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How Would You Prefer Your Pony Seasons?

Total Votes: 12,234

  • MAN - 9 years ago

    @andy Die.

  • andy - 9 years ago

    Hated everything about season 5, the new villain, the treatment of twilight, the way the show was laid out and the almost pathetic attempt at a story ark. PLEASE can we get some of the old show writers, I'm begging you. Either come back or let pony die while it is still considered a good show!

  • Auditormadness9 - 9 years ago

    I just want Meghan McCarthy back!

  • Auditormadness9 - 9 years ago

    I personally love the way of long season and a long hiatus (Season 4). It feels like you're in the world of mlp, especially after Twilight's Kingdom + Long Hiatus, that complect makes me cry for more mlp and season 5. The way that season 5 layed out, was a complete bullshit. Anyway, I've liked every single thing Season 4 gave me. And the story, and the episodes, the atmosphere of the dates, the season layout (this topic) etc. I think we won't see a season like the 4th one before season 9. Something tells me if there would be a season 9, it will be the final season and will be just like season 4, but better.

  • Alex Atkin - 9 years ago

    I hate mid-season breaks and I don't know anyone who doesn't also hate them. How baffling to see people voting FOR one.

  • Qbe Root - 9 years ago

    I’m not sure if that would actually be manageable behind the scenes, but a 26-episode season could be spread over a full year, simply by having an episode every other Saturday. That could leave the staff enough time to make season n+1 while season n is running, meaning no hiatuses or very short ones. Although I don’t think it would be much fun for anyone: the writers possibly couldn’t live-tweet their episodes as they currently do, the fandom would have no time to create around a stable canon, and everyone would generally get sick of MLP.
    See pony time as the fandom breathing in and hiatuses as it breathing out. On one hand, if the fandom keeps breathing out (long hiatus, like S4 → S5), it dies. But on the other hand, if it keeps breathing in (no hiatus), it’s no good either…
    I’m all for (reasonably) long hiatuses, but the S5 model where the season is split into two halves with an EqG movie in-between seems to be the way to go if EqG needs to be accounted for.

  • Ragin' Ronic - 9 years ago

    My idea is that you air the 1st half of the season in the spring, to coincide with airing the mid-season finale in the May sweeps, meaning you start the season on the last Saturday of February.

    You go to the 2nd last Saturday in May, then take the summer off, with the exception of a Summer Special Episode to air on the last Saturday in July.

    Then, you get the season started again for it's 2nd half in September, which would start the Saturday of Labor Day Weekend, and come to it's end on ThanksGiving Weekend in November.

    After that, you do a Christmas Special in December, preferably airing it on Christmas Day itself, and end the year there.

    That way, there's the proper amount of content for FiM to fill out for the whole year, you know?

    It would increase a season to 28 episodes, but at least there'd be new eps for the show for the entire year, and not TOO much overuse of re-runs. =)

  • Icy Shield - 9 years ago

    I would rather extended mlp show and fandom life span by having more long hiatuses between seasons. And besides more fan content in meanwhile. Why rush? I'm quite suprised that Season 6 will come so quickly

  • jk - 9 years ago

    mlp season 6 element courace good episode idea and list

  • MORE PONY - 9 years ago


  • FlameRat - 9 years ago

    Since 52-episode-season won't be a thing ever, I guess it's better to have 13/13 for quite some reasons. First, they can make the main topic of the two parts slightly different, and second, EG can take up a place in between.

  • BlueDragonAura - 9 years ago

    I'd push for a short hiatus, like those seen in Season 5 because:
    1: Serial Position effect
    2: I'd like to have some way to get artists to acknowledge the hiatus for the eventual day when there won't BE another season—but not so long we start losing people. Ya'll gotta better way to do it, ya'll let me know.

  • jk - 9 years ago

    mlp season 6 episode element courace

  • Lionblaze - 9 years ago

    26 Episodes nonstop with no hiatus. We need more pony.

  • Evil Angel JS - 9 years ago

    How about a TV Movie early on to promote the new season, like what Star Wars Rebels does.

  • ZerOcarina - 9 years ago

    Season 4 was way too much to handle: so much episodes without any break made me feel like there was a huge gap of nothing in the middle of it, even ifthe episodes were good.
    Season 5 was much better with its mid-season hiatus.

  • Metemponychosis - 9 years ago

    I like hiatuses. They give time for the next season to be prepared with TLC.

  • don - 9 years ago

    52 weeks in a year , spread them out with little pauses - get rid of that long hiatus or make 52 episodesXD

  • Rachel - 9 years ago

    I actually like a season airing every week non-stop, too short hiatuses is distracting when it comes to work and school because I'd constantly have pony on my mind.

  • L4R63N7 - 9 years ago

    I would like to see the episodes air every other week. Ponies all year long.

  • Rotzi - 9 years ago

    I like my seasons shaken, not stirred.

  • lordelliott - 9 years ago

    Pony all year long. k thx bye :D

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    Other: Pony every day.
    What? You didn't say the choice had to be realistic.

  • ihhh - 9 years ago

    Ok, why do people want a mid season hiatus?

  • Etherchanter - 9 years ago

    How about a new episode every two weeks so the season would last a whole year!

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