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Is it acceptable for Obama to skip Nancy Reagan's funeral?


  • mhtrc55 - 9 years ago

    I agree with everyone else. BHO shows absolute disrespect to Mrs. Reagan by his refusal to attend her funeral services, just like that of Justice Scalia. He is a total embarrassment to the office he holds by not attending the services to honor a former First Lady, among other things. I wonder how he would feel if this were his wife and his successor refused to attend her services. His lack of respect, lack of class and his overall rudeness toward anyone who doesn't practice his ideology, is front and center and shows what a "small" man he is when it comes to things that really matter in life. I am ashamed to have him as our President and can't wait for him to vacate the White House. Shame on him for showing such disregard to a woman who served her country, her family and her husband with class and dignity.

  • Rob Paski - 9 years ago

    Time after time this arrogant SOB has disrespected each of his predecessors, and thus he's disrespected every American. It amazes me that not one major news source has called this jerk out!!! When he got elected I was afraid that some crazy person was going to shoot him. I would have taking bets that he would never get past his first term. I was happily wrong. I wouldn't wish harm on anyone. But he has to be making some huge enemies in this Nation with his blatant disregard for traditional respect of the office and the former first Family members. This is an embarrassing time to be a real American citizen!!!

  • Bert Nelson - 9 years ago

    Perhaps he was asked not to attend, I wouldn't want the traitor at my funeral.

  • BarbT - 9 years ago

    Marxists can't stand to be near displays of patriotism or human decency of any kind. Being forced to endure the Reagan Library for an hour would be very upsetting for comrade Barry. Reminds me of how vampires hate the light.

  • M Wuthrich - 9 years ago

    The real reason for the trip to Austin is a fundraiser after his "speech".

  • Pam Hall - 9 years ago

    No one expects anything decent of him. It's par for the course. She'll probably rest better without his attendance.

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