Poll: Who won the Republican Presidential debate?


  • Trump will get us all killed - 8 years ago

    Kasich was the only one who had real answers. The others were being rediculous. Trump is just an egotistical pompous a**. So sick of hearing about or from him.

  • John Tyler - 8 years ago

    Trump won, but he has to refrsin from "taking the bait" as Kasich pointed out. Rubio strikes me as tge little boy with short pants who lost his toys to the bigger boys. Cruz...is annoying and I hate hus high vouce! Kasich would be my second choice. I voted for Romney but list all respect for him today. A Republican cutting his zpartie's nominee's throat...for hus own secret, selfush objective of disrupting Trump's nomination so that he won't get the votes needed....and then have the RNC vote him in...without spending a dime...ni country traveling...like he's tge one who deserves the crown!

  • Bara - 8 years ago

    Trump beat Rubio/Cruz coalition. Nobody can stop him.

  • Jb - 8 years ago

    Trump got hammered he didn't win the debate, he has no policy just a bully kasich won the debate

  • John Castellano - 8 years ago

    I was absolutely disgusted at this hit-job by FOX news. I will not continue to support their channel after this. I am undecided between Trump and Cruz, and I resent the fact that FOX news is trying to make that decision for me by acting unfairly. No other candidate had powerpoint presentations made against them along with constant "gotcha" questions. I will be boycotting FOX news after this, and will encourage others to do the same

  • Sonia - 8 years ago

    This was not a debate, this was a trail. It was aimed at swaying weak-minded voters. If you people who are against Trump don't understand why he still gets voted as the winner, you will NEVER get it! And I damned sure won't waste my time trying to explain it. These poll results are real! Thank God the majority of Americans are independent thinkers who know what is going on. Trump 2016!

  • Joe - 8 years ago

    Answers like he's tough, or he's not part of the establishment, or he can't be bought does not qualify Donald Trump to be the President of the United States. How are you going to govern? Give me a foreign policy position on any one of the 10 major global threats we are facing. Tell me how you're going to address our national debt because your solutions don't come within 20% of solving it. Give me a real immigration solution that goes beyond just building a wall and an unrealistic strategy of deporting all illegal immigrants. Tell me how the rest of the world will respect us when your antics and demeanor are an embarrassment to your own country. Tell me how you are going to win consensus with Congress when your first response is to attack when challenged? I won't vote for Cruz, I won't vote for Rubio, I can't vote for Trump. I'm done...the only one who has given practical answers to the questions above? Gov. John Kasich and a part of me still feels like I had to settle.

  • Dan - 8 years ago

    Cruise and Rubio are puppets getting their strings pulled by the gop

  • George - 8 years ago

    Trump Won!

  • Mary - 8 years ago

    This poll is rigged. Trump made a fool of himself, as usual. If the ones manipulating these polls and other polls, think that American people will just follow suit, you're WRONG.

  • Herb Johnson - 8 years ago

    I am completely blown away at how the US citizens support the childlike folly of Trump. Trump has hypnotized the nation somehow with his antics and created a nation of unconscious individuals sleepwalking in tune to his sirens melody only to plummet to their own destruction. It is amazingly scary at how so many people are so willfully ignorant to the truth.
    Looks like America is primed and ready for the Beast of revelation. Let us pray hard for out nation's people, because if this man becomes president this country will never be great again!!

  • Bob - 8 years ago

    Trump supporters, please re-roll tape. The guy got dismantled......again. Kasich seems like a good guy, but so does Bernie Sanders. Kasich would simply be a new chapter of Bush moderate policies. Rubio was a conservative before he got to office, now, he's more moderate (I.e. Immigration). Cruz had no childish attacks and owned Trump on the issues and facts. Also, Cruz truly has done everything he was elected to do. These are facts.

  • Dan - 8 years ago

    Cruise and Rubio are puppets getting their strings pulled by the gob

  • Matt Prine - 8 years ago

    I don't know how people think Trump won. Kasich was the ONLY candidate that (according to Facebook's ratings on how you feel during the debate) had positive ratings after EVERY question. The other three had neutral or negative except for the 2nd Amendment they all got positive. Starting to wonder if Trump supporters even listen to him.

  • Steve wilson - 8 years ago

    I'm truly amazed by Trump's level of support. The number of angry uneducated and, frankly stupid people out there is far greater than I could have possible guessed.

  • Miranda Luke - 8 years ago

    How in the world has anyone actually voted for that man!? Hes a joke. All of it is one huge joke and whats worse is people are encouraging this. This is not a time to play around. Who really, votes for a man like this. Hes self indulged, ego-maniacal, ethnocentric and above all completely wrong!!!!

  • Happy American - 8 years ago

    Trump for President. Our government is full of crooks and back room deals. All talk the talk and work for the lobbiest. We need an outsider to clean house that is not pad by lobbiest.

  • Jeremy - 8 years ago

    It's funny... All of the people in denial of Trump being the clear winner numbers do not lie. Trump isn't creating the numbers himself the people of the country are. Clearly if you aren't for him then it is you who are the minority vote and the majority of the country doesn't follow your views so stop living denial that you are the right one expecting everyone else to follow your beliefs.

  • Melissa - 8 years ago

    Kasich won by far. He stayed on topic and didn't attack anyone. I truly believe he is for the people. Is Donald Trump PAYING people to vote for him? I don't understand why people voted him the winner of tonight's debate...

  • kdamms - 8 years ago

    hi my name is trump I'll attack and deflect my way to the nomination. oh and give a direct fully thought out answer on policy or position ain't Gunna happen but don't worry folks when I'm president I'll clue you in..... vote trump cause I am a jackass

  • jim - 8 years ago

    trump wants to render the Enviromental Protection Agency extinct...And thus, CIVALIZATION.
    Vote for trump. VOTE FOR THE END OF HUMANITY. BYE!

  • Phil - 8 years ago

    Rubio: showed a lot of signs of desperation, nonstop attacks on Trump, seems to support heavily on Hispanic immigration, and even was wrong on a few facts that he threw out there to the public

    Trump: spoke well but plenty of examples, put Rubio in his place a few times, understands the establishment is not right, might have had his strongest campaign yet

    Cruz: gave some good pointers on certain topics, understands how important security and budget is, attacked Trump a few times, kept his cool for the most part

    Kasich: only one not attacking anyone which spoke volumes, gave good examples on budget and wages, might have helped himself become more popular with the public

  • Aster Pasion - 8 years ago

    I watched the debate and there is no way Trump won the debate. A lot of information concerning his business dealings was revealed including his flip flop position on policies. This polling is rigged.

  • cheryl - 8 years ago

    I will vote for Mr trump his strong and straight forward.

  • Janice - 8 years ago

    Rubio establishment robot just looking to get rich....Cruz is a crazy everytime he answer a question he has to almost stop his self from busting out laughing at the lies he's sprouting...Kasich Mr. Slick playing the adult in the room who will spank everyone but the 1% if he gets in office...Trump would shut them all down they don't want him because they can't control him...to bad he don't have the right mentality to be for all the people because he would probably be good at it if he wasn't do polarizing..

  • Defeat the ESTABLISHMENT! - 8 years ago

    I truly think that Trump handled himself very well. Rubio was an attack weenie dog. Trumps best quality is that he is not a career political puppet. The other candidates themselves talk about the principals and success of Ronald Reagan. Reagan was an enormous success due to the fact that he was NOT a career polititan. Its seems that if we want change, results and success again for America then we need a NON-polititian! #trump-cain 2016!

  • B mcDowell - 8 years ago

    Moderators did well, good questions. Because Trump only tells people what they want to hear, but in that we are seeking a President. The clear, excellent presentation by John Kasich, makes him the clear winner of the debate, and certainly a qualified choice for the American people.

  • Kerie Amsden - 8 years ago

    Mr. Kasich did an excellent job. I wish that Mr.Trump could simply ignore the pestering of Mr.Rubio and Mr.Cruz about issues that have been hashed out . If they are in fact important to the voters, the voters would have reflected that in the time between the debates. Continuing to bring them up just wastes precious time. Though I understand that Mr.Trump had to respond to the loaded questions given to him, I wish he would simply say," I have responded to these questions and refuse to repeat myself over and over when you are not listening. " Don't lose your cool Mr.Trump, ride it out and stick with policies. Continue to educate yourself about the issues that people want to hear about and keep pushing that. I was glad to hear that Mr.Trump is willing to negotiate on things that are never as simple as they sound. This was good news to me.

  • Different DT - 8 years ago

    Republican Party needs not tell people how 2 vote! Trump ALL the WAY! Rubio needs 2 go . . . Away!

  • Jeremy - 8 years ago

    Here's why I put Trump:

    He could've skipped this stupidity and won.

    There were people in the crowd doing that stupid Cam Newton shit, everyone on stage looked retarded (even Mr. Adult), and it was allllllll about entertainment, which nobody can beat Trump at... Except maybe like Chris Rock or Louis CK.

    Clinging to tv and "political events" to help you decide who to vote for is futile and honestly narcissistic.

    You have no clue who will best serve as president.

    No one does.

  • No More Crap - 8 years ago

    Another classic "PIG SHOW" . The establishment needs to rethink it's position as their approach is not working, it's obvious. Trump doesn't take BS and he held his own against the flurry. Rubio is childish not o mention a puppet as well. Crus glistens with line of BS one after another. Kasich on the other hand at least doesn't indulge in the rhetoric. Sounds very politician like and repeated bragging rights on success. I'm sticking with TRUMP!

  • Matthew Jones - 8 years ago

    Kasich obviously won this debate. He is the only viable candidate on both sides of the presidential race. I wish he could get the time in these debates that Trump gets. As a resident in Ohio, I'd be sad to see him go as Governor. However, he is necessary for America. Jobs, jobs, jobs! Please America start paying attention to Kasich's content. I'm begging you for the sake of our country.

  • Tkedo - 8 years ago

    Trump won this debate by a landslide. Here is the exact reason why. He was picked on by the GOP because they are afraid of him being the nominee by vote of the people. These parties are out to run the people...and the people today are not tolerating it anylonger. If you listen to each of them Cruz/Rubio talk about I will...Trump talks about WE. These simple words make a big difference. America is tired of Washington DC and Rubio and Cruz have been there long enough to fight for Americans...they have not! They are typical Washington. His support is there because we see Rubio acting like child on stage and Cruz telling him to breath is ridiculous! These two baboons just will never get it! Trump 2016!

  • Terry - 8 years ago

    I love how they think they are sticking it to Trump. But in reality, the guy isn't a politician. Based just on that he gets a big time pass from everyone. Including myself might I add. They have thrown the book at the guy. Nobody else has been targeted to that point. Nor would they be if it was any candidate that the GOP approved of. But this year, is the year of the insurgent. We will go Donald even if they spent the whole debate playing gotcha. Which they did and will continue to do. But again, I will go with the non politician because they are all bought and paid for. If you don't have a million. You can't run for congress. If you don't have 10 million, you can't run for senate. Do people think all this just comes for free without favors? The guy that's getting the nomination this year. Is the guy that's not in anyone's pocket. The guy that will listen to the people and not have to sway any direction as a payback. There is only one person up there for that. That's Donald Trump, so... Donald Trump for president 2016. Because the GOP, Does nothing but say trust me. Then they blow it! This year, we're tired of the trust me!

  • Mary - 8 years ago

    Adam Vore...I reacted the same way. My jaw was on the floor. I believe these polls are being manipulated. There's no way Trump is, or ever will be ahead.

  • Sakina Mengle - 8 years ago

    Ben Carson won the debate for getting out of the complete nonsense. He has too much integrity to have to beg for a question!

  • Jay - 8 years ago

    President Trump . Vice President Kasiec . Supreme Court Justice Cruz

  • Rita simpatico - 8 years ago

    Runbio and Cruz are just two lying politicians they have been in the senate and have done nothing for us. The people i this country are fed up with two faced lying politicians. If john kasich says what he did in Ohio I think I will scream. I guess we should just all move to ohio it sounds like utopia.

  • Bill Garner - 8 years ago

    Kasich clearly won. Donald looked foolish!

  • Joe B - 8 years ago

    Hands down John Kasich won this debate. Cruz was generally ineffective; Rubio lacked serious substance and Trump while he held his own did virtually nothing to instill confidence in me. Kasich meanwhile is experienced, sane, trustworthy, knowledgeable and looking quite Presidential.

  • trump is wrong - 8 years ago

    This is ridiculous, im convinced trump supporters dont watch debates. the guy has yet to answer HOW.

  • Ytuioo - 8 years ago

    Trump won hands down! The other candidates are lawyers who used canned answers and typical lawyer double speak. Trump is just himself, says what he thinks, and doesn't mince words.

  • Trumpster - 8 years ago

    DONALD once again was railed by Fox , lil RUBIO and Cruz. Trump definitely next president. Gop ESTABLISHMENT just doesn't get it. TRUMMMMMPP/2016

  • Amy mcquinn-windish - 8 years ago

    Trump still avoided answering questions. I think he is scary in reference to being president.

  • Adam Vore - 8 years ago

    It's ridiculous that 65% of people think Trump won this debate. My jaw literally dropped when I saw him in the lead. Kasich obviously had the best night. I don't think he's the best candidate up there but there's no denying that right?

  • VoiceofReason - 8 years ago

    John Kasich is the only possible choice of the Republican Party. He has run on his record and has a proven record in Congress and as the Governor of Ohio.

  • A caring citizen - 8 years ago

    Trump didn't get attacked just because he is the one to pick on. He has actually said those things, and was called out for having completely wrong numbers. He was attacked so harshly because he should not be president. Don't feel bad for him because of the abuse, he is being called out for the truth and the stuff he has said in the past. I don't care who you vote for, it is ultimately your choice, but look at the facts that even the people asking the questions personally pulled up videos of him not standing up to his word. He is not fit to be president, no bias just facts.

  • pat wenner - 8 years ago

    Rubio made an ass out of himself again. He wouldn't even shake Mr Trump's hand. I used to like him, but he's not even a consideration. Cruz whines. Ted is Toast in my book. Love Trump and he is the best for the US. Leave us alone and listen to the people. We hate the GOP and those who are affiliated with it. You never listen or act - so now we will show you all that we will have our voice heard.

  • Pete - 8 years ago

    I agree with the results after 20,000 votes.
    Trump by far), Kasich, Cruz, Rubio.

  • dont be fooled america! - 8 years ago

    I dont see how anyone in their right mind could support donald trump! He is a joke and a dissrespectful con-artist! A vote for trump is a vote for a doomed country!

  • Are you kidding me trump supporters - 8 years ago

    Trump supporters get your head out of the sand. He is not a president. He will tell you whatever you want to hear to get his name in the headlines. The panel as well as the other candidates destroyed him. Stop associating his repeating the problems with the idea that he is going to do anything about it or even understands them on an intellectual level. You think he is going to pave the street with trump gold. This is serious business and I suggest you educate yourselves before it's too late.

  • Graciebean - 8 years ago

    It's really sad that the GOP voters don't see the reality. Kasich is probably the only one who would be the best and that isnt saying much. You a reality star, a slimy greasy human being named Cruz (who the heck voted him in) and youngin' name Rubio who sounds like he is running for student council. But I dont blame you guys at all. You have been fed lie after lie... claims that our President who was breaking the law and the constitution (a constitutional scholar who by the way taught classes about it) and never did one of you ever question what people like Cruz has said. His beliefs actually want MORE government restrictions. Goldwater must be going ballistic!!! And so in your minds, our President and others were breaking the law and no one was doing anything about it. Guess what? ITS ALL BEEN A LIE. And Santa isnt real.

  • Donna - 8 years ago

    Even though he was shorted on time and questions, Kasich was the most presidential!

  • Mike - 8 years ago

    I don't support either of them, and I'll never vote GOP, but the "debate" seemed unfair on Trump, with everyone including the moderators ganging up on him, with special slides and recordings. Where were those with Cruz and Rubio? It looks to me like the establishment manipulated the whole thing against Trump, which shouldn't be allowed and is certainly unethical.

  • Alberto - 8 years ago

    Those that believe that Trump won that debate are just plugging their ears and saying he won because they're stubbornly supporting him based on nothing.

    He is the biggest child of the candidates, and Kasich is the only candidate up there who is reasonable, and mature enough to hold the office of presidency.

    This is coming from a Democrat, who has watched all of the debates, both Democratic and Republican.

  • Dave - 8 years ago

    Yep, another poll where Trump did such an amazing job, no matter how awful. Honestly, he could sit in the floor all night and rub his own feces in his hair and his supporters would still pad the polls.

  • Richard - 8 years ago

    "I'm not biting."
    "I have never tried to go and get into these kind of scrums that we're seeing here on the stage and people say everywhere I go, 'you seem to be the adult on the stage.'"

  • jon - 8 years ago

    Trump wins again because the spotlight is on him. Cruz and Rubio need to be deported.

  • ken - 8 years ago

    they attacked trump and he kicked their butts

  • Mary - 8 years ago

    It's obvious these polls are being manipulated, because there is now way Trump did good tonight, and anyone with a half a brain can see that.

  • olivia - 8 years ago

    Kasich had the most quality answers. No way trump provided specifics ,

  • H.phillips - 8 years ago

    Rubio..bought and paid for. Besides junior high playbook insult fest, not much of issues discussed. A new GOP is needed and if Trump helps to pry the old pols from thumping their Bibles, obstructing government out of Congress then let our democracy work. Getting tired of the pols telling me what I'm supposed to think while they insult our intelligence and no accountability.

  • Against establishment - 8 years ago

    I saw kasich having experience but I also saw Trump being strong and not being controlled by the ESTABLISHMENT who is using dirty tactics to destroy people of their own party. BEWARE To estabishment candidates in the CONGRESS.

  • Melody - 8 years ago

    Trump for President . Rubio is rude , desperate and lazy . Cruz comes as another desperate man . Sad two loser . Romney is a loser , he is a phony. He is a joke . He gave us Obama . The way he talked today he is going to give us Hillary . Trump for President . Establishment Republicans , if you deny Trmp nomination , We will go with him to run as Independent . Trump for President.

  • New Trump Lover - 8 years ago

    Trump was correct about Rubio being a cheat toward Florida. he used the GOPe credit card to pay his bills.

  • Richard - 8 years ago

    Trump is childish and inexperienced. He can't give clear answers, and he can't help but get offended. He does nothing but insult everyone around him and is a hate and fearmonger.
    People watched that debate and thought positive things about Trump? We're doomed.

  • Jim - 8 years ago

    The picked on Trump a little but he held his own

  • kdekreon - 8 years ago

    The fake Cruz comments are so obvious.

  • Against establishment - 8 years ago

    I saw kasich having experience but I also saw Trump being strong and not being controlled by the ESTABLISHMENT who is using dirty tactics to destroy people of their own party. BEWARE To estabishment candidates in the CONGRESS.

  • For Trump - 8 years ago

    #GOP #RNC Luv Corruption, they don't want TRUMP, he will expose them all and lost their kickbacks! Wake up America! Support @realDonaldTrump #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #TrumpTrain #AlwaysTrump #TakeAmericaBack all the bickering against TRUMP makes him the stronger person. All the lies are thrown against him, do your research people! TRUMP is the only one not connected to the Corruption ... Wake Up America! We need all the jobs back from Mexico & China! I'm tired of seeing food brought in from Mexico, Peru, Indonesia and all the other countries, Aren't you? Why can't Americans eat American Foods to support America? Wake Up folks! As it is America Takes Care of EveryOne Else NOT USA! Wake Up America! GOP & RNC want ALL the same line their pockets! Wake Up America!

  • Against establishment - 8 years ago

    I saw kasich having experience but I also saw Trump being strong and not being controlled by the ESTABLISHMENT who is using dirty tactics to destroy people of their own party. BEWARE To estabishment candidates in the CONGRESS.

  • Jack Harris - 8 years ago

    Trump was savaged and still standing. He got the right stuff to be president.

  • KDog - 8 years ago

    Does my vote account for anything ? Or do I need the establishment to steal it from me !!

  • Florida for Cruz - 8 years ago

    Wow; if he keeps going, Cruz will win the primaries!

  • Michael - 8 years ago

    Look up Rubio and Corinthians college and then you will see the hypocrisy. These debates have become so staged they should be renamed to "Republican Death Match." Trump deserves the nomination just for putting up with this garbage every week.

  • Cruzzz - 8 years ago

    Cruz spouted such honest and sharp things tonight. Cruz totally won!

  • Ron Swehla - 8 years ago

    This was joke not a debate.

  • American - 8 years ago

    With everyone pounding Donald ,I would say he held his own.

  • Sigh - 8 years ago

    Cruz was so level-headed. Rubio and Trump just lost it... and the statistics on Trump made me lose faith in him. Cruz to make america great!

  • Robin Valencia - 8 years ago

    Sad to see Trump advocate blatant violence! Cruz won my vote tonight; Trump lost it.

  • Kdekreon - 8 years ago

    Marco Rubio is a child. Why is he even on the stage. We all see that he is bought and paid for. Nice try establishment.

    Governor Kasich did a very nice job. He seems like a lovely person.

    My perfect ticket would be:

    Trump with Kasich as the VP.

    Cruz for SCOTUS

    Ben Carson surgeon general

    Chris Christy attorney general

    Jeb Bush Ambassador Canada, because they are so gentle and polite

  • Sad republican - 8 years ago

    Sorry the panel couldn't control Trump. He lost my vote tonight with his loud obnoxious attitude

  • A Allen - 8 years ago

    I dont believe anyone who was watching the debate I watched could possibly say Trump won. That is preposterous! I dont understand how that is possible!

  • Tom Bond - 8 years ago

    Fox should not waste time with the gotcha questions. ItS old news. Ask policy questions and opinion questions on topics people care about. It would also help if you could mute the mic of those who are not supposed to be answering and speaking or yelling over the other candidate..

  • Serious Citizen - 8 years ago

    Please be serious about our country's future. John Kasich will make this a better place for our children. The others simply will not.

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