What do you think of Cat's 304.5E2 excavator with skid steer interface?


  • Erik Ouwersloot - 9 years ago

    We did this 4 years ago, on a Kubota 080 excavator, we put a 4-in-1 bucket from a CTL on the dozer frame, and used the angle-dozer circuit to open/close the bale........and people laughed at us ..... it worked perfect, laying heavy rocks in place for rock-retaining walls. Plus on 1 job we went over the trench backfill to keep it equal with the road surface, before compacting it. Worked fine & fast.
    There is nothing new-under-the-sun, it is just too close to April 1st .... Your introduction might fail if not immediately followed up by positive market responses of contractors actually using it. Regardless if they used it as a prototype, or a real job, simply the words/experience from an actual field application, would do wonders. A foto alone does not cut it ... :) certainly not around April 1st :)

  • David Little - 9 years ago

    Your front mount attachment would really increase in usefulness if it had an angle tilt feature for trenching or superior grading capabilities. If it has a dozer blade on the combo-bucket, why not emulate a common dozer feature?

    This would be almost ideal combined with a Harley rock rake or other hydraulically driven ground preparation tool, particularly the variety that sifts the rocks & ejects them into a long row. The excavator could pick out larger rocks or obstructions, and the ground prep tool could sift out the rocks. This is commonly needed after excavation & trenching operations done by the excavator, so it is a good fit.

    The forklift looks useless. There will be very few occasions where that will be practical. Can't load trucks, too slow to transport pallets on the job. Too low to safely transport long items like pipe on jobs where the excavator is likely going to be working.

    This machine would be excellent coupled with a hydraulic stump grinder attachment, and might work very well with a tree shear for land clearing operations. Tree shears are generally handicapped by the need to move the trees once they are cut, and the excavator with a "thumb" would do an outstanding job of stacking or just moving the trees once they are cut. Not a very big market, though.

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