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Is the media doing everything they can to keep Trump from winning the nomination?


  • perry lane - 8 years ago

    I have a difficult time understanding just how the media can continue to serve up the cool aid to anyone and everyone that will take a drink. Trump was fun to talk about and he did increase ratings with every media outlet that conducted an interview with him. Now that he looks like he might win, oh good God what have they done? They (the media), (the rnc), the Democratic party) are doing everything in their power to see Mr. Trump fail!!! I say let's continue the March and elect this man to the greatest job in the world. I look forward to Hilary Clinton trying to answer the questions Trump will be asking about her days in the state department, and as a senator, and then she will be finished forever in politics!!! If I were the Donald, I would add one item to my speeches. After the election I would (1) repeal the aca! (2) I would start building the wall at our southern border. (3) I would send a bill up to the hill stating any elected official who runs for office after the bill passes would have their retirement changed to that of all other civil service employees. If they decided to retire they could keep the current retirement they voted in for themselves! It wouldn't take long (6 years) to get them all voted out of office. It would be interesting to see how your elected officials would vote on such a proposal! We need a good minded person like Mr. Trump, who by the way is the only non lawyer left on either side! Let's vote Trump in 2016!!!!!!!

  • perry lane - 8 years ago

    I have a difficult time understanding just how the media can continue to serve up the cool aid to anyone and everyone that will take a drink. Trump was fun to talk about and he did increase ratings with every media outlet that conducted an interview with him. Now that he looks like he might win, oh good God what have they done? They (the media), (the rnc), the Democratic party) are doing everything in their power to see Mr. Trump fail!!! I say let's continue the March and elect this man to the greatest job in the world. I look forward to Hilary Clinton trying to answer the questions Trump will be asking about her days in the state department, and as a senator, and then she will be finished forever in politics!!! If I were the Donald, I would add one item to my speeches. After the election I would (1) repeal the aca! (2) I would start building the wall at our southern border. (3) I would send a bill up to the hill stating any elected official who runs for office after the bill passes would have their retirement changed to that of all other civil service employees. If they decided to retire they could keep the current retirement they voted in for themselves! It wouldn't take long (6 years) to get them all voted out of office. It would be interesting to see how your elected officials would vote on such a proposal! We need a good minded person like Mr. Trump, who by the way is the only non lawyer left on either side! Let's vote Trump in 2016!!!!!!!

  • Jeanette LittleHall - 8 years ago

    Fox News is all loving Trump .. Every day it is Trump can win and lets have Trump on and lets watch Trumps town hall, and on and on, about poor Trump ,but not much on other Republicans running . I am so sick of this Garbage .... so here is to Fox News ... HOW ABOUT BEING FAIR ?????

  • Daryle Howland - 8 years ago

    Not only the MEDIA....but the RNC as well....trying to take down TRUMP..... It was my understanding that "my"vote mattered .... As well as every US citizen.....but not according to the elite few...but NOT this election !!! Wait and see...

  • jimmy Beasley - 8 years ago

    George Soros and friends give all the media bosses money.

  • MARIE AUSTIN - 8 years ago

    YES! And NewsMax is getting to be one of the worst!

  • Cjb - 8 years ago

    Yes the media is very biased against Donald Trump. I used to watch Robin Meade on HLN in the morning. I have stopped watching anything on HLN/CNN/MSNBC and a host of other super biased stations. There was a time many years ago when they simply REPORTED the news. Now it is subtly and sometimes not so subtly slanted the way they want you to think/believe. I am sick of it. They do not have the best interests of our country at heart.

  • JJ - 8 years ago

    It is apparent to me that the media is enabling Trump - not trying to bring him down. Their ratings are high and they love him. They do not call him out on his misrepresentations and lies, his name calling, etc. In fact they reinforce those things in people's minds by repeating them over and over again.

    Media loves to attack Cruz though, calling him "lying Cruz" quoting Trump and Trump's lies against him.
    Ted Cruz is not a liar. He has been shown by his actions to be a man who stands by what he has said he will do when elected - unlike most of his Republican counterparts who gave into Obama and the Dems in Congress, a fact that many who voted them in are angry about. Many have said that he is the closest thing to Reagan since Reagan, and that is what so many have been saying they wish they had. Well - Cruz is that man, but you skewer him calling him a liar when the truth is the lies do not lay with him.

    Ponder on the facts, do some research with and open mind to see truth. Read all sides who have opinions and news, not just the liberal. See what the people who voted for him for Senate have to say about how they think he did for them.

    This is a most important election, and We the People cannot set aside our critical thinking for a politician that 'tickles your ears' and stirs your anger and frustration. Clearly Trump's statements reflect a man who will say what he needs to say to 'win' - and the media seems to be alright with that.

    I never seen so many lies posted against Cruz. Guess that koolaid is really strong - eh Steve?

  • Mary Lou Blesedell - 8 years ago

    The media has shown blatant disrespect for Mr Trump. Good reporting is when there is no personal opinion or slant to the left or right. Today you have both Conservative and Liberal stations vying for ratings and sensationalizing a smaller story. They selectively quote him and show the most unflattering photos. Cruz with his righteous indignation had the audacity to attack a woman! Trump fired back. There are so many phony news websites publishing garbage you have to cross reference it for validity.

  • Marshall Pereira - 8 years ago


  • Joseph M Lenard - 8 years ago

    TrumpHumpers sure love bogus online Polls that they can stack the results and pretend actually indicate anything at all. Just like Paultards used to do. Coincidence? NO! Same Conspiracy nut-cases!

  • Barry - 8 years ago

    I have voted republican every election since 1980. I don't recall ever seeing such a concerted effort by the media the politicians and the establishment of both parties to derail one mans bid for the presidency! Even the so called fair and banned Fox News rips him every chance they get. It's is shameful what is going on right now. I've seen people twist and take out of context Trumps statements and even seen so called "protesters" on the street just flat out lying about things he supposedly said. Heard one say that he would pay to send all blacks back to Africa. How stupid is that?!! Unplug the idiot box, turn off the net and go see a rally if its possible to do so. Gather your own information. Don't be a sheep. If you do you just might surprise yourself. He's not as polished or practiced as a politician when he speaks but that's part of his appeal. He's a regular guy that has been successful in business. He's smart and he's rich. It's about time we give someone that hasn't spent their life living off of the government. He owes no one any favors and the establishment people can't control him. That scares the living shit out of the powers that be of both parties. That's why I believe he's the right guy for the job. If the RNC takes the nomination from Trump and he's earned it I will vote for him any way possible. Even if I have to do it with Trump as a write in. I hope everyone else would do the same. It would be a shame for this country to lose a chance like this. Who knows when we will have another one!! Don't believe what others with an agenda say. Don't be sheep. Gather your own information and you'll be a lot better off.

  • Jackie - 8 years ago

    The media is nothing but a lapdog for the establishment elite and have been for a long time now!!!!

  • Terry Collins - 8 years ago

    And we don't like it. I've stopped watching CNN and MNBC because of this, and only watch Newsmax now for my news, sometimes FOX. I think people are finally seeing how the media is stabbing the American people in the back. We needed a change in politics Go Trump 2016, but I think the big issue is getting more news stations like Newsmax to cover the real news, instead these Obama clowns.

  • Lorrie Aaron Reminga - 8 years ago

    Trump is the Best, Strongest person for this extremely tough job, and He's the Best thing to come along in a lot of years!
    We believe that He Will take control of America Back from the Highly Corrupt politicians that obviously Hate our America and everything we stand for! Their constant attempts to destroy our God given Freedoms; And the Church, the Families & then the individuals... Is disgusting, sick and coming from evil!

    The liberal/socialist agenda has been being shoved down our children's throats for far too long in our public schools! Now we've found that We are expected to be "politically correct" as to not offend Anyone! We're raising a bunch of "Thinned skinned pajama boys" ... And we Wonder HOW It Happened! Notice that our country started "going to hell" - As Soon as they took Prayer out of schools? The Bible USED to be used as the most important text book for all grades! Basically Everything we Needed to know, could be found in that one book. But,
    Sadly Everything has changed...

    God Can - and Will Use ANYONE that He Chooses for His Mighty Works! He has in the past used an unlikely soul, and He Will again.
    Christian's Have to get out and Vote- Even If "your guy" didn't get the nomination. It'll take More Than Staying home and praying... Unless of course you're ok with Bernie or Hillary:( In that case We would HAVE to wonder IF you Really are a Christ follower.

    Without Trump; our politicians illegal & immoral deeds will continue to go unanswered for, and unpunished. BOTH of the Clinton's belong behind bars at the Very Least ... With 106 bodies and counting in their wake - doesn't it make you wonder "who is next"? Well If Bernie somehow actually wins the nomination, or even the race... We are betting that he suddenly drops dead like SO Many have already by the hands of the Clinton machine! Be it either accident, heart attack/stroke - or Some type of mysterious circumstances... Well Their death toll just keeps rising!

    Who but Trump CANNOT Be Bought? Who But Trump has the balls to put an end to this Insanity?

    Our Once Amazing Country... That Was founded on Strong Christian principles Has Been Taken over and run by Evil.

    People Need to WAKE UP And Finally Realize just WHAT'S At stake here... And WHERE It's Coming from AND HOW It CAN BE DEFEATED!!!

    FIRST: WE PRAY.....

  • Rick jones - 8 years ago

    Wisconsin, you think your afraid to vote Trump and he's the only true fighter for us and our country from them all...Just wait til the next election year if your still living, you will only be a slave to Islam and Muslims.

  • Rick jones - 8 years ago

    Yes the media is against trump and I don't understand why any one is against someone who just wants to keep the country and people safe and make it the greatest country on earth again. I would bet any one that if trump is not the next president that there will not be no country called united states of america come the next election year, the only thing will be living here will be Islam and muslims with whoever is left alive from their slaughter of the people who will be their slaves!!!

  • BarbT - 8 years ago

    The media has gone from curious, to bemused, to briefly enamored, and finally to annoyed by Trump's existence.

    They want to discard him because he no longer holds the same fascination. They have shifted into "destroy" mode. Every human error or gaffe is being exaggerated as if he committed mass murder.Tonight the Fox panel, save for Hannity, could barely conceal their gloating over his loss. GOP RINOs are probably high-fiving each other right now as they believe their power is no longer threatened by a Trump presidency.

    It's up to us to fight back and prove them all wrong.

  • steven - 8 years ago

    Spread the word research these links, take cruz down

    #cruzsexscandal Go to 1:07:15 of interv Cruz needs to apol to trump; NE pulled a good one

    @tedcruz Rand Paul and Ted Cruz – Is it Stupidity, Naiveté or Selfishness

    @tedcruz Campaign Head Credits Psychological Operations As Primary Source of Voter Support

    @tedcruz An Open Letter To Jonah Goldberg – RE: The GOP and Donald Trump

    @tedcruz Most Consistent Conservative? Ted Cruz 2011 vs 2015 on Birthright Citizenshi

    @tedcruz Pandering – Desperate Cruz, Dependent on Iowa, Flip-Flops on Ethanol Subsidies

    @tedcruz Senator Demanding US Take Syrian Refugees / no Worry About Terrorist Embeds

    @TrumpTrain2 Cruz Works To Clarify His GOP Position As NRSC Vice-Chair, NRSC Found To Be Behind Mississippi Fraud

    @TEDCRUZ Ted Cruz Visits Texas Border To Welcome Illegal Alien Families

    @tedcruz @realdonaldtrump Ted Cruz Father: My Son “Annointed” To “Take Control of Society”

    @realdonaldtrump is correct Michelle Fields lying about corey lewandowski @tedcruz

    The media will not show anything negative on cruz, until they take trump down, spread the word

  • Christine Myers - 8 years ago

    The voter fraud going on in this country right now makes me sick and the fact that cruz/clinton/bush are getting away with it makes me even sicker...what are we as Americans going to do to stop it!!!! why are WE THE PEOPLE letting them get away with it????

  • Jennifer - 8 years ago

    It is very sad days for our Country. I never thought our election process would become like that of a Third World country but it has. There is so much corruption the establishment GOP has delivered the death blow to their own party. For me I will stay a registered republicans long enough to vote every single one our of office at their next election. After that I'm done for good with Republicans. I did the same thing years ago with Democrats because of Clinton!

  • tonygreene113 - 8 years ago

    Of course the media is doing all it can to go against President Trump. We true Americans simply need to continue the fight.
    Cut off the MSM.

  • Charlotte Gordon - 8 years ago

    GOP & GOPelites are changing votes,
    All of you are corrupt.. You never backed Trump cause you can't control him. I will not vote but for Trump, If y'all steal from Trump. I & my family will never vote Republican, You haven't learnt anything how long been a Republican president? I hope if Trump don't get it.. Republican dies corruption

  • Barbara Beck - 8 years ago

    It is more than the media I believe there is fraud going on with tampering with the voting machines! I think the GOP has paid off some hackers to manipulate the votes! We know Cruz has taking delegates away buying off the state delegates! This has big money behind this take over! And the GOP is behind it!

  • Morgan - 8 years ago

    Voter fraud again in Wisconsin ! This needs to be stopped and exposed massively . Trump is who the people want but the establishment is cheating the people ! I say we pull another tea party revolt . Don't let them get asAy with it. There are way more people, than in the establishment . It's called WE THE PEOPLE!!

  • Darlene - 8 years ago

    YES!!!! The media is TOTALLY responsible for NOT presenting a fair and unbiased view of each of the candidates, they have slanted everything negative for Trump and yet Hillary kills 4 in Benghazi, denies that any died on her watch and commits treason by posting e-mails on an un-secured browser and still gets all the accolades of a good little girl just trying to take care of us helpless Americans, instead of going to jail where she belongs!!!!! Not too mention Cruz, who is not even a US citizen but we are going to pretend that is not true because the schmuck has his records sealed, he too should not be running for president!!!!

  • Nancy Hardin - 8 years ago

    Yes the media is definitely a factor in the polls, and in influencing people to vote against Donald Trump. They rarely ever say anything positive about him, but use their time to bash him with negative remarks. I can count on the fingers of one hand those who have journalistic integrity when it comes to the name Donald Trump. What I can't figure out is why they want the "business as usual" politicians, when with Trump, we'd have a chance to turn our fortunes around.

  • Teresa King - 8 years ago

    It's a disgrace. What the media is doing, and what the RNC is doing (or will be doing) I'm 58, and have never been more disgusted at the whole political arena. Hillary is not worthy of this office. Hell, she shouldn't even be allowed to run! She can't be trusted! She should be imprisoned. Then there's Cruz. Another bulls**t candidate who will do nothing to save this country. He will only do what he needs to to keep his politician cronies and his own ass from having to be middle class once again! I'm saddened that this is the America that my children have inherited. What ever happened to a "government for the people and by the people"......

  • Gwen - 8 years ago

    I see the Media hounding Trump, yet not so much do they hound Hillary or Cruz or Kasich or Sanders. Funny how Cruz was born in a year that Canada did not allow dual citizenship; yet he is allowed to run. My belief is that this is another try and nullifying the Constitution. They have been nibbling away at our rights for decades. Go figure.

  • Debbie - 8 years ago

    The Media is only a small part of it.....It's the RNC and Soros too, among others!! The only FAIR way to go about it is for the person who has the MOST delegates, should automatically get the nomination!! This all makes me sick to my stomach and I think it should be illegal......PERIOD!! The CLOWNS who make up these rules, should all be kicked the hell out!!!

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