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Who Won the GOP Debate?

Total Votes: 49,498

  • Thomas - 8 years ago

    Kasich and Trump are the only two people on that stage who haven't been bribed or bought by big businesses. Trump just has to get a clue about what's going on instead of just saying people will do what he says because he's Trump. Come on man get a clue, it's politics not a dictatorship. Trump even supported Kasich because he knows he hasn't been bought and will do the right thing. His ego is just too big to realize that he only wants to be president for the power and just to say he was president. Kasich 2016 people :)

  • Tvh - 8 years ago

    As a life long democrat, I can honestly say I will vote for John Kasich. He has proven time and time again that he is the only one on either side who can unite the parties and end the gridlock in Washington. He's honest, mature, and passionate about our country and what he stands for. As a middle class American I understand the frustration of voters wanting an alternative, and not a politician, but Donald Trump is only interested in the status symbol of a presidency. He will not solve any issues, because he has no answers. His campaign is fueled by hate, immaturity and disrespect. Cruz and Rubio are too one sided for me, and will continue an ongoing political in Washington. I believe Hillary will only continue the political gridlock as well, and while I like many of Bernie's ideas, I don't see how it can work. There is no perfect candidate, but John Kasich is a great choice for the presidency, and will be receiving my vote.

  • Neil - 8 years ago

    How do any of you who cut down Mr. Trump for responding to all the attacks that are thrown at him from Cruz, Little Marco, Mitt the loser Romney and all the moderators plus all the Rhino's think that he is the one attacking the others. Are ya'll completely blinded by hate because Mr. Trump is leading inmost of the polls. Just maybe if the Fox News establishment moderators would moderate instead of instigate we might get some answers to how Mr. Trump would handle policies. Fox News is surely not the network it was before know nothing Kelly, what a jerk she has turned out to be. If not for Hannity and O' Reilly I would not watch Fox anymore. Before the debate Brett B. told Billy O'Reilly that they were going to just let the personal attacks flow. Fox needs to let someone moderate that would ask only policy questions and stop the personal attacks on everyone. I know it's not going to happen because Fox News is sold out to Carl Rove and the establishment. No more Fox News debates please if they want to see a fight let them moderate a boxing match. Please no more nights with having to change channel because Meg the Peg Kelly is on. Replace her with a donkey or with Flo the progressive insurance lady, heck it could be with a blank picture. What keeps her there please let us know so that we don't think bad things. Hannity leans to the right but he does not encourage personal attacks on the other candidates. Mr. Bill O'Reilly well he is great. I wish Mr. Trump would just tell the instigators next time that he is through responding to the attacks and let Cruz and Little Marco see how much time they would get then. Again please no more Fox Debates unless Mr. O'Reilly is moderating. Do something for the country and not for ratings and hate for Mr.Trump for a change Fox.

  • jose - 8 years ago

    For 2 yrs the gop has ruled the senate and congress ,and what ? 180 billion sent to Iran most sanctions lifted. Where were Rubio and Ted ............. For how long must we listen to these career politicians who their soul to the big money donors and the RNC. Last night one can clearly see how the media is rigged with videos and questions for Trump to set him up.. over and over again. I respect your choice out here
    but the PEOPLE are speaking with their ballots . Make your choice and vote . Washington is one big business , I choose Trump for that. Waterboarding bad ? the other side cuts heads ,rape, ..................

  • J kinne - 8 years ago

    I have never voted republican but I would vote kasich and I am from Massachusetts not Ohio...he is the only one who could beat Hillary. No democrat would ever consider Cruz and trump is just ridiculous.

  • jose - 8 years ago

    For 2 yrs the gop has ruled the senate and congress ,and what ? 180 billion sent to Iran most sanctions lifted. Where were Rubio and Ted ............. For how long must we listen to these career politicians who their soul to the big money donors and the RNC. Last night one can clearly see how the media is rigged with videos and questions for Trump to set him up.. over and over again. I respect your choice out here
    but the PEOPLE are speaking with their ballots . Make your choice and vote . Washington is one big business , I choose Trump for that. Waterboarding bad ? the other side cuts heads ,rape, ..................

  • Raj - 8 years ago

    I agree with you mike myers

  • Mike Myers - 8 years ago

    I bet if Trump said jump, you would too!

    You trump supporters are such lemmings. You have no real ability to think for yourselves, you are attracted by false fame and fortune, and can't reason beyond the intellect that you posses. This is why you get swayed easily by a big persona like Trump (or Drumpf what he should really be called).

    I am not even your country but I fear that a Trump win as a president will set the world up for a new world war. Either that or your country would soon resemble China, where the wages are 5$ per hour, and the middle classes do not exist.

    If you actually think that The Don cares for you, ask those who were financially affected by him through his failed ventures if their lives changed for the better. But for that you would have to get out of your trailer, which you only do on welfare thursdays.

  • Hunter - 8 years ago

    When Trump becomes president and ruins everyone's lives because he always talks about the things he's going to do and then says something completely different a few weeks later, he's a hypocrite, at least Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich have set morals and principles that they stand by whether they're the public's opinion or not.

  • Hunter - 8 years ago

    When Trump becomes president and ruins everyone's lives because he's always talks about the things he's going to do and then says something completely different a few weeks later. He's a hypocrite. At least Rubio, Cruz, Kasich have set morals and principles that the stand by whether they're the publics opinion or not.

  • Don - 8 years ago

    Has anyone learned anything from the debates that they did not already know. I submit that if you did, chances are it was that the moderators are as incompetent as are the candidates.

  • Don - 8 years ago

    While I am a registered democrat, I would vote for Kassick in the general election oh he won the republican nomination. In all honesty, he is probably the only person who has even a small chance of working with both political parties to break the political gridlock. Both the republican and democratic debates have only confirmed what the average American citizen already knew and that being that politicians have great lung capacity. Enough of these ridiculous debates. The only winners to come out of the debates art the networks that carry the debates. The moderators are also totally clueless and have been successful in keeping the pot stirred in order to keep the candidates attacking each other

  • Bruster - 8 years ago

    All the haters of trump have to ask yourself a simple question. What are the other 3 candidates going to have to do that they don't think is right in order to payback the HUGE money they are given by all the crooked companies screwing you and me to keep a monopoly out there ? I can guarantee you that they are going to do whatever these companies tell them to do and have been doing that for years ! If Donald Trump wasn't in this debate nobody would watch it ! Just like always you fools ! I seriously can't believe the campaign managers for Rubio and Cruz have not said to just leave DT alone ! But no they attack him and he eats them alive and they just sit there stunned in awe ! Their managers are not bright in the least ! Also I am from Ohio and I hear how great this state is since Kasich has taken over ! Where the hell is he getting this from ? He must seriously be talking about another Ohio than where I am from where TAXES are out of control and the roads are beat like a red headed step child ! He needs to come out of his cocoon and wake up !

  • Jack - 8 years ago

    so you have been a politician all your life... wake up. thats the problem. the hell with u politicians. you think thatyou are the only ones that can run america. its time for us to have someone that is more like the majority of us. not rehearsed. no practice needed for Mr Trump for debate. did he pad pockets of politicians? why hell yes he did. he knows how to get things done as a business man. give to the politicians.. LMAO.. they always accept bribes....

  • MissM - 8 years ago

    Kasich was smart, balanced, on point, and in control, he's a shinning star! DT, is a liar, bully, childish, and arrogant, with zero plans on what he plans on doing! He is simply a big bag of air, and too bad people are not smart enough to see through this con man! Oh BTW, release the tapes Donald, we all know you siad what the reporter said, you said!!

  • frustrated - 8 years ago

    Trump's motto: Action speaks louder than words. The other candidates are very well rehearsed since they've been a politician all their life. Trump is a very smart individual! Would you rather him say things you want to hear & no actions or have him tell you that he'll do anything to make America great again?

  • John - 8 years ago

    Soy latina y miro toda ignorancia de la razón por la cual estos corruptos demócratas esta empuja a cruz, y a Rubio .es porque saben. Bien que estos micky mouse candidatos ,no le van a poder frente a la hillary Clinton,y esa es la razón,por la cual están empujando muchos debates para que estos mediocres avancen.y al final la hillary los deje noquiAdos en el ring .ellos son nada para hillary.only donald trump can beat her.

  • Democrat for Kasich - 8 years ago

    I always vote democrat because I'm a liberal on social issues even though I don't agree with fiscal policies. I have to say that I continue to be impressed by Kasich. Enough so, that I would vote for him. He's a pragmatist and believes in working within the system. I don't like any candidate that is too far to one side and I think there are many like me. I like what Bernie stands for but I don't see any way he can pull it off. I think Donald cares more about himself than anybody else and I don't think that equates to strength and good leadership for a country. Rubio and Cruz are way too conservative for me. Hillary equates to more of the same and while I may agree with her on some issues I think she'll be ineffective with Congress. I think Kaisich has a pragmatic view of the world and a proven track record. He represents a fresh start and hopefully somebody who can bring politicians together. Could you imagine how completely ineffective the US would be if every decision played out like these debates. That's what we would have if Trump was president. I'm going to seriously look into Kasich. I really wish the media would create some more visibility for him rather than going after the sensational stories. I realize it's entertaining. Everybody is talking about the election in the same way we got excited about Survivor when it first aired. But at some point we need to take this more seriously. +1 for Kasich.

  • Jon - 8 years ago

    No entiendo a estos americanos,pueden tener un buen líder comp thump.que puede ayudar este.pais sin intereseses mesquinos,pero no quieren están cerrados o que chingados de la cabeza,están viendo que Usa esta callendose en pedazos por estos mediocres líderes y ni así se les habré la cabezota que tienen,,a la fuerza quieren poner un payaso en la presidencia come on people wake up!

  • Kody - 8 years ago

    I may be biased since I am from Ohio. But even watching the debate, Kasich was very genuine and straight forward. He's the only one there with real political experience in Washington. He also has been an incredible governor of Ohio. I know many democrats who actually would support Kasich because he actually knows what the hell is going on. He speaks the truth and knows what needs to be done. Just please pay more attention to the things he has to say and you'll be surprised. As for Trump, in the beginning I actually didn't mind him being the nominee. Now watching him this debate, I would really he scared for him to be president. Yes we need to get away from everyone getting offended and being politically correct all the time, but he's just mean and treats people horribly. If you pay attention during the debates, he doesn't ever answer a question, and when he does he usually changes his position on it because his loud mouth said something different on a news station or interview. No doubt trump has Americas best interest at heart, but he's willing to do whatever it takes to get there and that's the scary part. He has no problem lying, disrespecting people, or reminding others of how he's better than them just to get the nominee. The only person on that stage who spoke with actual intelligence is Kasich. Please just pay attention next time to what I've pointed out.

  • John - 8 years ago

    Trump atole talo amist Oberto critical marros and Garay questions

  • Ralph - 8 years ago

    Everyone please wake up. Trump is a good alternative to politics as usual, BUT Kasich is BETTER!! He can actually win the presidency. PLEASE CONSIDER VOTING FOR KASICH.......

  • Kelly - 8 years ago

    JOHN KASICH IS OUR PRESIDENT! He is a true leader who knows how to create the environment for all of us to succeed! He can cut through the Washington beaurocracy, shrink the government, and use the money to strengthen our military, take care of our Vets, improve our schools, and not leave anyone behind. He is truly a remarkable man on this earth. He has a unique collection of talents to balance the budget while protecting and caring for everyone!

  • Russ - 8 years ago

    I voted democrat all my life, I'm switching to republican for the first time in my life, I'm a Vet, but you guys are killing me, simple as this, if Mr. Trump wins the nomaniee I'm sorry I can't vote for him. Anyone but him, kasich is my No.1 choose. If Mr. Trump wins the GOP, I my as well vote with my affiliate the Democrats. You are making it to hard to switch. The Republicans are going to lose
    me. Please with no disrespect to the Trump supporters, I know you don't like the establishment with passion, not questioning your frustration, I'm 53 6 sister's an a brother with the Waltons family values, father was WWII vet and my brother and I also vets. I would die for family, God and country, and if I voted for Mr. Trump I honestly can say my family and country would be put in arms way.

  • Brenda - 8 years ago

    I have been a fan of kaisch for a while now but after tonights debate i made a donation to his campaign. He.just makes too much sense to ignore. Loved the question where he was asked about trump and didnt "didnt bite" TY John! He really stood out tonight, awesome to see a candidate with common sense

  • Pennee - 8 years ago

    I am amazed that Trump is leading. I have been in politics since Reagan first tried in 1976. America is a God blessed country and has been great. However, I would be so embarrassed to say President Trump. He hasn't earned my vote nor my respect. I am embarrassed for him, it saddens me that he is so immature and so easily offended. I have followed these 17 candidates, have watched all the debates and now there are four. I have been undecided until tonight. In my opinion the best man for the title Mr. President is John Kasich. He will get my vote here in Florida before March 15 as I vote absentee ballot so I can properly research all candidates that come across our ballots, all amendments and all judges. This particular ballot only has the Republican candidates. I am praying American republicans will choose a man of character and professional distinction with experience, John Kasich.

  • Russ - 8 years ago

    I voted democrat all my life, I'm switching to republican for the first time in my life, I'm a Vet, but you guys are killing me, simple as this, if Mr. Trump wins the nomaniee I'm sorry I can't vote for him. Anyone but him, kasich is my No.1 choose. If Mr. Trump wins the GOP, I my as well vote with my affiliate the Democrats. You are making it to hard to switch. The Republicans are going are to lose
    me. Please with no disrespect to the Trump supporters, I know you don't like the establishment with passion, not questioning your frustration, I'm 53 6 sister's an a brother with the Waltons family values, father was WWII vet and my brother and I also vets. I would die for family, God and country, and if I voted for Mr. Trump I honestly can say my family and country would be put in arms way.

  • DambPoliticians - 8 years ago

    Kasich by a landslide. #1 problem is: He's addressing an America which made "Two & 1/2 Men" a TOP rated prime-time show! What does that tell us? Anyone ever LISTEN to the "dialogue" in that show?
    Appears Trump don't want to do this anymore. Agreeing with Rubio regarding VISAs after what happened with Disney's longtime employees who had to train their foreign replacements for 90 days in order to get their severance pay? WTH? And why won't he bring up Corinthian Colleges to Rubio when confronted with "Trump U"? Despite these polls, stick a fork in Donald, IMO. Only thing keeping him up there is -- see #1. This is what our country's come to, folks.

  • kawn - 8 years ago

    Kasich was the only mature person there. If I was attacked liked Trump was I would fight back too. Cruz & Rubio just need to go home. Trump will bring America back to it's greatness.

  • Craig Sullivan - 8 years ago

    If John Kasich was given equal time and attention and viewers weren't so entertained by all the fighting it would be so clear that John Kasich is the only viable and respectable and honest choice Republicans have in this primary. John Kasich doesn't fight and get involved in all the pettiness and he actually answers the questions.

  • April - 8 years ago

    Kina said it best!

  • April - 8 years ago

    Kaisch is impressive! Wish we could've heard more from him before tonight's debate. He is the only candidate leaving the Republicans with any respect/dignity. Trump has no business in the Presidential race. He is white trash.

  • Boo - 8 years ago

    Donald Trump is a democrat. He's making a mockery of the conservatives. He's going to do what he can to get in office and then do whatever the f he wants whether he promised it to yoy or not.

    I understand wanting a revolution...but do we really want a dictatorship as a result? lol idiots

  • TRUMPRUNNER - 8 years ago

    What Melvis Said????

  • Melvis - 8 years ago

    You GOP trolls crack me up! You won't convince anyone with a brain that Cruz Rubio or your puppet #TwittRomney is anything but establishment lemmings.We will not stand by & allow you take this country down any longer. The Trump revolution has begun!! Sit back & shut up...let the adults handle this!!

  • Independent Voter from CA - 8 years ago

    Kasich is clearly the sole candidate who has the experience to lead, and the common sense to serve as President. He is someone who has proven to work with both sides, and will prove the best choice for not only GOP voters but also Democrats who cannot trust Hillary. For the sake of America's future, let's hope Kasich becomes the nominee!

  • Tim - 8 years ago

    Just watched the debate and I can't believe people are saying Trump won. Trump didn't even answer a question - he just attacked with insults! Add that to the fact that he's not even a conservative, and I don't see how anyone could vote for him. Kasich needs more money now - he's the only sane one up there.

  • Joe - 8 years ago

    Kasich did very well. He seems to be the only republican candidate that speaks rationally.

    Trump hardly fought off the attacks on him. All he did was whine and yell the same things over and over like a toddler.

    Rubio was right. He really doesn't answer questions at all...because he really doesn't have any answers.

  • Kina - 8 years ago

    For those of you that say Untruthful Trump won the debate, you must be sniffing The Donald's drawers. It's sad to see how much power this disgusting, poor excuse for a man has on people. He's already turned his foreign wife into a botox zombie. Please get your heads out of your asses, and snap out of your madness before it's too late.

  • Jeff - 8 years ago

    Trump was constantly attacked and still managed to fend off the pit bulls. Kasich did a great job as well. Rubio just needs to go home.

  • Haley - 8 years ago

    I'm not sure how anyone who actually watched ANY of the GOP debates can say that Trump has ever won. His responses to questions are in no way answers. He goes off on tangents and never answers a question blatantly. I'm all for people who aren't politically correct, but there's a difference between that and being a completely inhumane, rude, snob who devalues others.

    From an article explaining why evangelical Christians need to wake up:

    "He's arrogant, dishonest, makes fun of the disabled, is sexist, prone to bigotry, admits he has lived life in pursuit of cash, shunned refugees, has had multiple marriages, says he has never asked God for forgiveness, couldn't really name a favorite Bible verse, and launched his candidacy on bashing immigrants — all things the Bible speaks against clearly and repeatedly.
    The Bible also has something called "fruit of the spirit" — which are like the key traits of a Christian. Among them are gentleness, peace, and self-control — not one honest person would say that Donald Trump represents these qualities.
    If I was forced to create someone who is the opposite of Jesus Christ, that person would look a lot like Donald Trump."

  • War - 8 years ago

    If u wanna send ur family to war and provoke other countries to attack us at home vote trump!

  • Steve - 8 years ago

    It is astonishingly clear that John Kasich is the only viable candidate not only in the the Republican Party, but in general. Trump, Rubio, & Cruz are fools and narcissists - completely dishonest and all talk. Kasich proves himself day in and day out for decades.

  • Steak - 8 years ago

    Shove a trump steak up your asshole sherrie

  • Durrr - 8 years ago

    Rober- just bevause trump didnt explicitly say war crimes doesnt mean that's not whst they are. Goid old trump supporter, taking everything for face value because that's all yr tiny brain can comprehend.

  • Sherrie - 8 years ago

    Trump does not equal hitler! U R an idiot. U probable voted for Obama ! That man did not win because he was best qualified! He had zero experience to b president! He won because he is black. Trump speaks the truth wether its politically correct or not. Trump= president!!! Go trump

  • Rober - 8 years ago

    Trump didn't say war crimes. You trolls need to calm down and accept that the establishment is over the silent majority has won. If you try to steal it because "we know what's best" the party is over and all of his millions upon millions of supporters will sit home. Face it your reign is over.

  • Durr - 8 years ago

    If you want trump to run this country like he does his businesses prepare yourself for your sweatshop grade lives.

  • Bwahahaha - 8 years ago


    Define war crime?!

  • Disgusted - 8 years ago

    All Trump did was throw tantrums. There is no way he won. I swear you people have been brainwashed. He literally has the worst personality, obviously lies like a politician so what makes him better than a politician? That he's a billionaire? Ok, so he's been a billionaire, you think billionaires give a shit about you? If he really cared about bringing jobs back to the US why hasn't he already? Why does he still outsource? To save himself money over the well being of US' working class?

  • M - 8 years ago

    Trump said out loud that American soldiers, if he is President, will be forced to commit war crimes because he will tell them to. Why is this not the screaming take away from this debate?
    United States

  • Sherrie - 8 years ago

    I love Donald Trump. The establishment is panicking because they know trump will change things up when he becomes president. The good old boys club is about to b invaded. Those of u who support Rubio or cruise have been drinking too much of washington magic cool aide ! Open your eyes. Trump may not b as polished as the other robots on the stage but he is not your same old politician. These guys just keep taking swings at him and turning situations around to make him look like the bad guy. The Republican Party looks like a bunch of babies bickering back and forth. Dc is soooo corrupt and I can't bear 4 more years of the same old liars!

  • ImVotingForTrump - 8 years ago

    You know, people say Trump supporters are mad voters. The only mad people I see are the ones that do not support him. Get over it!

  • Dolores - 8 years ago

    Trump is a joke and I fear for our country if he is elected president. He is a flip-flopper and obviously uses the system to his advantage and that is why our country is failing. The rich take advantage of the loop holes. #TrumpCount2Ten

  • Zev - 8 years ago

    Trump lies how can anyone vote for him. Um hello like politicians are suddenly honest? Are you from Mars or just naive?

  • Zev - 8 years ago

    Trump purposely says little not because he doesn't have a plan but because the first rule in sales is the first person to answer a question loses control over the conversation. He is brilliant but not eloquent in his communication. If u want lip service vote for a career politician. If you want shit to get done, properly you vote for a successful billionaire.

  • Drumpf - 8 years ago

    Indont understand how people listen to trump hurl insults and dodge questions and continue to support him. he did not say anything of substance. Not one thing. He lies compulsively. Really scary.

  • Steve - 8 years ago

    I believe that trump is the only one that can beat the democrats. He will just need a strong cabinet. What experience did current president have and at least trump discusses the issues.

  • Alex - 8 years ago

    Did I watch that debate wrong? Trump supporters reek of straight up stupidity

  • Lilly b - 8 years ago

    The reason there was negative energy at the debate is because they do not let many trump supporters in... They can attack him all they want it just makes #TRUMP look better and get more votes.. Even those fools on stage with him said they would vote for him.. He will never lose votes only get more.. Every question is has trumps name in it .. Jealous jealous jealous .. #trump2016

  • Jarrod - 8 years ago

    Are these people serious? Donald Trump looked like a child throwing a tantrum. And the depth with which he speaks to ANY policy question makes him look like a child at the grown up table. If you ignore his glaring personality faults, he lacks the substance to lead the United States of America. If you're for Trump, you're a rube. You don't like the establishment? Vote for Cruz.

  • Todd - 8 years ago

    Trump has no stance on any issue other than its going to be really really great and if you don't believe me just ask me! What's a disingenuous moron!

  • David - 8 years ago

    You have got to be kidding me

  • Mary - 8 years ago


  • BAE - 8 years ago

    This type of poll means NOTHING! Sheesh!

  • Mary - 8 years ago

    I am in Mississippi and will be proud to vote for Trump.... Even more determined since Romney's speech...Make America Great!!!

  • Christina - 8 years ago

    I'm voting for Trump because he's the one who can shut Hilary down and stop the Obama train from continuing. Cruz is just creepy all around and only cares about his beliefs, while Rubio is so wet behind the ears it's amazing he thought he could win. Kaisch was truly genuine and we'll spoken on the issues. Really the only one who answered the questions really well while remaining cordial, but he doesn't look presidential. His Trump ad was distasteful, but hey, it's politics and that was clearly the biggest gun he had to fire. Kaisch may be a good VP to Trump.

  • Tom - 8 years ago

    Trump 2016.

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