Who do you think won the Fox News Republican Debate tonight?


  • Meh - 9 years ago

    @Minnie: isn't it interesting? The lengths people will go to when they're desperate, the immaturity that they'll display when they're losing, and of course, the hypocrisy.. But again, Drumpf doesn't care what they think, he's too busy winning.

  • Michele - 9 years ago

    Trump is an arrogant ass! I can not even believe he has got this far! Wake up America!!!
    Cruz has my vote

  • Meh - 9 years ago

    Fair play. It's understandable when you're getting the shit kicked out of you that you try to control something...anything. Drumpf is too busy kicking that ass to give two shits about what you think. Well done, though.

  • Minnie - 9 years ago

    The RightScoop has totally sold themselves out since this race began. I used to like the site but even as a Cruz supporter I can bare the hateful inaccurate articles regarding trump on their site and the rabid and spiteful posters who are beyond any semblance of normal on their site. It was the guy who calls him RightScoop himself who wrote Trumps name the way he did, but the newest guy SooperMexican has destroyed the site with his unprofessional writing. They've completely destroyed any credibility and their site throughout this election season. I'm a Cruz supporter and I feel this way, imagine what others are thinking.

  • ANDY SCHAW - 9 years ago




  • Steven Elliott - 9 years ago

    Just by putting "Donald Drumpf" you cement what is wrong with the media and politics, proving you know nothing about the average American. Trump is arrogant, load, childish and there are many other words that may describe him, but he has caused a movement and tapped into what the average American wants, not the sheeple the Democrats pander too. The Old Republican Guard think they have a movement, but they are wrong, the movement it to replace them and that is why they don't like Trump. He wants to stop the back room deals and lobbyist funding. Trump is too arrogant not to succeed and he will at least try to make changes. The golden BOY Rubio is bought and paid for, to serve as a puppet for the Old Guard and free thinking voters can see he will do nothing but honor all the promises to Lobbyist who paid for his ticket. Then throw the voters once again under the bus. For those that want true change, it has to be Trump or Cruz, and that is the reason the Republican Committee doesn't want them as the nominee. Kasich is not the answer, he is too much like the Old Guard and too willing to bend over backwards to please the Democrats. We want someone to fight the Democrats not play wit them.

  • Robin Delph - 9 years ago

    Really? I guess you guys can't spell Donald Trump? How childish and stupid of whoever is responsible for this! FOX, u need to get it together! I am ashamed of this!

  • Dave - 9 years ago

    What a great day for Mr. Trump. Romney threw gallons of gasoline on the Trump firebrand. Fox commentators made the entire debate about Mr. Trump - and the flames grew hotter. By March 15th I predict Mr. Trump will begin taking states with 50% plus votes. Before November Hillary's aids are going to be indicted and sacrificed for the good of the Clinton Crime Syndicate. Mr Trump is going to beat Hillary/Bernie with 60% of vote. I haven't had so much fun since I ran for class VP in High School where I was a new kid but I called all the girls and asked for their vote and I won.

    Side note: Fox is obviously out to get Trump. Megan Kelly was weak and obviously was going after Mr. Trump. Rubio stood in for her as a moderator. If I were one of the honest folks left at Fox I'd be wondering how long would I want to stay? Much to my surprise the liberal commentators on CNN are doing a better job of covering this election. Keep it up the good work CNN.

  • Jim Zecca - 9 years ago

    I support Donald Trump

    I'm educated.

    I'm not a racist.

    I'm not a low information voter.

    I'm a professional.
    I'm not brainwashed.

    I'm not part of a cult.

    I hate political correctness.

    I'm a leader – not a follower.

    I believe we need a big change.

    I am angry with the GOP and the Dems.

    I'm not blindly following a reality star.

    I'm supporting Donald Trump because he is the only candidate that can make America great again.

  • Jen - 9 years ago

    I've been waiting for a President that will make dick jokes in national debates. Maybe he could whip it out at state dinners...

    Go 3rd Party Trump you can't break the 40% mark. You have your current number because Hillary voters are crossing over and voting for
    You in open primaries.

    Trump supporters are dumber than I thought if you think he won the debate. Trump proved himself to be a no talent butt clown with many many yuge plan and an ego that thinks people will kill for him...

  • Jim - 9 years ago

    Robio looked like a little brat,way to go trump they. All ganged up on you including moderators and you still came out ahead.fox news really is second class,shame on you

  • Wendy S. C. - 9 years ago

    Trump supporters will stick w/him no matter what garbage you try. If he goes independent, we fallow. not a GOOD IDEA TO MESS W/US..#realdonaldtrump #trump2016 will win, small hands (lol) and ALL

  • Adam - 9 years ago

    You can continue acting like partisan hacks and play childish games like misspelling Trump's name in order to refer to his ancestor's name, but all it does is make you look like puerile twits.

    Trump clearly won this past debate, as he was attacked on all sides, with moderators so biased they came in with slides, videos, and even a copy of Kasich's attack ad in order to try and make him look bad. Yet it all failed, because Trump could reasonably respond to every attack which helped to better show just how ridiculous his attackers were and are.

    The Kasich moment was particularly revealing for me, as I hadn't paid much any attention to what he'd been up to and honestly believed his lies from the past debates where he portrayed himself as someone that wanted to avoid any attack ads and behave more respectably. As of now, it's been shown that the most respectable candidate is really only Trump. Even though he's counter attacked those that wanted to lie and slander him, he's still been leagues over the other clowns that were on that debate stage this past evening.

  • DambPoliticians - 9 years ago

    Yeah, what's with the juvenile spelling of Mr. Trump's name? I thought this thing was legit. STUPID ME for wasting my time!!

  • DambPoliticians - 9 years ago

    Kasich by a landslide. RJ Levesque, the asnwer to your question is: These guys are addressing an America which made "Two & 1/2 Men" a TOP rated prime-time show! What does that tell us? Anyone ever LISTEN to the "dialogue" in that show?
    I was for Trump, until tonight. Agreeing with Rubio regarding VISAs after what happened with Disney's longtime employees who had to train their foreign replacements for 90 days in order to get their severance pay ? -- NO THANKS to RUBIO, by the way! Donald was aware of it, too, because he referenced the "Disney" people at Sunday's rally! WTH? And why won't he bring up Corinthian Colleges to Rubio when confronted with "Trump U"? Or how "Senator" Rubio treated ICE Chris Crane "like trash"? The man is a billionaire with the best staffers & researchers money can buy and all he can talk about is how high he is in the polls when he should have been flattening Rubio & Cruz?! (No match for Kasich.) Tonight made me realize that the only thing keeping DT up there is -- see #1.

  • B. - 9 years ago

    It's funny how these douche bags mispelled Donald Trump's name. Yeah, Everyone loves the Donald that Tweedle Dee (Marco Rubio) and Tweedle Dumb (Ted Cruz ) will pull shit out of their asses because their scared, as they should be, including Hillary Cliton and Bernie Sanders (Let's give free shit to everyone). Trump WILL make America GREAT again and Vicente Fox, you prick, FUCK off you corrupt MF!! You SUCK and you are bought like the rest..... GO TRUMP!!

  • RJ Levesque - 9 years ago

    How in the world could Donald Rump get 76% of the vote ? Are you CRAZY ? Did you was the same debate ? Maybe your confused with the Democrap debate ? IDIOTS

  • Dedra McDade - 9 years ago

    You are a bunch of ass holes

  • Michelle - 9 years ago

    Blatant set up against Trump. The crowd filled with self serving donors. The middle class is pissed! I am disgusted with Fox News! Done!

  • Anne Fleming - 9 years ago

    You know how to spell Trump's name, so spell it correctly....! You are despicable in your overt disrespect is Mr Trump.....

  • carolyn nigro - 9 years ago

    Thank God President TRUMP will be ending Common Core. We are producing a nation of dim wits unable to spell monosyllabic surnames.

  • Paul Wieber - 9 years ago

    Just another Jump on Trump Circus fiasco. Totally biased & unfair line of questioning and allowing the two idiots on either side to go over their allowed time to pounce on Trump. This website can't eve n get his spelling correct. Just a bunch of ignorant buffoons!

  • Bob - 9 years ago

    To everyone commenting on Trumps name: You're fucking idiots.

  • Ann Walden - 9 years ago

    You low class, disrespectful fools to misspell Donald Trump's name. All of you establishment idiots are causing people like to me get more and more angry. Do not underestimate the people of this nation that are supporting Donald Trump!! We will ban together and have a revolt if you steal the nomination from him. Beware, we are fed up with all you ruling New World Order Ruling Elite people. You are not going to take America from us! Many of Trump's supporters carry the DNA of our ancestors that fought for freedom for this nation. We love our country and we will fight back.

  • Frank - 9 years ago

    Sad Sack of shit crybaby cant spell TRUMP, you should be deported.

  • Bill Seitz - 9 years ago

    Please correct the spelling of Mr. Trump's last name. Whoever spelled his last name "Drumpf" should be fired immediately. That just showed just how bias The Fox News Network is against Mr. Trump. Your network just keeps going downhill and fast.

  • Dammit.dave - 9 years ago

    The poll results are gratifying. The spelling of Mr. Trumps name is petty and it also won't change the outcome. The Establishment is in trouble and they feel it. They are gunning for Trump in response. Stick it to 'em Mr. Trump!

  • Ryan - 9 years ago

    All of you pathetic uneducated trump supporters are so concerned about his name being spelled wrong? Of all the things to be concerned about, you complain about his name being spelled wrong. WHOOP DEE FUCKIN DO. You're all pathetic.

  • jaden falcone - 9 years ago

    To whom it may concern at RS- your Leftist tactics spelling Mr. Trumps name from an ancestral background is simply low-class and childish. Beneath me and all Trump supporters. We are the future. We are the revolution. And we will overcome. #Trampletheweakandhurdlethedead

  • David - 9 years ago

    Nice spelling of Trump Rightpoop. You clowns will eventually coelesce behind him. Then you will quickly be glad you did within his first month he's in office. Until then, give professionalism a try.

  • Linda Mott - 9 years ago

    If you are going to put a national poll out, spell the names correctly.

  • Jim S - 9 years ago

    You're not being clever spelling Trump's name wrong. Face it, you are the Santorum of websites. i won't be missing a thing by never coming back.

  • Citizen Voter - 9 years ago

    Tired of the games. Let the people decide with true reporting (not lies and propaganda) and real votes. The GOP does not get to pick who we vote for!

  • jane goss - 9 years ago

    What an embarrassment Fox did on this debate and you can even spell Donald Trump's name right on the poll-you are sick!! Fair and balanced is a joke-I used to be on fox 24/7 not any more-I'm sure my husband will be happy with that. Goodbye and I hope Donald wins because its clear fox does not want him too especially Meghan.

  • max - 9 years ago

    We trump 's won't support republican if he is not the nominee

  • MYRA - 9 years ago

    It does not matter if you desecrate his last name and try to put him down. We know that this man will be a great President, and also people know how biased the press is. You all should be ashamed!

  • Jolene - 9 years ago

    And you won't even list "Ted" by his proper name: Raphael Edward Cruz. Get it RIGHT! HIS NAME IS RAPHAEL EDWARD CRUZ!!!!!!!! The Cuban Canadian who can't stop lying and being superior and condescending.

  • Marge nemzek - 9 years ago

    I am outraged by your making fun of Donald Trump! Some of us are well educated who are tired of the establishment politicians who do what the lobbyists want. We all know the bankers and big corporations run everything and everyone is tired of it! That's why we want Trump

  • Janet - 9 years ago

    Ha ha ha That's just adorable! Using the ancient spelling of Trump's family name ti try and make some sort of statement? Here's MY statement - Trump could run as an Independent, a Democrat, a republican, or a liberal, and he would have my vote - Grow Up, stop taking the bribes, and do your jobs to REPORT the NEWS - not editorialize every second of life that occurs. Just the facts!

  • fuckthiswebsite - 9 years ago

    Change his last name you fucking biased fucks, absolutely disgusting!

  • john - 9 years ago

    Fox moderators are very unfair to Trump, and his name is not Trumpf. You guys better correct it and I think that he deserves better than that. Not matter your bad treatment ,We will keep supporting him.

  • April V - 9 years ago

    Sick attempt to intentionally misspell his name, it is not going to work #trumptrain ????????????????

  • nick - 9 years ago

    Go Trump sooner or later people will realize the policies put into place over the last four presidents have destroyed the us trump is the only canidate that threatens what these estiablishment people have set up great for them slavery for us we must all support Trump for he is our only hope

  • Eddie - 9 years ago

    Just cause you obviously misspell trumps name shows how idiotic and childish his opponents are. Get over it he clearly is winning here and everywhere else so give up????

  • CT Phillips - 9 years ago

    Why the name spelling? T-r-u-m-p
    So sad!!!

  • mona roseberry - 9 years ago

    Donald Trump for President Marco Rubio wasn't on drugs today you could tell by looking at him.

  • Mary - 9 years ago

    FIX HIS NAME NOW! Despicable ,vile & rude! That's why millions of us are sick of you! Establishment Elitist MSM BS! Donald Trump 2016

  • Chandler - 9 years ago

    Trump still one the poll even after the misspelling of his name. I'll agree the man can't answer some political questions like the other candidates. But remember he doesn't have detailed scripted politician style answers. He's not a politician, that's why he's winning. He is trying to fix America, not fill a seat. It's time to make this greatest country in the world again. Americans miss feeling like Americans.

  • Bob Bowden - 9 years ago

    Misspelling Donald Trump will not change my mind!!! #Trump2016

  • LuAnn Rensberger - 9 years ago


  • Gail M. Hess - 9 years ago

    It shows everyone how childish and stupid they really are.....magots...infidels........no heart,,no GOD

  • J - 9 years ago

    I see the light at the end of the tunnel,that being trump is bringing America back . United we stand . The American people are finally dictating our future not the politicians.

  • Dawn DeJean - 9 years ago

    R u kidding me?!?!? Your have used Trump's given name that his family LEGALLY changed years ago, as a JAB!!! Will you stop already. You all are corrupt and wrong for attacking Trump!! I thought things would've changed tonight after your ratings dropped and you decided not to endorse Rubio (the GOP's water boy) but again you FAILED!! You are no better than Romney calling the Anerican people Lisers! #fedup #pissedoff #Trump2016
    Trump will be President! Get over it!!

  • Cg - 9 years ago

    Shameful. Fix Trumps name!

  • Patricia Sass - 9 years ago

    Your list of candidates has an error in Donald Trump's name... You need to fix it asap.
    Then the person who distributed this poll needs to be fired for not doing their job correctly and sending this out to the American people with this error...

    Donald J. Trump is the correct spelling...

    You need to fix it Immediately...
    Thank you for your attention in this matter.

  • Jason Michael - 9 years ago

    YOU GUYS MAKE ME SICK!!!! You stupid morons think your so cute mis-spelling Trump. Shows how unprofessional you guys are. FIRE whoever did this

  • Chris garcia - 9 years ago

    Fix trumps name you disrespectful scumbags . Trump 2916

  • Suzanne Brodbeck - 9 years ago

    Trump still won, even if you thought you were cute with the stupid name spelling.

  • Mary - 9 years ago

    Shame on you for purposely misspelling Donald TRUMP s name! Move forward TRUMP TRAIN 2016!

  • mitch - 9 years ago

    Fix Donald Trump's name.

  • Tracie Englen - 9 years ago

    It is a disgrace..........you spelled Donald Trump's name wrong.....you did it on purpose....just another reason why....we want Trump

  • julie - 9 years ago

    Ridiculous how you couldn't spell Mr. Trump's name correctly. You should be embarrassed. TRUMP/2016

  • vicki - 9 years ago

    Don't think I believe for one moment this misspelling of Donald J. Trump was a mistake. He did wonderful, I can't wait till his inauguration speech!!

  • Gail - 9 years ago

    Cruz and Rubio are complete idiots . They r 2 desperate men and they will not prevail.. Complete setup from Fox News to try to destroy Trump..Rupert Murdock I will never watch Megan Kelly ever again

  • Rob Berdick - 9 years ago

    Your poll sucks! Get the names right jackass! My Trump vote better not get marked as Rumio!

  • McKenna Johnson - 9 years ago

    I sure like Donald Drumpf .. #TRUMP2016 #TRUMPTRAIN

  • Brenda Leonard - 9 years ago


  • Brenda - 9 years ago

    You need to check with your outsourced company and teach them how to spell the name of the next POTUS: It is TRUMP not Drumpf.

  • Jeannie - 9 years ago

    Trump you are carrying yourself with dignity. Little Marco and the cruzian liar are deoarTe and look like idiot.

  • Maria Szymanski - 9 years ago

    You establishment whores, we the American people know the candidate we want!! You will not destroy him or our hopes for the future of this country!

  • Thomas - 9 years ago

    Cruz and Rubio are the biggest lying politicians I have ever seen in my life time. I wouldn't let them vacuum my pool

  • Pamela Halloran - 9 years ago

    I don't know about those other guys. But i sure like Donald Drumpf! LOL Did you think no one would vote due to your typo? Nice try!

  • Brian - 9 years ago

    Rupert Murdoch you my friend are an old fool following Megan jelly down this path. You have lost your way.

  • Ron Webster - 9 years ago

    F4ck you with your miss spelling of President Donald Trump's name, you must be part of the GOP's stupid group!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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