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Is Trump Being Treated Unfairly?


  • Thomas Duncan - 9 years ago

    Is it more because Trump may not have gone to Yale or Harvard. Like the good ole boy's club and the" establishment" only wants to see those who came from the same background hold the office of the prez. These people consider themselves as elite, and look at citizens as slaves or cattle. And trump is risking their plans for pressing America into the New World Order.

  • Ellender Brown - 9 years ago

    Yes the RNC,The Media, The Elites in Washington. N.O.W., Golobaliste, Lobbyist ,, Multi National Corp. Government Bureacrates .Billion of dollars are being given to the C-Pac to stop him from winning the nomination .The Washington Elites are scared to death there corruption is going to be exposed to the American people.Where the Dem.and Rep. have sold out the American People to foreign government .While living the good life off the back of the working tax payers. Lining there pocket.Now the American people have woke up to what going on in Washington .They are scared to death there play house is going to be torn down.Then they wonder why the American are so angry. They have been lied,stole from,sold us out.let the refugee come into the the hundred of thousand an take from the American people.Let Obama fund an arm ISIS, and bring them into the USA, To kill us. Did nothing to stop him.When you have someone that not afraid to stand up to the corruption in Washington and call them out,you should stand with him.Not against him .No one perfect But he not begging for money . He stand for the American People.He sure dose not need the job,or the head ace that come with it.But he lived in America before it became a sispool of corruption .

  • Theresa - 9 years ago

    There are various stages of a campaign. Just like there are different stages of a negotiation. Trump seems to be attacking but he is really responding to attacks and he is not going to lose those attacks. Here we are, a little more than half way through this process and as I expected, Trump is starting to sound more Presidential. This was probably expected by many business people. Winning is a long process and strategy is everything. Trump will make an excellent president. No, he doesn't brag about all the Christian things he has done for others like Cruz, but those who have known him for decades state he is a generous person and has done many things for many people. He is a true Christian. He does not brag about his acts of generosity. I find it interesting that it wasn't until two debates ago that he actually stated that he helped support his campaign. He actually gave Cruz money when he was running for office in Texas. He could have mentioned it in the beginning, but he didn't. The media needs to look in the mirror. It will take a very long time before anyone trusts the media again. They are so biased it's not worth turning on the TV to watch their never-ending quest to take down Trump. Fortunately, his supporters come from all walks of life and don't believe a word they say. Trump is the only seasoned professional with the budget expertise and military school background to lead this country. He's a Christian, that's a huge plus also! At a time when our Christianity is being challenged by the Democrats and the media, not to mention ISIS, we have a tough fight keeping America's religious heritage in tact. If there was anyone leading that fight, I would want it to be Donald. Nobody messes with Christian religion in the US. We refuse to go the way of Europe and Germany and they have advised us not to do what their government has done and take in refugees. TRUMP! It's a no-brainer! Lol!

  • Donna - 9 years ago

    All of the above is garbage - Trump is not qualified to run the country - it will be destroyed. He insults everyone - makes fun of disable people and is so puffed up about himself. Very unlikable. People that think he is wonderful are going to be quite surprised - they need to read up on him and all of the things he has done. America will be messed up with him - he would not be able to negotiate with heads of state because he always wants his way - He told lies on Ted Cruz at the very beginning of the campaign and recruited Ben & Rubio to do the same. At the end Carson confessed up and said CNN put the news out not Cruz. Rubio was reporting it also that Ben was dropping out.

  • Archie - 9 years ago

    It looks like the powers that be in Washington are ALL running in a PANIC mode...... TRUMP has said that the lobbyist would NOT be welcome in "his" house.... that if they were going to make rich deals off of the backs of the AMERICAN people, that they would have to do it outside of the White House. the lobbyist are the ones controlling the way they vote
    It is not Republican against Democrat... IT'S the Have's against the Have Not's....The elected officials ALL become Millionaires within their 1st term of office.....
    They appear to be afraid of their million dollar play house being tore down...

  • Deborah Livingston - 9 years ago

    I will stick with Trump no matter what is said about him. I have come to the conclusion like many others the RNC is so corrupt and does not care about we the people. May God be with the Donald

  • Antoinette Brady - 9 years ago

    Media and GOP are demoniZing him! They don't realize how completely committed we are to our cause! We are not going to crawl back into our holes! We are here to stay until the very end!

  • Duane Van Vleet - 9 years ago

    Trump is by far the best choice for winning , no one else is even close, there is so much corruption in government and Trump has the ability to do something about it and thats why they are trying to make him look bad, no more free riding and free loading.

  • Jim - 9 years ago

    Trump is being unfairly attacked by the GOP, mainly Bush, Romney, Cruz, Rubio, and others. They cry and wring their hands because he is whipping their butts, but they are all politicians, and we all know politicians will say anything to get elected, and do nothing after they are elected. Trump pretty much tells it like it is and doesn't pull any punches no matter who he upsets.

  • Susan Marrotte - 9 years ago

    I have been watching Donald Trump speak from day one. The first time I heard him I rose out of my chair and yelled...THIS IS WHAT WE ARE ALL THINKING but we can't get ANYONE to listen! Finally, someone with the audacity to speak out. Let me say this...if Trump has created such a stir on both sides...he's our guy! The way he has been treated is not right.

  • Natalie Heflin - 9 years ago

    The Democrats and the Republicans held a secret meeting this week end on an Island off the coast of Georgia, as reported on CNN and Fox News. This is about more than Donald Trump. America better wake up. It does not matter if Hillary,Cruz Rubio or Kasich is elected each would continue the agenda that was first put in place by Bush Sr. Clinton advanced the agenda a little further with NAFTA and our jobs started leaving America, GW Bush took us to war and bankrupted our country, then Obama came along and now we are $20,000,000,000,000.00 in debt . Each President has done nothing about the illegal immigrants flooding over the border. Are you getting the picture yet!!!!!! in 2004 GW Bush met with Mexico and Canada about the North American Union this is where Mexico, the US and Canada become one country. Very good for the Rich powers that be, Soros, Bush Cartel, Clinton foundation, and all the others but not the American people. Heidi Cruz was a member of the CFR-sponsored Independent Task Force on the Future of North America, which was launched in October 2004. The Task Force advocates a greater economic and social integration between Canada, Mexico, and the United States as a North American region. watch the you tube video of Cruz asking for a 500% increase in H-1B visa's. Both Heidi and Cruz worked in the Bush administration, Neil Bush just joined the Cruz campaign. Jeb Bush was Rubios mentor, he was against immigration then tried to push it through congress, Hillary is a part of the Clinton foundation with all the overseas donations, Do not believe all the crap they are feeding you, Trump is not a part of the Washington Cartel, He and 85% of America cants to close the border. they have worked 20 years to flood America with immigrants. Do not take my word for it research it! Trump 2016

  • Jacqueline - 9 years ago

    Jacqueline- just now
    Yes, the GOP party and the news media pundits are slamming Trump constantly. When they all say that the Trump supporters are dumb, stupid, and uneducated or low-educated it is a real slap in the face to We The People. HOW DARE THEY say that with record turnouts at the polls? FYI, I personally know of many, many people who have associates, bachelors, doctorates, and PhD's who have or will be voting for Mr. Trump. NO american president has known EVERYTHING about running the country, so I feel that Mr. Trump's business and educational credentials position him very well for running the executive branch, Donald Trump has the background to deal our nation's debt, create jobs, balance our trade deficits, stimulate the economy, and surround himself with the right people for everything else. I for one am tired of the empty promises from the "establishment" and career politicans. Our country has been going in the wrong direction for long enough, and it is time to clean house. I hope Trump will give America back to her citizens because she has been hi-jacked from us for long enough.

  • Jacqueline - 9 years ago

    Yes, the GOP party and the news media pundits are slamming Trump constantly. When they all say that the Trump supporters are dumb, stupid, and uneducated or low-educated it is a real slap in the face to We The People. HOW DARE THEY day that with record turnouts at the polls? FYI, I personally know of many, many people who have associates, bachelors, doctorates, and PhD's who have or will be voting for Mr. Trump. NO american president has known EVERYTHING about running the country, so I feel that Mr. Trump's business and educational credentials position him very well for running the executive branch, Doald Trump has the background to deal our nation's debt, create jobs, balance our trade deficits, stimulate the economy, and surround himself with the right people for everything else. I for one am tired of the empty promises from the "establishment" and career politicans. Our country has been going in the wrong direction for long enough, and it is time to clean house. I hope Trump will give America back to her citizens because she has been hi-jacked from us for long enough.

  • Paul - 9 years ago

    Not only is he being treated poorly, I have never seen so much money, time and energy from the Republican Party spent against a Republican! Nor do I ever want to see it again. And I won't be a bir surprised to see a mass exodus from the GOP after this election. The people will make sure they NEVER win another election.

  • Linda - 9 years ago

    He's not being treated any less fairly than he's treating others. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. You all ARE familiar with that idea, right?

  • Darrelln99 - 9 years ago

    Congress has been stealing our Children's money and destroying their futures for decades. This immoral practice needs to stop and won't if we keep voting for the same Political puppets.

  • William Bendek - 9 years ago

    Mr. Trump is surely being treated unfairly. The GOP are afraid of him and the fact that many of them will be exposed and may possibly loss their positions or possibly end up in jail. Is a real threat to them.i actually am worried for the mans safety.anther great man tried to expose the wrong doings in the government,and the actions of the world bank back in 63,and every one knows how that ended.i myself am a Canadian and my vote does not count but as a bystander I've paid attention to the going ons of all the candidates,and Donald Trump seems to be the only one of the that speaks the truth.sometimes not always wording things the best, but that just shows me thAt he is a real person,and not a puppet. I wish you all the luck Mr. Trump and pray that you are kept safe. For you sir are what the people need,and I believe you love your country and its people,other why else would anyone subject them selves and their family to all the abuse,you have endured.

  • Joanne zarola - 9 years ago

    This man is representing WE THE PEOPLE....when you slam him, you've slammed US We are sick of the Establishment Weathly greedy snobs who don't want to contribute to this country running it! THey FEAR HIM and when they try to stop him, they are stopping US The hell with them all!

  • Joyce Gregory O'Banion - 9 years ago

    I am so afraid that the powers that be will arrange things so that a vote for Trump will end up tossed to the curb. In my naive 76 year old mind, I cannot fathom the Republican party would stoop to such depths. It really makes me feel that I probably have been lied to and manipulated for years ----and I played my role just as they hoped I would. I am so, so disgusted and angry; it is time to clean Washington out from the ground up. We would, at this point, be better off to grab average Joes off the street corner to vote the "people's" will. Even with no title or degree, at least they wouldn't be voting unseen agendas we don't even suspect. If Trump's name is not on the ticket, what are we to do? Not a single other person is acceptable to me.

  • Kurt Pilz - 9 years ago

    The attacks the media, the RNC and Establishment Republicans, the other candidates, Rubio and Cruz have taken on Donald J Trump have angered me so badly, it is a guarantee I will not be voting for anyone but Mr. Trump. I am a lifelong Republican who will no longer be voting for the party. I intend to look hard at my representatives that are up for election in Illinois and any other candidates I am able to vote for and if they are involved in any way, shape or form with these attacks, I will as a measure of sounding out, vote for their opponents. That is guaranteed!

  • Stephanie Burch - 9 years ago

    Trump's not the crybaby... the crybabies are the RNC... the GOP... they're all running so scared right now... they cannot stand the fact that we the people actually have a voice and were using it! and we cannot wait till Trump gets in there not only to clean house but to tell quite a few of them hopefully... if need be, you're fired! they need to get over themselves... because we're sick of it! no ones ganna tell us who to vote for!!!

  • Marge - 9 years ago

    He should run Independent, if they keep this up. When they asked him if he would be satisfied if HE wasn't the GOP Nominee, I would have said, "Yes, IF it is the PEOPLE's choice and not the RNC's" The reason the RNC is running him out... if others ran and didn't need Special Interest Groups or Lobbyists money, the RNC would be dissolved because they are useless!

  • Carol Edwards - 9 years ago

    I have a lot of respect for Donald Trump. I have always been able to read people pretty good and his heart is in the right place. They treat him bad because they are scared of him

  • John Bartolucci - 9 years ago

    This is not democracy this is a group of eliets who have been using their position in government to exploit the American people. Their deals with the lobiest and big business is only part of the story. They and their sidekicks get inside information on stock deals, real-estate deals and much more. They take pay-offs from people to help them out of trouble and trade favors with people for goverment jobs and contracts. Everyone knows if you want to get something done find someone who knows a congressmen or senator. You pay them they pay their contact and everyones happy. How else do you think the all get rich in office. The pay isn't that great. wake up americans this might be your last chance to vote for someone that will fight for you to stop this corruption. ask yourself why would anyone spend 150,000,000 M to run for president. What do they really make in 4 years?

  • Judy Gard - 9 years ago

    the establishment of the GOP are out of touch,with the tax paying American people. The more they try to push Trump out...the more support he will get.They are afraid of losing their gravy train.

  • Annie - 9 years ago

    All the money spent to stop Trump would best be spent against the Democrats. That is why I no longer donate to the GOP.

  • Anthony Dawson - 9 years ago

    If they run Trump out the party is over.
    Republican Party

  • Marlene Shaw - 9 years ago

    I have NEVER seen a candidate for president so harassed as Donald Trump. Now, it seems that they are going to gang up on Donald Trump. Florina Carly is campaigning for Ted Cruz , as well as Marco Rubio . Then, I seen that Bush is wanting to have a meeting with Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. Oh geese!!! wonder what is going on there? This really only makes people mad at how Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, are acting little babies who thought they were indispensable. Seriously speaking go back to your playpen little boys and let a man do the job of being the next PRESIDENT OF THE USA. EVERYONE!!!!!! JUMP ON THE DONALD TRUMP TRAIN 2016

  • Marcy - 9 years ago

    I think the GOP are scared to death of losing their gravy train and power.

    But, I pay them no heed. I am a former Democrat that has crossed over to Republican to vote for Donald Trump, and I will use my own brain and thinking processes to continue to vote for him.

    When the corrupt career politicians finally collapse, their will finally be a free America.

    Next, we need to set Term Limits on Congress. No more Fat Cats living off the misery of others!

  • Trey - 9 years ago

    I presumably clicked "Yes..." Bc he IS Being treated unfairly and the answers or question need to be reworded

  • Trey - 9 years ago

    This poll needs to be made more clear. I, like a lot of others I'm sure read the question at the top of the Poll "Is Donal Trump being treated unfairly??" So I presumably click the answer that started with "No.." Without reading it out. This needs to be reworded to prevent this type of mistake which I am sure many people have made.

  • Carl - 9 years ago

    In my opinion what has all the establishment and democrats in an uproar are these 3 words! WASTE,FRAUD,& ABUSE !!!

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