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Will ISIS Strike America Within 30 Days?


  • Vincenzo - 9 years ago

    If it's not 30days it will surely happen again, somewhere, in the USA. Schools, stadiums, arenas. Places where there's less security! And, many more innocents lives will be lost. It's unavoidable! That's only If we continue to allow to believe that islam is a peaceful religion. We are infadel to them! So, when goverments around the world recognize that Islam is a treath to the world, we and all future generations are in danger. That includes, gays, all other religions, non believers and all goverments such as, China, India, Russia, North Korea, justice systems world wide, lobbyiest, special interest people and etc... It will be too late if Islam countries do get the power to own nuclear missiles, if we don 't stop this so called peaceful religion. Nostradamus, predicted such catastrophe, that a man dressed in blue will rule the world with his powers. Nostradamus, also, said governments will be under his powers and many will lose their lives. It will be too late to act, then. Our democracy world wide will be lost, our freedom and religion will be shut down for many years. None of us have any idea to what is going to happen, when that time comes. We cannot truly fight Islam, because our world wide laws will not allow it; as they are protected under discrimination, by our own blinded governments and justice systems, or lobbyiest and special interest entity. This is our future and the future to come, world wide. The only way we can stop it is to pray, of course, but to declare war on Islams, unfortunately and very sad to say, for i have great friends who are muslims too. This means, to try to convert Islam, rather for them to convert us with their peaceful religion, or we are to face the consequences to come. But, it will be almost impossible at this time. Let' s for peace and pray! A must! God Bless the world!

  • tonygreene113 - 9 years ago

    I can see something happening here between now and the date of our general election in November.

  • Lynn Lee - 9 years ago

    I am concerned that it is actually going to happen sooner than the 30 day time frame. They have already said that some of them are here. I worry about Malls and especially our schools, day cares and colleges. Some of the schools; the teachers have been teaching the Islamic way and making the children re-enact Islam and role playing and I wonder what is going on with this being allowed. Every time I see something like this; I keep going back to "The Snake"

  • Laurie Tatum - 9 years ago

    I would of taken this quiz but I felt it was to narrow of a window. To say within 30 days just seems to short of a time frame. I agree we are not safe but the range I would guess would be 30 to 90 days as more accurate. But in reality it could come at anytime. So I have to expand the time frame to be more realistic. There is a plan for strikes I agree but their are also a lot of false flags to get American citizens in such a chaotic state for the elites to usher in Marshall law to abolish our rights, take our guns and then comes the New World order.

  • Elaine - 9 years ago

    The answer is No, not within 30 days, but you word it misleading; because don't think this country is safe and secure.

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