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Did you experience unwanted sexual overtures or comments during the HIMSS conference that made you uncomfortable? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 274

  • me3 - 9 years ago

    I really understand if a person feels they are being pressured or pestered, especially if it's an employment situation, but some people are just wound up too tight. If I saw a man in ass chaps walking through the crowd, I'd laugh my butt off. The last thing I'd do is be offended.

  • Anon - 9 years ago

    Not sure if this counts but I was dismayed to see a VERY scantily clad "showgirl" walking the halls of the HIMSS exhibit floor one morning. Her butt cheeks were literally showing as she made her way briskly to her booth. As I walked behind her I noticed lots of men stop and stare. Reminded me of junior high. I wondered what the male conference attendees would have thought if a well endowed man wearing a pair of ass-less chaps was in my company's booth handing out product literature?
    Doesn't seem so appealing does it?

  • Sic-n-tired - 9 years ago

    It's time for the "old boys club" to disband. One super-salesy guy kept mentioning his room number during our conversation as if he thought I might show up there. Another group of vendor sales guys was openly discussing masturbation at a gaming table. Disgusting.

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