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Who do you think would win in a fight, a tiger or a gorilla?


  • Dink - 3 years ago

    It depends on the environment that they're in if they are in a jungle I would say the gorilla. Because back gorilla can pick up a log and hit the tiger with it rocks etc. And if the gorilla gets on top of the tiger it is over. I'm talking about a silverback full-grown gorilla. And it depends on what they fighting about if the silverback is fighting for it young I believe that it would take the tiger. But if they are flatlands the Bengal tiger would win.

  • Harry Karwasra - 8 years ago

    Here are my reasons why a tiger will win in a fight against a gorilla

    1. Gorillas are not known to fight against animals that are not members of their own specie (except to protect their young and their families) - while tigers are apex predators-- which are sometimes even stronger, heavier and bigger than lions.

    2. Tigers are known to spring off the ground and leap 5-7 meters and can drag a water-buffalo (weighing upto 600-700) kilos even for 100-200 meters.

    3. Tigers are also known to even attack and kill adolescent and sub-adult elephants and are also very good at camouflaging themselves-- and occassionally even kill other tigers in fights or even in certain cases indulge in cannibalism (eg: documented case of a female attracting a male tiger and then killing it-- since it's claws were found in the tigress and her cubs' droppings).

    Therefore, if a gorilla was attacked by a tiger - chances are the tiger would kill the gorilla and win.

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