What location do you want to see explored this season?


  • Tinyurl.com - 8 years ago

    I am truly grateful to the holder of this site who has shared this great piece
    of writing at here.

  • That'sme! - 8 years ago

    Discord's dimension. It looked mighta interesting!

  • John Jester - 8 years ago

    I have come to accept that this poll would have mostly Los/Las Pegasus voters. (Though I am right along with them on this one.) For those that think that they won't do it just because it's "sin city" in our world, just know that cartoons have made the place more kid-friendly before. The creators taking that version and ponifying it, let's see what they can do with it.

  • Pony - 8 years ago

    I would like that this weren't United States ponified :/

  • Gem Nani - 8 years ago

    I just want to know if Las/ Los Pegasus has movies and beaches or gambling casinos.

  • Chelnah-the-Egghead - 8 years ago

    Why isn't there an "all of the above" option?!

  • Jen - 8 years ago

    Baltimare! I really wish they could put BronyCon as an Easter Egg somewhere there!

  • MeowCats - 8 years ago


  • zebra - 8 years ago

    Zebra land?

  • don - 8 years ago

    Twilight dearest Spike and I are not going for the gambling ,we have the shows the boardwalk the fine dinning the museums and the drive through wedding chapel ... Twilight? Twilight?

    So It's Los Pegasus ? Twilight?


    YOU MISSED SADDLE ARABIA!!!!! So I voted for other :/

  • Alex I. - 8 years ago

    Fillydelphia, of course. The show was originally supposed to be set there and it would be cool to finally see what the place looks like.

  • Las Vegas - 8 years ago

    Las Pegasus*

  • TinyKittenKisses - 8 years ago

    Come on people! Arimaspi territory!

  • Who dat? - 8 years ago

    My rectum.

    With your tongue.

  • FlameRat - 8 years ago

    I'd say Everfree Forest. It would be good if King Aspen can show up in the show, rather than just being comic-exclusive.

  • ZerOcarina - 8 years ago

    I'm really curious to see Los Pegasus, but holy tomatoes we know Filly Delphia since SEASON 1 and we still don't know what it looks like.

  • LiboR - 8 years ago

    I would not mind any of these, every new location has its potential for both, the plot and discovering the city.

  • ElementalFluttershy - 8 years ago

    Somewhere in the Ponycific Northwest! Whether it be Seaddle, Vanhoover, the Unicorn Range, or Tall Tale. But I voted Mount Everhoof because it was the only good "mountain" option. I would prefer the Unicorn Range over Mt. Everhoof, but it wasn't on the list.

  • Frith - 8 years ago

    Vaaaaanhoover! (not "Banhoover"!)

    It'll be an episode called Trouble Exposure and it'll be written by Linda Cullen and Bob Robertson. The story will be about a small but vital pony and her quest to expose Bit Vanner Zalm's nefarious plan to clear cut all the trees in the Vanhoover Hills to make scrolls and newsprint. In the opening scene we see Bit Vanner Zalm riding a small train in his spacious back yard. It Reeeally cleears his miiind.

  • don - 8 years ago


  • jimmyp - 8 years ago

    yes, lets go to los pegasus and get mugged and then go to baltimare and get shot

  • LeMudkip315 - 8 years ago

    THEY TOOK MY IDEA I CALLED THIS sorry for caps i called this

  • oilyvalves - 8 years ago

    You missed out Trottingham!

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