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Would you pay more for MADE-IN-USA products?


  • Robert Lambert - 8 years ago

    We need more Micro Manufacturing to prevent large companies from monopolizing specific industries.

  • margo veth - 8 years ago

    I can't afford to unless it's not outrageously priced .. I live on $15,000 a year and can't afford to in most cases ..Margo

  • John Albritton - 8 years ago

    You By God damn right i would..... Get-r- Done...!

  • Daniel Haskins - 8 years ago

    I would expect the quality to be much better than the foreign products that are available to us.

  • rogskel - 8 years ago

    the question should be, with better and higher paying jobs coming back to the USA under Donald J. Trump could and would you pay more for products made here at home in the USA (made in u.s.a.)... answer: (((YES)))

  • Wanda Piety - 8 years ago

    I already do buy Made in America products. I'm too poor to buy anything but the best quality I can find and it's usually Made in America!!!

  • Libby hurlocker - 8 years ago

    I agree,we can all afford to buy less JUNK,and have USA with pride on it...well worth every penny more..The money will stay here and help in many ways...

  • Libby hurlocker - 8 years ago

    I agree,we can all afford to buy less JUNK,and have USA with pride on it,well worth every penny more..The money will stay here and help in many ways...

  • Libby hurlocker - 8 years ago

    I agree,we can all afford to buy less JUNK,and have USA with pride in on it,well worth every penny more..The money will stay here and help in many ways...

  • Libby hurlocker - 8 years ago

    I agree,we can all afford to buy less JUNK,and have USA with pride in ok,well worth every penny more..The money will stay here and help in many ways...

  • Kimberly Bolton - 8 years ago

    Absolutely! Like the other person who made the comment, if it is Made In America, then our economy is going to boom! Keep our money and jobs here! It wont cost that much more, just buy less crap you dont need. You will be more careful with your dollar and take better care of what you purchase!

  • Tom - 8 years ago

    People say they will buy American, until the see the price difference. Some items Americans can't compete.

  • Gabriel Mehedinti - 8 years ago

    If products we are buying are made in America we would have more jobs, better salaries, so we can afford to pay more. Let me tell you a real story. I came to America from Romania. In the old times once you left Romania you could not go back. So, in 1990 the situation changed in Romania, and a Romanian who could not go back for a lots of years, decided to go back to visit his parents. He brought with him gifts for everyone. His parents were glad to see him. After the joy of revisiting was over, his mother asked him. Do you live in America for sure? And he answered Yes. But why you are asking me this silly question? Because on all the gifts you brought us, it is written Made in China.

  • BARRY JOHNSON - 8 years ago

    as long as the American people were making more , absolutely. yes.

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