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Who do you think won the 3-10-2016 CNN GOP debate in Miami?

Total Votes: 2,415

  • Leslie Olson - 8 years ago

    I believe Mr Trump is the strongest candidate. I appreciated his call for unity among all republicans. I believe he truly loves this country and will do the best for the American people. I am retired navy vet(fourth generation), my parents both world war two veterans who fought for our beloved country, Mother navy nurse and Dad Marine. With Mr Trump, I sincerely hope and can instill trust, integrity and honor back to the greatest country, the United States of America

  • Rita Berry - 8 years ago

    Ted Cruz clearly won on Knowledge, substance and a correct, clear, precise, path to fixing our nations problems and limiting big government . Cruz is the ONE who will truly do what he says, because he already has a PROVEN record of doing just that. WHY do you think the establishment do not like him ? Cause they do not want term limits ? and limited Government ? Yes this is why and this is OUR Guy, This is the ONE. Go Cruz !

  • Peggy Nagel - 8 years ago

    #Trump is running for President because he loves America and her people.

    #Trump will keep his campaign promises.
    #Trump can be trusted.

  • Carolyn Harrison - 8 years ago

    Trump strongest candidate. Trump answers were spot on. All 3 other candidates took a definite turn and are now agreeing with a lot of Trump's previous answers. Trump most presidential candidate.

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