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Negan’s victim was…


  • Duly - 8 years ago

    Carl... Simply said gotta keep Rick in line

  • Fran the man :( - 8 years ago

    Okay, I think it was Aaron because before Negan says "it" his shadow passed to the left of Rick. this being said negan does not kill women and children. this eliminates Sasha and Carl. when negan says" anyone moves cut the boy's eye out and feed it to his father," he looks to his right towards Carl, this eliminates Eugene. this leaves Aaron at the bat (ha ha get it).

  • Anonymous - 8 years ago

    I think it was Daryl. I watched the comic con trailer on YouTube and I kept pausing and pausing and then I saw a part where NEGAN was about to hit the person he chose. It wasn't long, but I saw a character with mid-length hair. Immediately, I thought it was Maggie, but then I remembered that she got a haircut so I thought of Rosita. Who ever was to the left of Rosita (Daryl) got chosen. At least that's what I think. Watch the video and tell me if you agree.

  • Kelly - 8 years ago

    Probably was Eugene. Specifically because he passed the note earlier to Rick concerning making ammunition. Seems to make his death more meaningful based on passing something on this is so valuable to the group.

  • juliecoolie25 - 8 years ago

    I know it won't be a woman, because Negan follows a strict code with regard to violence against women and children -He doesn't kill them. I'm torn between whether it will be Darryl or Glenn- but it will be one of them. Darryl filming his AMC show has already wrapped, and it's another AMC show, so they would accommodate him. Plus- his show would remain relevant as long as he's still a character on TWD. Darryl is also the face of TWD, a huge draw- perhaps too huge to dismiss.

    Glenn on the other hand seems to have run his course as far as growth. Maggie needs to go to the hilltop to become the leader- it's a major part of the upcoming story line. Where would that leave Glenn? Maggie will likely lose her baby (perhaps because of the poison Enid put in the pickles she gave her)- and Glenn will die, therefore propelling her to her future story line.

    If you recall- Glenn paused while killing the saviours in the bunker and he lingered on the pictures of Negan's handywork with the bat.

  • L - 8 years ago

    He said take it like a "Champ" not "like a man".

  • rci - 8 years ago

    Eugene, or aaron, first if you check out landscape from behide kneeling gang, thiers a car with its lights on ,on the left, middle trailer, then 3 saviors on right, now check neegan just before the swing. as he stands talking about you can cry and etc and holds the bat on his right shoulder now check his face, light glare from car light on his right cheek and on the bat..i know they will not kill carl so, beloved Eugene top pick. every loves him because he's just like a child until the last 2,3 shows and I believe neegan knows he,s not a producer and maybe child like hence"take it like a man...............

  • charlie - 8 years ago

    it had to be a man because he said "way to take it like a man " so obvious it was a guy

    and it couldnt be one of themain chracters

  • tracy - 8 years ago

    The show wants us to think its Glen, with all the POV shots. Its Darryl :(

    The biggest clue to me was Norman Reedus giving Jeffrey an elbow in the side on Talking Dead. When Jeffrey was asked how he felt knowing his arrival would put someone out of a job (killed off), Reedus gave him a nudge in the side, like they had already been joking about the subject together.

  • glenn dies - 8 years ago

    my guess is Glenn.. he's contract expired after 6 seasons and also he dies in the comics...

    could be a twist as always but, if we're having educated guesses, i would say Glenn...

    and some of the comments are funny on here. it's like a bunch of detectives dumber than steve martin in the pink panther

  • glenn dies - 8 years ago

    my guess is Glenn.. he's contract expired after 6 seasons and also he dies in the comics...

    could be a twist as always but, if we're having educated guesses, i would say Glenn...

    and some of the comments are funny on here. it's like a bunch of detectives dumber than steve martin in the pink panther

  • Karen Sullivan - 8 years ago

    The death will change everyone...I have tried to analyze the video, the still shots of the cast and Negan...It is a rough one but I am certain it is not Glen..Negan looks slightly to his left then his right when he says you can cry..I take it to mean there are still people to his left...Glen specifically since he already had an outburst...Maggies death especially in her condition would be the most heart wrenching, gut churning horrible one for the group at this Yeah Maggie. When you talk about who is well loved by everyone it is her...They like, respect, look up to, fear, whatever every other member, even Carl isn't "loved" he is liked sure enough...Taking it like a champ..not gender specific...AND he seems a little surprised...Abraham would take it like a champ have you seen his head??? But again Maggie fits...and yes Negan killed whoever it was you don't get beat that bad with a barb wire bat and live.

  • Madison Q - 8 years ago

    I believe it Carl... Sad to say though
    Because began before he swung Leslie (how ever you spell it)
    He made a comment of cutting out the other eye and feeding it to the father...
    How does that not sound like CARL!
    I hope not because I love Carl.

  • dirtyrig - 8 years ago

    Daryl has his own new show on AMC coming this June so he's gone from Walking Dead to do the new show.

  • Jesus - 8 years ago

    The creator of The Walking Dead, Robert Kirkman, chose a very profound set of words to describe the character that Negan smacks with his bat. "Very Beloved by Everyone." This may be out a limb for an answer to that, but has anyone seen the character Jesus lately? Where'd he go? What's he been up too during this time? Perhaps Jesus is a Savior spy who's use has come to an end and Negan uses one of his own as his example to the rest of the main group of just how evil he is. Perhaps Jesus is Negan's very own son. Chew on that one for awhile.

  • baxter - 8 years ago

    I say it's Maggie who met Lucille, because did you see any women in Negan's gang, no, none, maybe a few, but not visible. So he needs men to be the soldiers, mostly.....there are good women soldiers, too, but I didn't see any in any of Negan's groups that day & night.
    Maggie was already sick with a fever and in labor......Negan probably ended her suffering.

  • twdfan10 - 8 years ago

    I do not think that Maggie or Michonne are rational suspects due to the fact that in the comics Negan was strongly against the violence of woman and children. Granted, the show has taken some turns from the comics, like Denise being shot in the eye with the arrow and Hershel being the one getting his head chopped off. However, I do think this is an important aspect to Negan's role, and I feel that killing Maggie and MIchonne will destroy. that. If they do stick to being against women and children violence, Glenn was in fact the one taking the kill in the comics. However, Negan came out and killed Lucilled Glenn before giving his speech. In the season finale's case he spoke before let someone have it, so I am thinking that it would be vise versa in this scenario, leaving Glenn to die, but switching things up to let the comic book readers have some suspense as well as the newbies watching the show, considering Glenn is a fan favorite, my favorite as well.

  • Eli - 8 years ago

    Glenn in the cimics, but Norman Reedus has a new show on AMC...RIP Daryl, love you bro.

  • JTR - 8 years ago

    I think it was Michonne. Negan has spies who has gather information on Rick’s group. Rick has killed every savior he has met thus far, yet Negan know that Rick is a strong and smart leader who has killed many of his people. He wants Rick to work for him and keep the others in line, but he also needs to punish and break Rick at the same time. He can’t kill Carl, because not only he would lose his leverage over Rick, but Rick would be hell bent on killing Negan and everyone else. So it would be counterproductive to take this route. Killing Maggie would have the same effect on Glenn as a Rick Carl decision. But it won’t have the same effect or punishment to Rick. Maggie could be used a leverage for controlling and keeping Glenn in line. Killing Darly or Glenn would be a big blow to the group as a whole, but Negan wants to punish Rick and make him work for him. Michonne is my choice, that way Negan can use the pregnant Maggie and Carl as leverage to keep the rest of the group in line.

  • TWD Fan - 8 years ago

    I think it was Abraham. The only one probably strong enough to get up after the first blow. He was supposed to be dead already (Denise took his place). And they built him up over the last few episodes culminating with him finally ready to settle down & hope for a future w/ Sasha - and kids! And like Eugene said... they don't need him anymore. I think his last hug w/ Eugene was significant.

  • C. Smith- Hatten - 8 years ago

    It was Maggie because negan stop seemingly in front of Rick but you could only see his shadow which means he was probably standing next to Rick and from the angle of the camera it appears to had been to the right of Rick with negan facing them that would put the victim at negans left which would place Maggie in that spot next to Rick

  • cheryl - 8 years ago

    I think it is Maggie. She is well beloved by all if indeed someone does die. He said beat, not kill. So its anyones up for grabs.

  • Linda - 8 years ago

    Maggie dying at the hands of Negan would hurt the group the most and show the power Negan truly has and the humanity that he's truly lost. By killing a defenseless woman, whose feverish and sick, weak, pregnant, and whom the "group" was trying to carry by foot to get her help from a doctor so that they could save her and the baby, not to mention her husband Glenn watching from a few feet away, would be the character that would scar everyone of Ricks group the most above all other characters and show that Negan isn't above killing anyone!

  • dominicbenson - 8 years ago

    I'd be surprised if the victim wasn't Abraham. I think he's been lined up for the chop for the past few episodes with his thoughts of starting a family. Then in the final scene, Negan comments that the blow was "taken like a champ" which isn't a description that fits any of the others. I hope not though, I'd miss his folksy metaphors.

  • Steven Yeun - 8 years ago

    fuck to comic book. Glenn (The Almost Die Guy) will alive!

  • Alex - 8 years ago

    We no its not rick or carl cos negan told his men to feed carls other eye to his dad if he makes a noise? as negan said this he moved the arm with the bat towards carl then towards rick then moving to his left & ricks right? he then hits someone, Maggie & Daryl are both weak they would of passed out at the first blow but we then sore the victims eyes open the only person I think could with stand a blow that hard would b Abraham?

  • Suzanne - 8 years ago

    I think it was Michonne: Negan recited Eeney Meeney Miney Moe, pointing to Michonne at Moe. Then the finale ended with Eeney. Meeney. Miney. Moe! Thus, Michonne got whacked.

  • Lizzy - 8 years ago

    I think it's Eugene. He already said his goodbyes. They might surprise us and not kill Glenn just to keep us on our toes guys!

  • Deadlive4312 - 8 years ago

    I think is Glenn for several reasons.
    1. Glenn is the one Negan kills in the comic book. I think the producers and writer may want to follow the comic line to please the fan base, bringing the story-line a little bit closer while keeping a comfortable distance at the same time.
    2. If Maggie will become a strong leader, then Glenn needs to die to give her the strength of character she needs, at the same time Glenn death will on be Rick's head, tarnishing his "leader" image (comic book line) and opening the way for Maggie to become a stronger person, leave Alexandria and become the Hill Top leader. Ultimately she as an equal will join Rick in defeating Negan. At the end of previous episode the key comment that points out to Glenn demise, is Maggie saying she "has to let go of what is holding her back", in a sense as long as Glenn is alive to protect her and guard her from harm she has no need to become an full independent leader and person.
    3. Glenn characteristics has "brush" on Abraham, this balances the equation on the series making Glenn presence dispensable. People have grown used to the idea the Glenn will die, since he has escape death several times.

  • cranberry01 - 8 years ago

    I believe it was Glenn. When Rick and the gang stormed their compound to kill people while they slept, the only people I saw doing the killing was Rick and Glenn. There may have been more, but I think if someone has to pay for that then it will be Glenn. I believe they will be going by the comic book on this one because we all thought he died at the dumpster but didn't. They were saving that for this moment with Negan. My original thought was Abraham because he has this new found desire to be a family man again. Like he has figured out that he can still love again. They have been showing way too much of him lately and he was spared by the arrow that poor Denise got in the eye. That was supposed to be him. So I think Abraham will come in a close second.

  • StephenGunn - 8 years ago

    I think it was Robert. Cause Robert is a cool guy and Negan is jealous of him. Everybody still loves Raymond.

  • Missy Kennedy - 8 years ago

    I think is was Maggie. Here are my thoughts...

    1. The writers want Negan to be viewed as the most evil of all villians. What better way than to have him kill a hurting, pregnant woman. This act shows he has no mercy, no soul, no compassion. He instantly becomes feared by all.
    2. Maggie's family members have all come to a tragic end that resulted in a fatal blow to the head. Why should her death be any different?
    3. The killing of Maggie will pull Carol back into the group and help her remember what she is fighting for.
    4. The killing of Maggie will pull all of Alexandria and the Hilltop together to fight against Negan. Maggie was a leader is both groups.
    5. Maggie wouldn't go down easy. It would take multiple blows. She was a fighter. Stubborn to the core.
    6. Negan warned Rick not to move or he would feed him Carl's eye. Rick must have started to move to help. I think he would have done that for a woman. Maggie was next to Rick.
    7. This episode was focused around Maggie.
    8. It has to be a major character and she is the only one that makes sense to me.

  • Alanah - 8 years ago

    No one has mentioned Rosita, she was also in the line... I think it was either Rosita or Glenn. I've read a few spoilers which has indicated its not daryl as a lot of fans have been sending hate mail to the cast and producers so they made it clear it was not him.

  • Brock - 8 years ago

    I think it was Daryl. He is on to other things, like riding motorcycles and getting pulled around in an outhouse(?) by the looks of the spot in the finale. Or maybe...

  • Cheryl - 8 years ago

    I don't think any of them died... He never said he was going to kill anyone. Just beat the hell out of one of them... Not saying he won't ever kill one of them. Just not this time.

  • Robert - 8 years ago

    I say Daryl. Because he's doing another show about motorcycles on the same channel where The Walking Dead is on which is A&E.

  • Toni F - 8 years ago

    I think it is Michonne. Once she became the love interest for Rick, I knew her days were numbered. This act of violence adds more fuel to the fire for Rick to take down Negan in Season 7. My second, choice is Glenn just because it follows along with the comic book series.

  • Shawnee - 8 years ago

    I really think it's Abraham, he was the only one who sat up straight with that u don't scare me attitude. I really feel that negan is gonna see him as a threat bc he shows no fear. And for him to kill off Abraham would be less of a chance for him to have to watch his back constantly

  • Stans Turreason - 8 years ago

    Daryl killed the most Saviors, and was actively hunting to take out more. Negan said the group had to be punished for killing an amount of his workers he was "not comfortable with". Not Glenn because he gave Negan an opportunity to choose him when he broke the line to defend Maggie. In that moment (if not before) Negan saw evidence of a couple as he noted the father-son duo in the group as well. His motive is for the group to work for him, so leaving the love birds alone allows for a glimmer of hope. Also, "Lucille" did not take out "her" victim after one blow, prompting Negan to comment on the recipient being a trooper. Daryl was more apt to take the stance of "ef you" even when being pummeled to death. Besides, Reedus has a new TV show in the works.

  • Glenn - 8 years ago

    I gotta say it was Glenn given the fact that his sudo death at the beginning of the season seeming like a foreshadowing of his real death also with by following the comics where neagan kills Glenn with Lucille, it's safe to say that we can say goodbye to our pizza boy, Glenn is my fav character and I can see this as a fitting death for him

  • Karen - 8 years ago

    Unfortunately I believe it's Glenn. They cried wolf in the mid season finale to throw us off

  • Carl - 8 years ago

    None of them it was the ginger he is the only one that wouldn't scream,glen would cry for Maggie , don't think Daryl would scream either

  • roger schofield - 8 years ago

    I think its glenn, due to the fact he already once this past season brushed himself with the flirtation of death and only now he has fallen into a scenario once again which involves him and death along with others, and very rarely is it known to bypass death twice. but on the other side I might have to say if I were to be given another chance would be Maggie who not only is not looking to well is also recently mourning the death of her only sister from not to long ago. but if only he were in the group would I not be sad to much for morgan to find his demise never have I ever liked his character.

  • Scott - 8 years ago

    It's Glenn, the POV for the person that died,started in the van that Glenn, Daryl, Michonne, and Rosita were in. Also, the person that dies was in the back of the van,because you can see at least one head in front of the POV of the person that dies, when Dwight opens up the van doors. Daryl was in the front, so it can't be him.

  • Terry - 8 years ago

    I say Daryl but only because Daryl would not let go. The chased down the guy from the woods relentlessly and hey he also took out a ton of Negans guys. If you are looking to make a point take out your buggest threat who had been there a long time. Throw in the new show he is doing and I think the choice is pretty clear.

  • Terry - 8 years ago

    I say Daryl but only because Daryl would not let go. The chased down the guy from the woods relentlessly and hey he also took out a ton of Negans guys. If you are looking to make a point take out your buggest threat who had been there a long time. Throw in the new show he is doing and I think the choice is pretty clear.

  • Johnny Walker - 8 years ago

    Well, my first guess (Abraham) was not an option to vote on. So out of the four options give, I chose Daryl.

    Negan won't kill a woman, so that leaves Glenn and Daryl. As someone already noted, Norman Reddus has a new show coming out, and we saw his blood hit the "screen" and dribble down in the previous episode when Dwayne shot him… and we saw the same blood effect after Negan's first blow.

    Had it been Glenn, we'd have heard Maggie scream, for sure. There were no such screams heard.

  • Dawn - 8 years ago

    I think it is Eugene. They tend to have the person that gives the speech about how thankful they are and how they want to help out more and become like the rest of them be the next target. And although they say it was a beloved person, everyone said how much they value him and are glad he is part of the family. So it could very well mean he is the beloved person that died last night.

  • Maggie - 8 years ago

    Its Daryl, he doesnt exist in the comic, he has killed more saviors and tried to lure them to the other side. He is a beloved character and the comment made by Negan after the first whack, about taking it like a champ is a bit symbolic of his abusive childhood. Lets not forget it is his view we get from the back of the vehicle, pitch black with the cracks of light.

  • Zach D - 8 years ago

    Eugene...because he said his goodbyes already and gave Rick the instructions for manufacturing bullets

  • tamie - 8 years ago

    i think it was Eugene..not anyone on the list

  • K Harvey - 8 years ago

    I believe that it was Maggie that was killed because she looked so weak as Negan said and he wanted them so that they would work for him. Negan would only keep alive people who would benefit him so why would he keep Maggie alive when she clearly looked like death. I don't thinks that it was Mishonne because she has only just got with Rick and even though everyone he gets with dies, they haven't been together long so i believe that she will die a little later in the show. Glen is one of the most favored characters in the show, he has come close to death many times yet he was kept alive so why would they kill him now. From Glens reaction to Negan talking to Maggie i think that it increases Maggie's chances of being beaten because Negan knows that it will torment Glen. Negan may know that Maggie is important to them because they went through so much trouble of trying to heal her so he may know that killing her would hurt the whole group.

  • Tucker Hanson - 8 years ago

    I believe it was Daryl that took the blow. I'm mainly going off of the fact that he has an upcoming show in June or July called "Ride" with Norman Reedus. And if he if doing that show, he can't very well be acting as Daryl in The Walking Dead.

  • Pat Baker - 8 years ago

    Not on your poll but I believe it was Eugene who took that final whack....

  • Andreas Empeirikos - 8 years ago

    It was Michonne. In shows, movies and books characters are often put through a crucible which results in a final battle between them and whoever put them through the crucible regardless if the battle is physical or spiritual such as the one Carol is fighting against herself and her nature. It is my belief that Darryl's final battle will be against Dwight, the asshole who tricked him, stole his bike, crossbow and killed Denisse. According to this theory Darryl will unleash his anger upon Dwight so he can be ruled out. Maggie could not have been the recipient of Negan's blows since she was weak and fragile due to her delicate condition, one of his blows would have undoubtedly killed her. Her husband Glenn was the one whose life ended on the hands of Negan and Lucille in the comics and the show-runners have from time to time again stated that they are taking a different direction from the comics thus allowing for a more direct and unexpected impact on the viewer. The only option we are left apart from the ones described as "non-beloved" is Michonne. In the event of Michonne's death Rick's character will have gained the ultimate motivation for his final encounter with the now main villain Negan. My second option would be Abraham since if you noticed when Negan came close to him he straightened his back to show his lack of fear toward him and after the first blow landed on its recipients head Negan exclaimed "Took it like a champ." (or something of that nature) but I believe this would be too obvious and therefore place my bet on Michonne's head. RIP.

  • Nate - 8 years ago

    It is likely Daryl as Negan is a fair dude so he wouldn't hurt Maggie or Glenn (although he might make Maggie one of his many wives) Daryl is an obvious choice as Dwight has seen what he is capable of and has likely told Negan, Negan is not one to leave loose ends and especially not one to leave a threat unnoticed, I also believe that Michonne is unlikely as she did not appear to make as much of an impression on him. Also Maggie, Glenn, and Michonne all have lovers in the group that are there so it would seem that if anyone besides Daryl were hurt, there would be more out brake.

  • MG - 8 years ago

    I think it is Darryl. He was captured by the group, they stole his bike and crossbow. He escaped. #1! He took out a bunch of them at railroad tracks where they killed Denise. #2! Then he went for revenge and got caught. Three strikes you are out! He is one of the "beloved" characters!

  • Anonymous - 8 years ago

    I'm lead to believe it was Glenn. I'm regretting not taking note on the last person Negen pointed at but from when Glenn jumped out to protect Maggie he had moved to a different position from the rest. He is now infront of them. After the pointing Negen pointed at someone but in order to do that he turned around in a 180 degrees turns either pointing to someone at each end, or unfortunately, Glenn.

  • Vanessa - 8 years ago

    I believe he may have killed Maggie because she would be the weakest link out of the four choices given. She was already sick for whatever reason ( I'm guessing she miscarried and the baby turned into a zombie inside of her, hahaha), Megan needs capable people to do whatever it is he wants them to do, she was sick and already looked near death.
    However, I also believe it could have been Eugene he killed because remember he gave Rick the recipe for bullets and Soulless Abraham knows where they could be made. This could be a bargaining tool for Rick to use with Megan.

  • Boohoo - 8 years ago

    I am of the belief it was indeed Daryl. Killing Michonne, nah. The "Rick's lovers all die" is getting tired and old. I don't think it's possible for Negan to know she was Rick's lover and close friend to Carl, unless he had some inside person. If they stay true to the comics somewhat (but don't kill Glenn), then doesn't Negan at least have SOME sort of code, and wouldn't go after women? I never read the comics. As for killing Maggie, nah. Same thing, would he kill a woman? And a pregnant one, at that? She looked nearly dead already, so unless he thought it was a mercy killing.... That leaves Glenn or Daryl. The others... eh, I don't think it would quite have the shock value as killing someone from the very beginning. Glenn? Well, the whole "OMG is he dead?" after season 6 kinda irked a lot of people. And he is expected to die because of the comics. So why not make it someone you wouldn't expect as much? That leaves Daryl. A made up character, who is beloved. It would have possibly as much shock value as killing Rick.

  • Tesia - 8 years ago

    I hate all of you that voted for Glenn lol

  • rhonda - 8 years ago

    Daryl because of his new show

  • Carl's dumb hat - 8 years ago

    I'm going with Carl, Michone, or Maggie. Everyone keeps saying Negan is a greater villain than the Governor. That's means Negan has to do something pretty vile to top a guy that almost raped Maggie, handcuffed Andrea to a chair so a walker could kill her, and killed his entire army because they retreated. Not to mention coming back to the prison with a tank and using a sword on defenseless Hershal.
    Maggie, Michone or Carl getting that beating would put Negan ahead of the Governor in the ultimate villain pole. Sasha and Rosita would also earn him the title but I think it will be a main character.

  • ryan - 8 years ago

    I think it's abraham - they did a lot of work this season to really show him off. It seemed like they almost went out of their way to build an emotional connection to him throughout the season.

  • LEE LAU - 8 years ago

    SPOILER ALERT "Eugene" :(

  • Tuskerdu - 8 years ago

    If it were glenn, Maggie would definitely screamed. Darrel is very beloved.

  • Mark - 8 years ago

    It's Maggie. They want us to hate Negan a lot, and what could be worse than killing a pregnant woman? it sets up a great story line: Glenn's quest for revenge against Negan for the killing of his wife and unborn child.

  • Luke - 8 years ago

    I think its Michonne cause right before neegan did it he said if carl moved cut out his other eye and feed it to rick, and Michonne is ricks lover and carl's best friend so thats my thoughts

  • gary - 8 years ago

    I do not think it is Daryl, they would be shooting themselves in the foot, as most of the merchandise they sell pertains to either Rick or Daryl.

  • Paul T. James - 8 years ago

    No one has mentioned Aaron as a possible candidate to date Lucille. From what I understand, the comics relayed the fact that Negan said something to the effect of this being a hate crime. Maybe the show (for obvious reasons) won't label this as any type of hate crime but it could be assumed that Negan doesn't like gay people or feels that would taint or disrupt his network somehow? He may of either noticed, been told, or had a gut feeling Aaron was gay and therefore, chose him as the one. Of course the show won't say anything to that effect outright but there may be Easter eggs to that reference in future shows? Aaron was the one who told Rick before they left that he'd have to be punched in the face and tied up for him not to go. I'm just wondering if that was a minor hint to him being chosen by Negan..?

  • Lulu - 8 years ago

    I think it was Aaron.
    All I know is if it was Carl I will not watch the show anymore. Carl is my favorite and he always protects his baby sister. When she grows up she is going to be a bad ass.
    Daryl already sign on for season 7 and season 8. So it isn't Daryl.

  • Makiah Jenkins - 8 years ago

    i believe that it was michoone because she was the closest to rick because rick was right next to the person. that one or rick because he said i'll have carl's other eye cut out and FED ( as in zombie terms )

  • John - 8 years ago

    I hope its Maggie so there isn't another runt running around slowing ppl down

  • carolee - 8 years ago

    Glenn the future Maggie can't become who she is meant to be if Glenn lives yes they vary from the comic but I feel this season has stuck closer to the comics and Neegans intro was almost word for word like the book

  • austin - 8 years ago

    On fake spoilers the kirkman basicly said glenn will not die by negan

  • I Morre - 8 years ago

    I do not think he has killed a woman, in the comics, correct me if i am wrong Negan has a harem of woman, so it must be a male, Glenn or Daryl

  • Jimmy - 8 years ago

    Just thinking they'll stick with the comics on this.

  • sandy - 8 years ago

    Mishonne. Women that hook up with Rick die.

  • em - 8 years ago

    Since Negan told them they all work for him now, it makes sense it would be Maggie since she is in no condition to work and would cause all the others to be distracted worrying about her.

  • Mike4fmSTL - 8 years ago

    Great show i want to state that, but very upset that they did not show us who it was. The death of the beloved person would have been a good enough cliffhanger for season 7. I would be pretty mad if its Glen only because thats who it was in the comics and we waited 7 months for that. So looking at the Negan i dont think he kills women the dread thing was to show rick we have your people and if u notice blood was on the dread but she didnt seem beat. Only Darrell was hurt and glen seem to still have fight (acting tuff) so i believe none of them was hurt while with Negan. So i rule out all women rick, carl, no way darrell that punk got his cross bow again, so im thinking glen or abraham

  • Mike4fmSTL - 8 years ago

    Great show i want to state that, but every upset that they did not show us who it was. The death of the beloved person would have been a good enough cliffhanger for season 7. I would be pretty mad if its Glen only because thats who it was in the comics and we waited 7 months for that. So looking at the Negan i dont think he kills women the dread thing was to show rick we have your people and if u notice blood was on the dread but she didnt seem beat. Only Darrell was hurt and glen seem to still have fight (acting tuff) so i believe none of them was hurt while with Negan. So i rule out all women rick, carl, no way darrell that punk got his cross bow again, so im thinking glen or abraham

  • Christa Castillo - 8 years ago

    Glen is a possibility,but Darryl is a possible hit. He wants strong body. So maybe Darryl is still alive.

  • Anthony - 8 years ago

    My vote is for Eugene. He and Abraham came to terms and said that they were survivors. So if one dies then the foreshadowing is there. Also Eugene gave rick the bullets 101 notes since he thought he might die. He also told rick he was his anchorman. I could see Eugene getting hit and sitting back up. He bit Dwight's crotch. Who saw that coming? Eugene stepped up. So I think it will be him that was brained. If not...?

  • KikiWalksAlone - 8 years ago

    Unfortunately- it's Daryl y'all. If you watched Talking Dead last night you could tell...
    When Chris asked 'Negan' if he was sad that him joining the show means that a cast member who has been around since the beginning & who is like a family member to the crew/cast, has to go- Norman hit him in the arm & got teary eyed...
    I hate to see Norman get killed off BUT can't wait to watch his new show which is basically him riding around all over the US on motorcycles & being awesome/sexy/badass... Thank you AMC!!!!

  • Lou - 8 years ago

    I don't think it was Maggie. Negan said, "taking it like a champ!" She wouldn't of lasted but the first hit. I'm more towards Daryl, Michonne, or Sasha.

    Daryl-got his own show
    Michonne-to make Rick crazier than he already is
    Sasha-would have started a family with Abraham

  • Randy - 8 years ago

    None of the above

  • Jennifer Gatto - 8 years ago

    I don't think it was Glenn only because he said you're taking it like a champ and Glenn was an emotional mess but I could be wrong

  • Jlowe - 8 years ago

    I still think it's Abraham because he is major enough to make enough of an impact, but will be thought as a pleasing sacrifice for the fans. Saving the favorites yet again.

    Also see how Abraham stands up straight as Negan passes him and Negan takes notice? Abraham stands (kneels?) up again to take another hit which seems most in character for him. I think Abraham is most likely to take a hit like that.

  • bla bla bla - 8 years ago

    as meryn said, norman reddus (DARYL) has a new show coming, plus, why should negan be inconsiquent in killing glenn, when he said that the first time crying would't have consequences?

  • Nicky - 8 years ago

    I don't think anyone was killed. If you remember he said he was going to beat them senseless but he wasn't killing anyone that it doesn't do him any good to kill someone, they need to provide for him

  • Ices Prince - 8 years ago

    I think it is Glenn because he lashed out. Although after reading the comment about Michonne, I have different thoughts.

  • R.W.P. - 8 years ago

    Not any of them it was Eugene i was watching Negan position in line and was going backwards. So when we were watching in the third person it seemed to be where Eugene was?

  • Bruce Welch - 8 years ago

    The previous episode started with the song "It's All Over" by Johnny Cash. That leads me to believe that whoever died is in a relationship because the song is about the end of a romantic relationship. Daryl is not in a relationship, so that rules him out. The song also says "stop your cryin' turn around and let her go". Which may indicate it was a female which leaves Maggie and Michonne. Michonne is new in her relationship with Rick so the song would best fit losing Maggie, but I'm picking Glenn because of the comics. I'm pretty sure it is either Glenn or Maggie.

  • corinne - 8 years ago

    I think it is Daryl. If you look at the fast clips during the commercials, you see a clip of Morgan, Carol (which now they have their own story line), and Daryl on the Talking Dead. I have never seen those 3 together on the Talking Dead before. He has been shot by Dwight, and is a weak link, and he is stubborn and would be hard to convince to work for Negan. They had him on the Talking Dead last night, I think this is to through us off!

  • MaKenna & Kailee - 8 years ago

    We think that it's definitely not Rick or Carl, because I don't think they would brutally murder Carl since he is just a teenager. And then Rick is just badass so Negan can't kill him, unless he thinks Rick would a threat. But I think Negan would use Rick to be able to get more stuff done for the Saviors.
    We think it is Daryl or Glenn, but I dunno fam. We love'em all. :'(((

  • april - 8 years ago

    I believe it was Michonne as Neagan never actually pointed the bat at her like he did ALL the others.

  • Skobie - 8 years ago

    Steven yeung (please forgive the spelling if it's wrong) has stated that once again the show is changing a big part from the comics. I assume that's glen's death. We still have Rick's daughter in the show, is she not crushed beneath lori when the governor attacks in the comics? I reckon it's daryl cause his story arc finished with the death of Beth but I suppose it could be michone just to f**k us all

  • Tim Meagher - 8 years ago

    IMHO -Negan wants to control people who are capable of getting him stuff, Negan has no use for the weak and feeble. If he controls the bad-asses, he gets more stuff and potentially has better protection for himself. So if wants the strong. Maggie is very sick and therefore she is seen as being weak and feeble and of no use whatsoever to Negan. Does this mean Maggie gets the head bashing? Perhaps Maggie got her haircut just in time to meet Lucille up close and personal. I love an intense cliff hanger. Can't wait to start watching Season 7.

  • RRam - 8 years ago

    I say Mishonne because the previous episode had a lot of foreshadowing about it regarding Rick. Also, Rick can't be happy. That's not his part on the show.

  • Alex Meryn - 8 years ago

    Daryl. Because Norman Reddus has a new show coming out.

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