The versatility and balance of the G19 would be what I would go for.
Terry King - 9 years ago
My EDC right now is a XDS 45 in a super tuck
Andy - 9 years ago
My preferred EDC consist of an XDS in .45acp in a Crossbreed IWB holster, holding it up is a HSG Cobra belt with HSG TACO for extra 10 round magazine, comfortable to wear, another TACO to carry a Surefire Tac light, Emerson #7 clipped in my pocket with a Emerson LaGriffe around my neck. Cellphone, and in the near future a RESCO around my wrist!!
Jason - 9 years ago
The Advanced Holster Mini-Concealment I use for my Glock 29sf has the optional Ulticlip. Works great on pants, shorts, and pajamas.
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The versatility and balance of the G19 would be what I would go for.
My EDC right now is a XDS 45 in a super tuck
My preferred EDC consist of an XDS in .45acp in a Crossbreed IWB holster, holding it up is a HSG Cobra belt with HSG TACO for extra 10 round magazine, comfortable to wear, another TACO to carry a Surefire Tac light, Emerson #7 clipped in my pocket with a Emerson LaGriffe around my neck. Cellphone, and in the near future a RESCO around my wrist!!
The Advanced Holster Mini-Concealment I use for my Glock 29sf has the optional Ulticlip. Works great on pants, shorts, and pajamas.