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Have you or has someone you know been bullied on the Internet?

Total Votes: 235

  • Tim - 8 years ago

    Beverly, Another idiot heard from.

  • SuzieQ - 8 years ago

    First of all I want to say I'm sorry to the victims ....I am a victim as well ......when you are in school it is called bullying. ..when you are an adult its called GANG STALKING ...A POTENTIALLY FATAL TYPE OF HARRASSMENT ..OR BULLYING ON STEROIDS can't call the police for help because they are AWARE...INVOLVED and give these people a pass .... they are felons offenders and just everyday average people that do not even know you ....they are told some hilarious lie about you ....they believe it because they are stupid ....they just long to be a part of something they do not care that they are partaking in potential murder ... suicide. (Which they hope for) jailing of innocent people just utter destrucuction of someone's physical and mental health .... for what??? Money ...that's what ... these groups operate under ..homeland security ..osha as well as others .these groups get paid millions to target individuals.I am a victim ...a TARGETED INDIVIDUAL.....and I don't know why ....they turn your own family ...your friends against you so you have no support ...they isolate and murder and the out government agencies such police and fire are absolutely aware .....they will not admit it ever .....anyone who leaves a comment like the first one by " " BEVERLY " I would say is QUESTIONABLE ........

  • Beverly - 8 years ago

    And for those of you who felt you were "bullied online", you probably are the same ones who get "wedgies" in school !!

    Stay "offline" and stop putting your whole life on Facebook !!

  • Chas Norris Jr - 8 years ago

    Bottom line this isn't anything more than how you handled it pre-Internet days, you either 'engage' or suck it up. Bullying, in subtle ways occurs everywhere; while you're driving, in the store, phone, etc. ...
    Depending on how 'tactful' you are with your comments/replies you can normally defuse most of the comments/replies, the plus side with most apps (Facebook) the ability to block people.

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