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SPEAK UP: Should all seniors have to pay school taxes? YESTERDAY'S RESULTS: Have you ever had a concussion? 61 YES, 68 NO

Total Votes: 339

  • Frank - 8 years ago

    Seniors already receive an enhanced star exemption. That's covering their portion of school tax. This is a state program and does not directly impact your neighbors. My grandparents had to pay taxes and my grandpa fought in world war II.

  • Coco - 8 years ago

    There certainly can be an income based sliding scale, however, all homeowners benefit from good public schools (whether you send your children to public schools or not) A good school system helps keep the value of your home by attracting younger families who want to live in that area. So, until we figure out a better way to fund public schools, all Seniors should pay school tax

  • Bill - 8 years ago

    I guess the teachers, administrators, principals, asst, principals asst, to the asst, and so on and so forth exhorbitant salaries have caught up to most of us especially ARLINGTON SCHOOL DISTRICT lets face it our kids are not getting any smarter its only going to get worst . Back to the subject I do believe seniors and veterans should get some kind of break these are the people who made America great only to see it being destroyed lets pray things get better but I doubt it time to move

  • A. Cole - 8 years ago

    It's time to abolish public schools and have private schools and home schooling only. This way parents pay for their own children's education so they can control the content and the cost of that education. I had my only child at 39 but owned a home since the age of 21, which meant I paid school taxes for 18 years. I pulled our child out of public school in 4th grade and enrolled her in Catholic school from 5th to 12th grade which meant we paid both public school taxes and private school tuition for 8 years. Thus far we have paid public school taxes for an additional 9 years with no children enrolled in the public school system. WHY? The public school system is a disaster, with communist-leaning teachers shoving their anti-American and anti-Christian values down our kids throats! It's time for the current generation to stand up and take back your schools and your children's education - both spiritually and academically! Grow a spine people and show your children how much you love them by giving them the education they need in order to survive!

  • r - 8 years ago

    Should all seniors have to pay school taxes? Why did you word the question that way? were you hoping to confuse some people. The question should have been ... Should seniors be exempt from paying school taxes?

  • Julia - 8 years ago

    Absolutely not. I have no children in any school, live on a state road, have my own well, haul my garbage weekly to a recycling center...That means I use zero local services yet I'm being taxed out of my home. A seniors tax break is nothing more than fair. Since when do you pay for services you don't use or receive?

  • Stephen Schreiber - 8 years ago

    Seniors are being taxed out of their homes ! It's time to shift the load to the younger generations that are working and have children in the schools . I don't understand why this issue is always swept under the rug;,this is NOT a new topic , [ I have collected local articles on this topic for the last 40 years ] Politicians make promises that are never kept .Working solutions have been enacted in many parts of the country .
    We will all become senior citizens at some point . Being taxed on the value of your property ,with ever increasing home values. is absurd , especially in reference to school tax represents 2/3 of my tax bill .
    I inherited my parents house which sits on 60 acres of land , and if my investments can't survive such a debt I will be forced to subdivide into as many pieces as possibly and sell out . Mind you I have no children and I believe I [ and many other septuagenarians ] have paid MORE than a fair share !.
    IS'N'T IT TIME TO DO SOMETHING ? ! [ Class of 1960 Red Hook Central ] Still working to pay school taxes !

  • Raja - 8 years ago

    After they have worked all of their life and never complains, should only pay 20% school tax

  • Edward - 8 years ago

    I believe that seniors should at least get a substantial discount. All I get from my school district are cards to the Golden Admirals Senior Citizens Club that I never use.

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