Would you watch a more action packed, more crossgendered Pony? (AKA Guardians of Harmony Series)


  • Cloudane - 9 years ago

    I put "other". I'd watch it, because I just love MLP. But I wouldn't really like to see it gender-equalised. The whole point of the FiM series was to give girls something cool for themselves instead of all the cool stuff being for boys and full of male characters and they get the badly written saccharine crap. It has never at any point tried to shut out male fans but was always aimed at girls and meant to give them something special.

    I dunno.. maybe it's the bit of feminist in me (even though feminists are mostly hated these days, but Lauren Faust who created FiM kind of is one too so.. we're not all bad... and I'm a guy!). I wouldn't get all mad about it because I think in the end it's just a good show and any positive influence it has on the world is icing. But I'd be a bit disappointed to see it erode more of its original mission than it has already.

  • Kibate - 9 years ago

    I would watch it, but right i wouldn't "want" it. Because while i do think there is way too much slice of life episodes for this show, i don't think the opposite is the answer. What i would rather want is the original show to explore more of the fantasy theme it has going on, especially revealing finally some more of the world and unanswered questions(which there are a LOOOOOOT)

  • XxDerpyHoovesxX - 9 years ago

    No Pancakes?

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    @Emma Rose
    Counterpoint: Why should a crossgendered (read half and half cast), action oriented show be ‘for guys’? Are you saying girls don't like action? That anything with a single guy in it is all about them? If done right (as in, still marketed to the same audience), this would be a further step forward, not a step back.

  • Emma Rose - 9 years ago

    What is wrong with having an all-female cast? Let's face it, the show its for girls. Boys can watch it, but it isn't targeted at them. If I get fun of for watching shows for guys, it is fine. But if you all watch MLP, and people don't like it...it is a "lifestyle." Lmao! This would completely ruin the point of the show!

  • VinoVines - 9 years ago

    I hate to be "that guy", but.

    I would not be thrilled to see a more 'action packed' series along with a cast of all-male protagonists, due to implications that might be made that the original series with the all-female cast is the tamer, more 'sparkly pink', show for girls' while the new action-packed, grittier, male led series is 'for boys'.

    What's wrong with the original series? It has plenty of action and adventure, is very well written, and has broken down the barrier of 'girls show vs. boys show' that it's own predecessors essentially built in the first place! I think creating a 'girls show' and a 'boys show' would go against some of the original themes and ideas the creators had for this show in the first place.

  • don - 9 years ago

    More action?

    Yep Spike would like that!
    Look out Rarity. . . .
    wink wink wink

    MLP with a side of guardian

  • mrx1983 - 9 years ago

    If i would watch this? yes i would. i can imagine that it can work great. as long as it has our ponies in it, i will give it a chance. eqg is a good example for a good spin-off. but like others also said, i would never exchange friendship is magic for it. GoH is ok as spin-off and as an additional series, but they should also continue the FiM series.

  • Vandroiy - 9 years ago

    That's two questions.

    More action... no thanks. DBZ-Twilight was ridiculous enough, and I'd like the ponies to solve problems in a civilized manner, in the spirit of the show.

    More males, why not? Female-centered shows are cool, but the tendency to have almost only ever girls is a bit much. They could add some romance

  • Joshua Moudy - 9 years ago

    Would it even matter? We'd be getting more MLP either way. :)

  • Meanlucario - 9 years ago

    I go with other. While I like action, the memorable episodes for me are the lower-stakes slice of life episodes, like Brotherhood Social, Maud Pie, The Mane Attraction, Slice of Life, etc. I would enjoy the action if we also kept the SoL episodes as well.

  • SeraphimDawn - 9 years ago

    Honestly, this is something they should have done years ago to set a president on how to make a colourful magical pony series.

    Unicorns can be kickass right?

  • Vanroc - 9 years ago

    I don't care if appear more action pony, BUT, I don't want lose Friendship is Magic series. Maybe ... They could make a series Guardians of Harmony spin off like Equestria Girls? ¿Yes, no? I would love to do that, create a spinoff and will not stop doing Frienship is Magic.

  • ftgyuiop'# - 9 years ago


  • Bryce Kanyon - 9 years ago

    There's no denying that Generation 4 has offered much variety for the Brony community: With it's blend of comedy, action, a few dramatic moments, and plenty of back stories that build on the mythology of Equestria's greatest mysteries. But regardless of the audience it's attracted, with just as much of a male audience as it's female targeted range, it doesn't change the fact that for the most time the stories are still centered on a female audience. Sure there's been some stories featuring male characters and such, but not as much as some would think. Now as a crossgendered series like this 'Guardians of Harmony' deal that's been going around as of late, I can imagine that such a series like this would not only serve well on the business side for Hasbro but can also generate a wider audience for both males and females.

    Course, we still don't really know much about 'Guardians of Harmony' except the toys they've been promoting will definitely do well in sales if they as well received as they appear to be. My Little Pony may have started out as a girl's product no doubt about it, but as we have noticed times are changing and it's high time the products change with it. Because as we have come to notice, it's not just women that love these pony brands but a large variety of men who appreciate the products for various reasons. Whether it's the designs or the characteristics or the stories or it's animation, Guardians of Harmony can add to the benefits of what attracts everyone young and old, male and female, the old generation and the new.

    But as long as this show serves not to 'replace' the show we already have, but rather 'add' to the mythology that 'Friendship is Magic' has built then I look forward to how 'Guardians of Harmony' leaves a lasting impact upon the community.

  • Sailor Sedna - 9 years ago

    Yes, I'd like to watch an action packed MLP series like G1 was like (not to say G4 isn't without action too). By crossgender, does that mean both girls and boys can love it?

  • DFACE - 9 years ago

    Well, here comes the obligatory hater comment.

  • Badly Drawn Turtle - 9 years ago

    Yes. As long as it is supplemental to the main show, not a replacement.

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