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Should she say something?


  • Jeannette - 8 years ago

    The best way to answer this question is to ask yourself, if the shoe were on the other foot, would you want to know? There's your answer...

  • Michelle - 8 years ago

    That really sucks. But talk about a blow if that baby is African American...could you imagine the shock of that when you think a baby is yours for 9 months then all the sudden see it's not? You need to tell him. That's part of the consequences for cheating on your husband that you made a vow with. And pray that you still have a relationship with him after it all.

  • Ridge - 8 years ago

    Any one saying she shouldn't say anything are a bad a person as the cheating wife. I had the same thing happen to me, same exact scenario. Only difference is I had a vasectomy so she had to tell me. Now she's my ex!

  • Nicole J. - 8 years ago

    This situation is not just about the baby. She made a vow and commitment to her husband, and if she cant tell him that she made a mistake, cheated on him, and wants to do what she needs to do in order to fix and strengthen her marriage, then she has absolutely no respect for her husband or their marriage.
    So she needs to suck up her pride, and the selfish thought of even questioning telling him, and do the right thing!! THIS is why people get divorced!

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