Who should be blamed for rising cases of underage driving in Delhi?


  • Nishant - 8 years ago

    Just a point of view. Why is an accident made by a minor given such a hype and hundreds who die beacuse of accidents involving adults never ever talked about after the very next moment of mishap . Even if we take example of this merc accident , the boy was 17 years old but turning 18 in just 3 days. If this would have happened after 3 days then what !!! Its not matter of underage driving rather of the persons mindset . And those who think this wouldnt have happened if he was rather driving 3 days later think again ......

  • Nishant - 8 years ago

    Just a point of view. Why is an accident made by a minor given such a hype and hundreds who die beacuse of accidents involving adults never ever talked about after the very next moment of mishap . Even if we take example of this merc accident , the boy was 17 years old but turning 18 in just 3 days. If this would have happened after 3 days then what !!! Its not matter of underage driving rather of the persons mindset . And those who think this wouldnt have happened if he was rather driving 3 days later think again ......

  • Krthaper - 8 years ago

    Law should be amended.parents are mainly responsible and as punishment car should be confiscated

  • gireesh - 8 years ago

    in such situations of rash driving, rapes by underage persons, parents should be given the harshest punishment till the underage become adults and then the punishment should be continued by the person when they become adult. why I am advocating this is due to the fact that the behaviour of the children is guided by the values they learn from their elders in the family. why a minor should be allowed to run a car by the parents.

    another issue which needs to be touched upon is that of a minor difference in the age of person to attain adulthood. if a person is few months or few years lesser in age than the adulthood how does it qualify him / her to avail advantage of the juvenile justice system especially in cases of killing during rash driving / rapes/ murders/kidnappings. no it is wrong in every respect. Juvenile crimes can be classified like minor thefts, hitting the friends/or anyone which does not lead to disability or deaths. many points can be debated. but under no circumstances in case of rapes/murder/rash driving and killing etc minors should be given any concession. if the system continues in no way we can improve the society.

    it just looks like a mockery of the system that the underage kill the people on roads and commit rapes and the system allows them to get away with the minor punishments. if required the laws should be modified and implemented in strict terms.

    moreover in cases of high profile accused it is more of a joke. they get away with bails and with least of the punishments. I am not advocating that the high profile accused whether minor or major should be punished without a reason but if it is a case of merit the punishment must be given.

    while the public memory lasts till it is in the news but look at the families like old parents etc who suffer all the rest of their lives. I appeal to all the concerned that there should be exemplary punishments in such cases. with this at least other parents will try and inculcate the values into their children so that they become responsible citizens.

    my views are without any prejudice. I am sure some experts will take up these noble cause for the benefit of the society at large.

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