would say Cruz and Kasich showed they both have what it would take to do the job and do it correctly.

  • Alex - 8 years ago

    Trump wins! rubio is stupid and rehearsed his lines. . . he's got a hand up his Ass; he's a puppet. And cruz needs to go back to Canada where he was born, should cruz even be running? Trump all the way, he's smart, a business person and above all, SELF FUNDED!!!!

  • Connor - 8 years ago

    Unfortunately it seems that all it takes to get people to vote for you is to play with the emotions of the masses. It is disappointing that the only two candidates who made actual suggestions and propositions (Kasich and Carson) are the two who get the least amount of attention. If Trump wins this, I swear I'm leaving the country.

  • Greg Ballard - 8 years ago

    Sam Moris, like your comment was intelligent. Yeah, whatevs bro.

  • Benjamin Franklin Carson - 8 years ago

    I hope Trump deports you, Kevin.

  • LUCIFER - 8 years ago


  • Gary frank - 8 years ago

    did any of you trump suporter finish high school no matter what he says he can't make you rich like you think he can/trump has nothing to lose if he screws up as president don't you get it?this county is doomed because we vote for a name

  • Sam Morls - 8 years ago

    Its funny how you all comment so similar to Trump, with bland empty opinionated statements that cannot back themselves up because they have absolutely no depth. America is done with opinions and couldn't not ever suffer the "few/only" radical policies Trump may or may not follow through with. Maybe if he stopped talking about the polls and repeating himself along with disgusting comments he would recieve accolade from the majority of America. To begin Trump doesn't allot details to his plans that are supported by his "make America great again" slogan. It is fairly clear why he wouldn't be anything close to a sufficient candidate running against Hillary and its undoubtedly ironic how he wants to increase education yet almost all of his supporters including him show no depth of intelligence on the political standards brought upon this country. Please, reconsider your vote for trump because we don't want a president who backs up his statements with negative rebuttals/assaults.

  • LYN - 8 years ago

    TRUMP SHOWED STRENGTH facing onslaught from the from and two sides. This is the President that USA needs now. He stood his ground. He was consistent with his vision and action plan to MAKE AMERICA GREAT & SAFE AGAIN. Cruz is a huge dishonest person. Will do anything to win votes. Rubio is a baby. one strong message ALL OF THEM DO NOT UNDERSTAND BUSINESS, HAVE NEVER BEEN HUGE JOBS CREATOR. DONALD TRUMP knows the full dimension inside out. That is what USA NEEDS TO WIN AGAIN. ALL OF US FOR TRUMP ALL THE WAY. DEBATE STRENGTHENED WHAT WE ALREADY KNOW.

  • Kevin - 8 years ago

    Hillary Clinton will win..... Fk Trump. Idiot racist...

  • Teddy Roosevelt Cruz - 8 years ago

    Every time I see Rubio I think of this kid whose ass I kicked in junior high. I don't know why, I just do.

  • LUCIFER - 8 years ago

    Trump is straight & right to the point ! No long drawn out Politician answers Like the rest !
    TRUMP, Best answer. when hit by Cruz about winning against Hilary was, Cruz,The polls say I can win against Hilary. TRUMP If I can't beat her what makes you think you can.You can't even bet me !

  • Jamie Caniglia - 8 years ago

    It became very clear the true winner is Trump. The others Cruz / Rubio have been in WA and are a huge part of the mess we are already in. Not to mention they're just little boys.

  • Ira Braden - 8 years ago

    Extreme left and extreme right both are out of the mainstream of American Politics. Trump captures the middle plus the real Republicans and the real Democrats.

  • Elly - 8 years ago

    The only adults in the room were Trump, Carson and Kasick. Rubio acted like a hoodlum from Miami Havana, he probably took some speed tonight, eyes pop out, mouth non stop and he couldn't stand still while others talking. Cruz also was aggressive and lied as usual. At one point I had to walk away because I thought Rubio was going to jump on top of Trump if he wasn't so short.

  • madhen - 8 years ago

    Cruz is a liar and the fact has been proved again.

    Rubio is a "boy" with no good experience either in politics,business or management. How can he be POTUS. He will be like " putty"/" moulding clay" in the hands of the PAC,the donors who support him in false hope that he can become President and then earn favors and contracts.
    Trump is not a good debater( not an essential qualification for a good President). But he can create jobs, improve bad things in the nation and he loves America which is the reason for his Anger at the stupid poiticians, his greedy competitors and the other impotent, imbecile,inexperienced,immature candidates on the stage with him.

  • Ak - 8 years ago

    The only thing trump is good at is manipulating stupid people.

    I now realize how incredibly uneducated 25% of America is.

  • catherine farag - 8 years ago

    I found Rubio to be very rude! He lost my respect! Trump all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jon - 8 years ago

    Go Trump 2016 / 2017. He had 100% of my vote. Screw all you haters. You all will be pissed when he pulls off all he said he's gunna do. Eating your own words. Deal with it now and be on the winning team and vote Trump now!

  • RichardY - 8 years ago

    Rubio looked and sounded desperate trying to clutch at a floater while he is sinking sinking sinking.....Cruz still sounded like a liar liar liar, Kasich sounded presidential, Carson had the greatest line "someone please attack me" and Trump was just being Trump..... My vote still with Trump and VP Kasich.

  • Kelly T - 8 years ago

    Rubio is copying what Trump always said because its what the People agree with, however Rubio would owe the establishment who is funding his campaign payback just like a RINO. Trump funds himself and owes no one any favors.That is the difference! TRUMP2016 All the way!

  • Sarah - 8 years ago

    I think that Trump wasn't very good he resulted to name calling and personal attacks rather than the facts. America will become a joke if we elect a reality tv show character as our President. Love Marco Rubio though i though he was very strong in all attacks and was very serious and stern in his speaking.

  • Jack - 8 years ago

    To bad you have no idea what you are talking about Tim. Trump's polling will go up if anything after this. The only thing exposed in this debate is how much more successful he has been than everyone else on the stage, coupled with the fact that he can keep his composure far better than anyone else on the stage.

    It must be easy for Ted and Rubio to criticize Trump's tax returns when they get to file there 1 page 1040EZ and call it a day. What a joke they are.

  • Juan perez - 8 years ago

    Trump is the only one that will make America great again. The others: cruz and Rubio are bought and sold politicians . I heard all their lobbyist at the debate. Trump 2016

  • Tim - 8 years ago

    This debate exposes Donald Trump as never before: not a "dangerous demagogue" but a dim-witted, ill-informed, clumsy poseur.

  • Cameron - 8 years ago

    Every single one of you retards who voted Trump make me sick. How can you support that vocal jackass??!! He's an idiot

  • Sam Barnett - 8 years ago

    Rubio, Cruz and Trump act like fighting children that resort to name calling and personal attacks while Kasich is respectful leader that works to facilitate resolution to serious matters with real discussions of strategy and implementation.

  • Jake - 8 years ago

    Trump is the only real leader in the group.

  • new Trump supporter - 8 years ago

    I have a newfound respect for Trump. I've been an avid Rubio supporter, but I finally realized how much of an infantile person he actually is.

    He doesn't understand that breaking state borders for insurance will help people get insured.

    “whatever that means"

    it was childish to say that, and really drove the point home that he has no idea what true republicanism is. My vote is going to Trump.

  • debi - 8 years ago

    Trumph was triumphant once again! He is exactly what this country needs. He is the only true executive on the stage tonight!

  • Paula - 8 years ago

    Cruz & Rubio children, he took my toy. Way to go Trump. NO MORE POLITICIAN IN WASHINGTON. WE NEED A CHANGE

  • Ian D. MacDonald - 8 years ago

    As a Canadian i would vote trump

  • Ruth jackson - 8 years ago

    Donald did the best he is the one we need to run this country

  • Ross - 8 years ago

    Definitely voting Trump after seeing this debate. He's never been the strongest debater , but seeing him hold his own and keep composure after being tag teamed by Rubio/Cruz is impressive.

  • ola ivie - 8 years ago

    Donald is acting presidential! Cruz and Rubio have lost it! Two children trying to play ball against the star player- they need to go back home and practice - Trump can stand back and make the three point shots while those two are working themselves silly to catch a rebound! Sorry boys but it is all Net for the Donald tonight!

  • myron serbay - 8 years ago

    Rubio looks like a little smart alack kid on the stage and shows his lack of experience. Cruz is desperate and keeps bringing up donations long past. As a businessman you have to give to both parties to get approvals for your business. It doesn't mean you have to approve their politics, you need to get their approvals for your projects. Business needs are separate from politics plane and simple. Cruz doesn't get it. And by the way we have enough lawyers in Washington. We need someone who understands spending and budgets to get the DC beast under control. A Businessman!!!!

  • BeverlyB - 8 years ago

    Trump is the only one out of the three showing respect and maturity he is not interrupting like Cruz and Rubio is and they have just pushed to far this time I've been TRUMPED!! Trump has my vote if he can put up with them two idiots and not loose his cool he will be fine ????

  • Carl - 8 years ago

    I have been undecided until this miserable debate. My vote will go to Mr. Tump!!!#

  • Inherant chaos - 8 years ago

    It has been disgusting how our Republican party has attacked Trump like this. The whole thing. He has done amazing and tomorrow all will will read and hear is anything he said that you can use against him. Sick, your bought and sold.

  • Valerie - 8 years ago

    This debate is so ridiculous. Glad I am not a republican. I would not vote for anyone of these people., definitely not trump

  • Dmit - 8 years ago

    Okay Trump! What are your solutions? Other than the BIG wind you implode what do you have to solve problems???

  • Tdrlloyd - 8 years ago

    Trump was exposed as a bag of wind and insult with no substance. His corrupt dealings are starting to be flushed out

  • Oh Boy - 8 years ago

    Cruz and Rubio are acting very, very desperate and childish and only look to attack Trump not convince me to vote for them. After this fiasco, neither get my vote. Trump is acting like a frontrunner and presidential, Carson And Kasick as always, classey.

  • Ryan - 8 years ago

    Same old shit, Trump dominates as always

  • Amber - 8 years ago

    People are so mad that Cruz and Rubio picked on Trump but love it when Trump attacks... Everyone? Hypocritical much? This is how you can tell that his supporters only love him because he says the same asinine, racist, bullshit that they're thinking but believe the country is too "PC" because when you try to say it people call you assholes. Idiots. I'll give him one thing. Typical salesman. He knows his customer base very well.

  • Maryann Smith - 8 years ago

    Thought Rubio came off extremely immature not ready to become a president, Cruz I don't trust. I'm going to vote Donald J. Trump! Very disappointed in this mud slinging event called a debate!

  • Georgia perrotti - 8 years ago

    STOP the mud slinging!! ADDRESS THE ISSUES!

  • Kat Swigert - 8 years ago

    Americans wanted a Second Revolution, and this is it. We are sending a message to Congress that they have FAILED us miserably, that we are tired of them putting foreigners ahead of veterans and hard-working Americans, even ahead of America's needy. We are TIRED of the lawlessness THEY have afforded Obama and his open border policy, his Islamic priorities, AND we are TIRED OF APOLOGIZING for being Americans.

  • Caspian - 8 years ago

    Carson had the best line. Will someone please attack me.

  • tony garrett - 8 years ago

    Trump won , Cruz and Rubio are desperate , and will try anything . They are owned by PACs . Marco is just another politician

  • Wanda Adkins - 8 years ago

    Rubio and Cruz have lost my respect !!!! Not what they can do for the country but all about Trump.

  • ginny mc shane - 8 years ago

    Cruz and Rubio wasted most of their debate time picking on Trump, which is silly and a poor strategy to get votes. Trump won the debate. Kasick came in second.

  • Krystal Spivey - 8 years ago

    Rubio & Cruz showed poor character by attacking Trump rather than focusing on the questions and telling the people what they need to hear. TRUMP for PRESIDENT 2016.

  • Roberto Sarmiento - 8 years ago

    Donald Trump..!!!

  • Catlin Miller - 8 years ago

    Rubio & Cruz went to far.

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