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Who Won the Democratic Debate?

Total Votes: 52,715

  • tony - 8 years ago

    first of all anyone who votes for bernie is uneducated and didn't go to school because there is a 3 branches for a reason everyone knows what he wants to do he cant congresss will never pass it and yes congress is controlled by republicans second if college was free there would be no one to teach and if there was u better hope the minimum wage is 40 dollars not 15 because thats how they would get paid by taxes of our hard work third he is not a real new yorker he represent vermont now he wants to act like he loves new york and if he so good tell me why vermont is suffering so much last time i check new York can be its own country by gpa alone Clinton helped with that

  • Sean - 8 years ago

    I think hillary tried to hit Bernie on gun issues hard saying it's no laughing matter. What happened to the right to bear arms. that is also a right of the American people. If Bernie was so in love with the gun lobbyists he would be a millionaire by now right? He protects and stands for the constitution. He had hillary on the fence catching her in her lies. Her arguments and points were being heard mainly because she was yelling most of the time. Guess what Hillary he released his taxes it looks pretty legit to me. I looks like every americans tax form. Now let see what your scripts read. It's not what everyone does across the boards it about proving to the voters you have nothing to hide. But I watch every debate and CNN was a great in exposing hitting the point home. You have a lot of skeletons and put on a fake smile and laugh which is coming quiet annoying.

  • melanie - 8 years ago

    Wow guys with bernie the world will have less wars. Hillary is always pro war and regime change. She flip flops again and again. Look at her historie. :-(

  • Tboone Pickens - 8 years ago

    I linked into this "poll" page and immediately saw through your weak attempt to feign objectivity. Header should have read "Please take our poll after reading this blatantly biased article written and composed by our second most ardent Clinton fanboy." Rags like yours are a virus to an informed electorate.

  • Henri van Beelen - 8 years ago

    I think dat it was even . Clinton dit not answer a few q. But so dit Sanders. What I mis most is dat nobody is going father Sanders on healthcare . Some country's he mentions on having garenteed healthcare do not have this. And those that have it have a tax bracket starting at. 28% up to 75%. How is he going to introduce this here in the good old USA.

  • Jay - 8 years ago

    Hilary time and time again was asked to answer a Yes/No question. She kept answering with "I have said from the very beginning... and then spouted bullshit to avoid the question.

    Bernie had the crowd chanting his name by the end, enough said really- he won this.

  • Luca - 8 years ago

    In the beginning I thought Hillary was far ahead. But the second half was all Sanders. Clinton should stop hiding behind President Obama when she doesn't have a line of defense.. Sanders won.

  • Randy Johnson - 8 years ago

    Clearly the fools who vote Sanders won this debate did not either watch it or listen to what was said. Clinton clearly the victor. Not by much maybe, but not on single mistake on her part, like normal, and at least two mistakes by Sanders. Add to it that Sanders plans do not have but little or no chance and he loses every time. He has nothing, shows nothing, and is just coming across as an old grouch anymore. He needs to go home and shut up until he can come up with something that actually can happen. He even wants the states to implement his policies for him and we all know how bad that goes in republican controlled states. Clinton all the way.

  • MLB - 8 years ago

    To my Progressive colleagues, I recommend you check out the "phenry" diary entry of 28 March 2016, Daily Kos community, for some insight regarding Hillary Clinton's honesty and trustworthiness. It is an excellent piece that also references and links with other reliable sources. If my prior critique of Brother Bernie seems harsh it is because he himself has created this environment that encourages Progressives to attack each other, rather than remain united against the real opponent, right wing republican fascism.

  • MLB - 8 years ago

    DYLAN, & other Bernie Bros, my apprehension as an activist Dem and Progressive, for most of my 63 yrs, is that Bernie is so obsessed with winning at all costs that he has adopted the false talking points manufactured by the right wing over the last 25 yrs to destroy Clintons. He attacks her for the '94 crime bill even though he voted for it. He attacks her for Bush's Iraq war vote; true, he voted against it but he cast several subsequent "yes" votes to continue funding that war. He has enthralled many of you with this illusion of political and civic purity of intent and behavior, when he has failed that test himself. I admired Bernie as much as any one in this nation, and should he win nomination he will have my support, as well as my diminished regard. Still, the best hope for our party and our nation is Hillary Clinton. Sanders' vision is appealing because it presents simplistic remedies for longstanding, complicated problems. This writer has lived most of his life in the Deep South, where experience has taught that idealism tempered with pragmatism is the path to victory. Both virtues are essential to a successful presidency. We are fortunate to have had these on display in Obama. We need his successor to bring the same idealic yet pragmatic approach to the presidency. Our best hope is Hillary Clinton; she possesses the integrity, experience, knowledge, toughness, and compassion to succeed as a great president.

  • Joe - 8 years ago

    Hillary mentions that whites should be aware of racism blacks and other racial minorities but her own husband shouts racist statements. She is pro women but her husband used his power and position to sexual ly assault an intern . How can she influence the world if she can influence her husband. Personal lives matter.

  • Eria - 8 years ago

    If only the general election voting count was thus accurate...

  • Sky - 8 years ago

    So Hillary Clinton has experience and she's very well spoken clap clap be proud of yourself Bernie Sanders on the other hand has 40 years of experience and made the right decisions while your candidate was off being a flip-flop liar changing her views on things hey if you want to see how Bernie Sanders plans to do things go to his website the issues are right there and if you don't think at the most wealthy people in the world don't have the money for a small Folk you're crazy sometimes you have to be idealistic it takes big ideas to get big change it takes small ideas to get no change I'd rather have a candidate who I know wakes up every day knowing there is 50 people in the Senate against him and hundreds in the House of Representatives and yet pushes with his big ideas for us instead of someone who gives up and let the Republicans win clap clap happy you accept defeat

  • Yes - 8 years ago

    So you say we want everything free why don't you just go be a Republican I am under the national poverty line I work hard everyday that I won't get a decent education cuz my family and I don't have the money I hate to warn you not really though the military spends 600 billion dollars a year that's not free either did you know that corporations just simply skipping taxes offshore is the equivalent to about 600 billion dollars and I bet you guess Healthcare is outrageous too well I hate to warn you but a lot of other major countries have it so people like me don't go into debt because the system isn't fair all Hillary is going to do is get Small Change and if you think she's fighting for you you've been lied to

  • Sky - 8 years ago

    This is my rant I can't stand her did you see what she was doing with her hand that's a thing that is given to politicians not the point her finger everything she does is based on numbers she has no real point of view and she is the figurehead of the corrupt in 2008 she was pro gun yet she acts like she is anti-gun she gets money and are super Pacs from the NRA as recently as January or December she is deceived you have you ever heard the phrase actions mean more than words that is Bernie Sanders 30-40 years are fighting for the people in government on the other hand Hillary Clinton has been as sleazy politician and has been corrupt and ridden with scandal for the past 20 years she is too big to fail and she's deceived you to vote for her she doesn't care about New York or anything else she was born in Arkansas and she acted like that was her home state when she was there she sees you as a figure for which if your on the 50-plus percent side of something show side with you because it's popular not because she's principle and have standards and the way she uses Sandy Hook and 911 is Despicable just the rally of votes talk about integrity you know how many bills she introduced in the Senate 0 Bernie Sanders probably up to thousands Bernie Sanders has reach across the lines many times with Republicans to make change too end I would like to say Bernie Sanders walk with Martin Luther King what's a small-time man from Vermont who has been fighting for the people 4 30 years plus while Hillary Clinton has been looking out for special interest she says Bernie is all talk yet acts like she has the same beliefs even though she's just going to sell out to the establishment and Wall Street as soon as she has a chance if you're Hillary supporter I hope you know you've been deceived Hillary Clinton is only skin deep and on the inside she's fighting for billionaires like her Bernie Sanders is a man from the inside and his fighting 4 people Like Us cuz his whole net worth is less than the average speech to Wall Street Hillary Clinton gives

  • No - 8 years ago

    all you Bernie supporters lol instead of working hard, you want everything handed to you lol it's pathetic. It all sounds great in writing, honestly it does but it doesn't matter because none of it is possible. Have you seen his tax plan? Holy crap, my mom is a nurse and my dad is a union carpenter lol i mean they are literally the definition of the middle class, blue collar middle class workers. With Bernie's tax plan, my parents (who also have 4 kids) make just barely enough to put them in the 3rd tax bracket, their taxes would go from 27.8% to 36.7%... This would literally destroy my parents financially. Bernie promises free health care for all, free college for all, free UNICORNS FOR ALL but what you all don't realize is that we will ALL pay more in taxes.. A LOT more. Hillary'e tax plan is the only of ALL the candidates (including republican) that does not charge more taxes, it simply remains the same as it is now. So, Bernie supporters, I'm sorry but even if your candidate wins, there is no chance in HELL any of his big ideas/plans/promises will ever make it through congress lol. They will shut him down every single time. I mean seriously, just ask Obama about that... trying to get anything through congress.. And his ideas/plans were never as extreme as Bernie Sander's. Honesty and trustworthy? Yeah, I'm sure he's a really nice guy but we aren't looking for our new best friend, we're looking for a president. Preferably, a president that can get shit done, which is not Bernie Sander's.

  • Sky - 8 years ago

    these Hillary supporters be like Bernie Sanders is idealistic well guess what Hillary Clinton is going to get nothing done she is scared to push the rock forward a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for the same old same old it's so funny to me how America has a candidate who is clearly not a sellout and an establishment figure and the people still flock to Hillary Clinton like blind sheep as Donald Trump would say it's disgusting you know what Bernie Sanders isn't the best talker but 40 years of fighting for the people and not being a flip-flop liar like Hillary Clinton says more 2 me then a naturally born politician like Hillary Clinton CNN is bias they hacked it up for Hillary Clinton so they can show the false narrative that she knows more I want to tell you something Bernie Sanders has integrity she is a low belt swinger go ahead vote for a candidate will be in jail by the summer case you haven't realized she's being investigated by the FBI for letting 4 Americans died in Libya she is a master of dodging questions Bernie Sanders answered them I don't understand if she gets the black vote and was a Goldwater girl and said things like super predator America really is a blind flock of sheep

  • Melanie - 8 years ago

    Bernie won and he will win the whole thing. Hillary is not trustworthy and not likeable either. She was stiff and shamelessly pandering to New Yorkers. She changes her story, her policies and her stance to suit her audience. Bernie stays steady as the needle to the pole on civil rights issues as he has for the last several decades. And he is a strong advocate for clean energy in the fight against climate change. He would be a moral leader, a trustworthy and honest leader and a STRONG leader who ignites real passion in the people. Bernie is what the US and frankly the rest of the world needs right now -- someone who will ignite change. And without real change, we're toast. Hillary is just more of the same old establishment - money in politics, pandering to the big banks, big oil,big everything., If New York votes in Hillary, it could very well be the death of us.

  • marym - 8 years ago

    My take on the Debate:

    Hillary won the debate and NY. Mission accomplished. Snippets of the debate don't tell the story and this literary recitation of the debate is pro Bernie. Whatever feeel the Bern. But I do expect both sides to unify and Vote Democrat, independents, included. If you do not vote you have no right to an opinion. Go XX the 51%.

    Trustworthiness: Beholden to Special Interest. Bernie has got to cease and desist on "Hillary is dishonest she is on the take from Wall Street" charge. "Sold her soul to the devil." She caught him with his pants down and his hand open on that one tonight. Did the NRA pay for (contribute to) his election or didn't they? Did Sanders buy some security? Sell his vote? Wall Street isn't the only special interest, Mr. Sanders so let's end it. PS last time I heard the NRA and Smith and Wesson are also big business. Corporate America. A super PAC. Like Lockheed Martin in Vermont.

    New STORY NEWS from this DEBATE:

    Now we have a mutual Demand (need to know): Goldman Sacs Clinton transcript of paid speech vs NRA Sanders transcripts, letters, invitations, paid contributions and his election, any connection, special interest?. (oh and Bernie's book -admission). A small Pact can be just as rigged and corrupt as a super Pac. A good argument could be made "better to lose your house than your life (or my kid's life)". Drop it. No one is without sin Bernie. Gun manufacturers should be regulated and the products they sell like any other product put into the stream of commerce regulated and strict liability should apply.

    And as to Hillary's judgment (honesty), I trust she never voted on anything but for her own judgment, ever. For better or for worse.

    Foreign affairs - no brainer. National security. GO NATO.

    Wage increase = basically $15 over several years is about the same as $12 now with states able paying $15 if they can now until every state can afford it in next couple of years). Its incremental.

    Crime Bill - both agree needs work and was not perfect. Common interest. Mandatory minimums need to change (drug reform) and non violent offenders released with work. Race an issue as is guns education and as Hillary added early childhood education, childcare, pay equity and an equal head start. And affordable housing. Mutual interest.

    Supreme Court - common interest (not republican) and in Congress we Need more Democrats. Roe v Wade is settled law (priority).

    The Democratic Party: Hillary Wins Life long Democrat Sanders -Not a Democrat is life Long Independent. Would like to see millions paid to Democratic Senate committee (tax returns) (if trustworthiness still an issue?)

    Taxes: Both need to submit and Bernie, come on, ya gotta put that on your wife, Jane? Fall girl aye.

    Education Loans: Affordable education. Both agree have different means. All free would be awesome but it didn't work at Burlington College Vermont (Jane Sanders was President), but both aiming for free public college tuition and revamp financing loans and payment terms. Hillary has a plan that will work realistically,

    Media: they want a story. They want to make money. What they forget is they are paid and trained and accountable to report the facts, not fiction. We don't need your opinion. Get to work and do your homework. We want the facts.

    It was a great debate and Congratulations to both candidates. Democrats Unite.

  • Lane - 8 years ago

    Bernie represents the working class. Hillary represents corporate interests that hurt the working class. Bernie will get the nomination and unite a very divided party!

  • Abel - 8 years ago

    Don't trust Bernie ,he is asking Hillary about judgment and never judge himself about guns and more .
    Don't any old man he always says I don't remember.

  • Dave - 8 years ago

    Hillary did horribly... her convolution, deflection, and overtly poor judgment was absolutely toxic in this debate.

    She never does well in them, though.

    Similarly, she never does well in states that are not easy to rig. hm.

  • Anna - 8 years ago

    Cannot fathom what everyone is seeing in Bernie? 1960s idealism just does not work any more, leading Nowhere, just words, words and slogans. I cannot believe he even knows what it takes to get things done. Totally unimpressed

  • Paul G - 8 years ago


    Hillary Clinton has stated that being president is about "Hard Choices.” She’s right…but most of her hard choices, by her own admission, have been wrong.

    Hillary was opposed Gay marriage as late as 2013. She has since “evolved” on the issue. Bernie, as Mayor of Burlington in 1985, set aside a day to be known as "Gay Pride Day."

    She aggressively promoted fracking while she was Secretary of State. She supported the Keystone XL Pipeline until the polls indicated she needed to change her position. She pushed for TPP and referred to it as ”the Gold Standard” many times. Bernie Sanders has always opposed all of the above.

    She supports the death penalty and private, for-profit, prisons. She is against free college education.

    Hillary has received millions from Wall Street. Hillary's top contributors: Morgan Stanley $636,564, Lehman Brothers $362,853, JP Morgan Chase $696,456, Goldman Sachs $760,740, Credit Suisse $318,120, Citigroup $824,402. Bernie’s top donors are labor unions, teacher unions, and nursing unions and has received over four million individual contributions averaging $28.

    Hillary was a supporter of the Iraq War. She has since said that choice was wrong. Bernie had the foresight and good judgement to oppose the war, repeatedly called out Bush for his deliberate misinformation and accurately predicted the catastrophic outcome. He has stated that he will, absolutely, defend the United States but that war should always be the last option.

    Hillary is against bringing back Glass Steagall Act, the repeal of which contributed to the greatest recession since 1929. Bernie wants to bring back this essential legislation.

    Hillary participated in Republican campaigns for years. Bernie has always been an independent and has always caucused with Democrats.

    Bernie Sanders marched with Martin Luther King Jr. and was arrested for protesting segregation. Hillary Clinton campaigned for Barry Goldwater, who opposed the Supreme Court's power to enforce school integration, voted in the Senate against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and whose campaign platform included his promise to repeal the legislation. The Clintons also celebrated "Confederate Flag Day" every year when Bill was governor of Arkansas.

    Hillary is against a $15 minimum wage. Ever since he became a United States Senator, Bernie has made it one of his top goals to get workers a $15 minimum wage.

    Hillary wants to "loosen" marijuana penalties. Bernie wants to completely abolish the federal prohibition of marijuana.

    Bernie's health care plan is predicted to save each American more than $1200 in insurance and pharmaceutical drug costs. Hillary opposes single-payer healthcare and has received millions of dollars in contributions from pharmaceutical and health insurance companies.

    Bernie received the highest VFW award in his fight for veterans’ rights and services. Hillary Clinton has a documented history of being a warmongering hawk and as president would pursue the failed policy of endless war.

    Bernie has over 30 years of experience fighting for working Americans and is an honest and authentic candidate. Hillary...not so much.

    When you are President you don’t get a second chance. Fatal decisions send young American soldiers to war and often, disastrously, effect the course of events and destabilize the world.

    Ours is not a "Hard Choice" at all. We have Bernie Sanders - the leader who has made the right choices throughout his career. The choice is between a corporate sponsored and controlled candidate who will say and do anything that she believes will get her elected and an honest, compassionate and highly ethical man of consistent, unassailable integrity.

    Bernie has fought for the Middle Class, Labor, Women, Gay People, Civil Rights and Veterans his entire political career. He has demonstrated a profound, consistent and rare moral conviction to do what is right by the people he represents rather

  • Dylan - 8 years ago

    Mike, general information dose not need citation (AKA it is not plagiarism).

  • Mike - 8 years ago

    Dylan. LOL Plagerism is a common form of argument by people who think it's cool to copy and paste definitions from Wikipedia and claim them as there own.

  • Dylan - 8 years ago

    Mike, a straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument which was not advanced by that opponent.

  • Joshua - 8 years ago

    Hillary has said the same thing Bernie said about breaking up the big banks so why she acting like she hasn't she is one of the biggest flip - floppies I've ever seen!! Fact check the answer to breaking up big banks Bernie was right!! Check his record vs Clintons and way out the results of each vote they made! Feeling the burn!!

  • Mike - 8 years ago

    I love these Sanders supporters like Emily. Who claim they would bite off there own nose to spite their face and vote for Trump or Cruz over Clinton. What a fn joke. So instead of a $12.00 minumum wage they'd rather have none at sll. Instead of continuing the path that the ACA has started they'd rather put all are medical care back in the hands of the greedy insurance companies. I call them leap year citizens. They only vote every 4 years when it's trendy. It's like only watching the superb bowl and claiming your an NFL fan.

  • Dylan - 8 years ago

    MLB, a Circumstantial ad Hominem is a fallacy in which one attempts to attack a claim by asserting that the person making the claim is making it simply out of self interest.

  • MLB - 8 years ago

    *Don't fall for his quixotic quest.*

  • Aidee - 8 years ago

    If you really think that Hillary has the most experience, you have a little research to do... ;)

  • B A Dragon - 8 years ago

    Hillary evaded more questions than Bernie, by far and several things she said had already been fact checked and were half true or less. She invoked Obama more times than I could count. He isn't running. To hear her talk she will do everything all by herself, where he is already saying we and us. She pointed out that he is not raising money for the Democratic party but they have done nothing but obstruct him. He is, in fact supporting a number of down ballot candidates. I'm sure there will be more once he gets the nomination. Still Feel the Bern.

  • MLB - 8 years ago

    Sanders is an idealistic empty suit who has forfeited any integrity he had in his selfish, conceited quest for the White House. Don'r for his quixotic quest! If he succeeds the victory will be pyrrhic!

  • Dylan - 8 years ago

    Don't you want to see those transcripts, Mary?

  • marym - 8 years ago

    Hillary won the debate and NY. Mission accomplished. Snipets of the debate don't tell the story and this literary recitation of the debate is pro Bernie. Whatever I do expect both sides to unify and Vote Democrat, independents, included. If you do not vote your have no right to an opinion. Go XX the 51%.

  • Mary - 8 years ago

    This idea that complicated issues can be answered with a yes or no answer speaks to the ignorance of us all. Tonite sanders was incredibly rude. Constantly interrupting and gesturing. Hillary is knowledgable and did an excellent job as senator working across the aisle to get things done. She was very well admired by both parties and had a reputation for being prepared. Smug? Some people just can't stand a woman in a position of power. Bernie votes against everything and every answer is one of his talking points. And let's be fair. Public officials have been giving paid speeches forever. It doesn't mean that everybody is a crook. Remember when Reagan was paid a million to give s talk in Japan? I don't think I could ever vote for saint bernie

  • Marlen - 8 years ago

    Sounded like the Kennedy vs Nixon debate. Nixon crashed and burned. Think about it

  • Laura - 8 years ago

    Hillary------ I will do this, I will do that, I did this, I did that
    Bernie----- Together WE will do this, Together WE will do that, Together WE can. TOGETHER.
    When listening to Hillary, all I hear is "I". It hurts my head & heart & I cringe.
    When listen to Bernie, all I hear is TRUTH AND COMPASSION.

  • Frederick - 8 years ago

    Hilary spoke very well on all issues. From guns to Health care to foreign affairs etc Bernie was much more idealistic in his policies approach. Which I don't believe will work... Just dreams. Hilary stood out big time

  • Emily - 8 years ago

    I agree with the "Independent" named person who just commented. It was like the people speaking right after the debate hadn't watched the same debate I did. I didn't think Bernie's response to the gun issue was weak at all. In fact, I think it spoke to his pragmatism. It is shocking there isn't more emphasis on Hillary's deceitful emails and lack of transparency on her Goldman Sachs transcripts...comsidering the FBI investigation! Bernie Sanders is the true progressive candidate with integrity who will build an effective administration to communicate with congress and bring in the change we had hoped Obama would. Obama was that "small but not so small step"...but unfortunately for Hillary, America is no longer willing to wait for positive, trustworthy change! Bernie Sanders for a government we can trust and believe in!

  • Jim Gerstman - 8 years ago

    The choice is clearer than ever.
    Gradual incremental compromising change with clinton
    Tougher more immediate and radical change with Bernie.
    As one of many who are SO frustrated with Obama's lack of follow though on the "CHANGE" he promised,
    The choice is clear that Bernie is our best chance to make real changes that we need.
    By the way I also grew up in NYC and have lived in Vermont the past 20 years, and Bernie is the real deal. We've had nearly 100% healthcare coverage for all children since the 90's and are taking on Monsanto etc. and Bernie has consistently been a more independent and non-compromising force for a long time. If you want a real force for change he is THE answer case closed.
    JIm Gerstman

  • Rose - 8 years ago

    I think sanders should quit now , he is too old to run he can't handle the problem
    If he is the nominee. Clinton won the debate , ,she is the most experience candidate.
    When she answer the question is right to the point Bernie don't answer the question, he.
    Keep repeating Wall Street . I think he is jealous ..

  • Sciath - 8 years ago

    Bernie would make a great president. I hope he wins.

  • carrie richards - 8 years ago

    bernieorbust. it's that simple. I think the strongest argument to vote Bernie is climate change, our true enemy that should have been addressed YESTERDAY!

  • John McDermott - 8 years ago

    Bern does have some great ideas, but they will either cost the middle class in rising prices and taxes or take many agreeable congresses and Presidents to see most ideas to fruition.

  • Paul - 8 years ago

    CBS Scott Pelly interview with Clinton:
    Scott " have you ever lied to the American people?"
    Clinton "I have always tried to be honest with the American people"
    TRANSLATION: "Yes I've lied"

  • Emily - 8 years ago

    Delegates: Bernie Sanders will restore international and domestic respect for the American government! This is the key to our future and success.

  • Indypendant - 8 years ago

    So, I'm watching the aftershow (the talking heads rehashing the debate), and they must not have watched the same debate I did. I don't feel like the gun issue with Bernie makes him look weak at all. He isn't for the cookie cutter party platform solutions on guns. Hil comes of as smug, and deceiving. To say that someone else recognizes the problem but doesn't have a solution, is kind of unproductive if she is not following up with her specific plan either. I hear her say she knows how to do it, and I hear her say he doesn't. However, I have yet to hear these plans. I was still on the fence before this debate, but after...I'm swayed. Mind made up. Bernie will get my vote! Sorry, Hil, but your just too smug, Wall Street, establishment, dishonest, and frankly...out of touch. You have been riding Obama's coat tails, adopting Bern's talking points (this I find particularly annoying and pandering), and you just seem desperate to say whatever you can to get elected.

  • Emily - 8 years ago

    Delegates: Bernie Sanders will restore international and domestic respect for the American government. This is the key to our future as a nation.

  • Emily - 8 years ago

    Please make no mistake delegates: Bernie Sanders supporters will vote. Bernie Sanders deserves the nomination and will build a progressive and pragmatic administration to restore balance,justice and economic success for the United States. Thank you!

  • Chris - 8 years ago

    Bernie wants to help the poor and middle class citizens of this country. He's a genuine person who cares about others. Isn't that what our president should be like? Compassionate and wanting to do the right thing. I'm voting BERNIE! A vote for anyone else is a vote for status quo.

  • Michael - 8 years ago

    Bernie will win New York. In one state the poll before the voting showed him about 10 points behind but after the voting closed he won that state. I feel that will happen in New York, especially after how well he did this debate and how poorly Hillary did.

  • Emily - 8 years ago

    I passionately and respectfully urge all delegates, superdelegates or not, to think about who will lead a progressive administration to bring dignity and balance back to government. Bernie Sanders is ironically the true pragmatist and idealist at once- a once in a lifetime opportunity to usher political and economic success in the free-world. He truly represents generations keen to the mishaps of "regime change" and tragic costs of life and liberty...of Americans amongst others! We can build the country we want and need.

  • Emily - 8 years ago

    I passionately and respectfully urge all delegates, superdelegates or not, to think about who will lead a progressive administration to bring dignity and balance back to government. Bernie Sanders is ironically the true pragmatist and idealist at once- a once in a lifetime opportunity to usher political and economic success in the free-world. He truly represents generations keen to the mishaps of "regime change" and tragic costs of life and liberty...of Americans amongst others! We can build the country we want and need.

  • June - 8 years ago

    Blain we as a nation have no need for disrespect it leads to hate. Disagree do it respectfully. Hillary has more experience than any other person in this race. You can all fool yourself about Mr. Sanders. Our leaders have to cover, side dance and not be too transparent to keep this Nation safe and running. Mrs. Clinton is the person we need not making sweet free Promises but have this Nation face the truth it will hard but we stand together and face what needs to be done.

  • Jessica - 8 years ago

    Bernie supporters make absolutely no sense the man provides no specifics, he turns red because he cannot articulate an answer. Bernie Sanders go to rally's while we Hillary supporters actually vote. All you people do is talk moral victory or like Bernie and his lost Atlantis non existent Utopian society. So once again while you claim your debate poll victory the real democrats will show up and vote.

  • Brad - 8 years ago

    All hillary does is lie. Why can't she release the transcripts? I'll be voting for Sanders.

  • J.B. - 8 years ago

    Hillary has experience, true--but Bernie is trustworthy. He has been the unheeded prophet who has waged the good fight and warned us all for decades. That said, should Hillary get the nomination, we must back her over Trump, Cruz, or some last minute shill for the oligarchic corporate interests.

  • Cinzia - 8 years ago

    Clinton is a power hungry liar and as one other person already pointed out, a narcissist. Bernie is our only hope. Clinton is so arrogant and smug. That laugh of hers makes her sound like the wicked witch in every fairy tale I've ever seen or read. I'd love a female president but not her! I believe and trust Bernie. I hope he is our next President...

  • Frank Forbes - 8 years ago

    I really don't think the gun thing is that big of a deal. Background checks, mental health screening, and removing loopholes for guns shows and straw sales all makes sense and all are supported by Sander's. People in rural areas grew up with guns. Bernie is from one of the most rural states in the country.
    90% of all mass murders are committed by people on or recently off anti depressants psych medication so maybe the victims of these terrible events should sue the drug companies? That was certainly was the case with the kid at Sandy Hook. We have to keep guns out of those type of peoples hands.

  • Sam - 8 years ago

    This debate is a clear bernie win. The whole time Bernie was leading Hillary in this debate. Its sad that Hillary attempted to pull a gender Card last minute of the debate after countless lies that were proven wrong. Her pulling the gender card really define she is a weak candidate as bernie went straight to the facts and even beat her gender card which was suppose to help Hillary. To keep it short this debate was mainly fixxing up lies she stated all to be proven wrong.

  • Ted MNartinez - 8 years ago

    as for me and my family we will vote Bernie! several people comment that it doesn,t make any difference, that both parties are the same, but get riled when I mention I vote for Bernie , and I wonder why.......

  • Cara - 8 years ago

    I'm feeling the Bern-out, Bern-up, and Bern-down. He goes back to the same old talking points over and over. Why does he hate rich people? All rich folks aren't evil just like all poor people are not angels. Hillary isn't perfect and he damn sure isn't either. He makes me sick!

  • Erica - 8 years ago

    While I am a Bernie Sanders supporter all the way, I really wanted to come out of this debate feeling good about the possibility of voting for Hillary in a general election of it came to that. That did not happen. While I feel Sanders fumbled a little here and there. Hillary was just impossible to take seriously altogether. Her unwillingness to answer questions directly and blatant lies (I've done my research on BOTH candidates) were too much. That and her incredible condescending tone and laughter. I can't believe I'm saying this but, #bernieorbust. Sorry Hil, wish I could have supported you if the time came for it.

  • Wisco - 8 years ago

    Read the book Unlimited Access about the Clinton White House. We do not need more of THAT.

  • Michael Clark - 8 years ago

    Figures she pulls the 9/11 card out once again. Bernie won this debate and i hope to see him as our next commander and chief: not to mention she dodged his question on if she would support a carbon tax to make alternative energy move quicker. So much for fossil fuel companies not buying her opinions. FEEL THE BERN

  • Coke - 8 years ago

    Bernie fans are so delusional...they were won over with twitter-sized, bumper sticker themes and only seek out information that supports their initial love of Bernie. Of course, the white, privileged Bernie Bros do own the internet, so he'll win every online poll that ever exists (I think he wins 80% of the facebook vote). And somehow, this will convince the Bros that they're winning the race, that somehow there is a conspiracy against Bernie from the corporate media. When in actuality, the demographics of the internet just paint Bernie in a much more favorable light that the candidate who has a distinct mathematical advantage and will almost surely be the democratic nominee.

    And I very much hope that these Bernie idealists don't vote for Clinton when she gets the nomination. They'll hold to their high-horse principles, and in the meantime, the real-world will still exist and Trump or Cruz will win the nomination. They'll have risked allowing the frightening, anti-minority, anti-intellectualism rhetoric to have actual legislative power for four years in the name of a "revolution" that's nothing more than a bumper-sticker bro-down.

  • Odin - 8 years ago

    Bernie has my support he is a smart reliable candidate who will support the working people of this country.

  • Marge - 8 years ago

    Clinton's a liar and a murderer. She NEVER answers a question. Eight years ago, she ran a dirty campaign against Obama. Now all she does is name drop....Obama, Obama, Obama. I would NEVER vote for that mess.

  • Bob - 8 years ago

    Hillary will be more of the same. If you really believe that's worked out so well for us by all means elect her. I'm voting for Bernie and I recommend everyone else to vote Bernie.

  • Dylan - 8 years ago

    Bernie did great tonight. I hope that the people of New York feel the same way.

  • Reality - 8 years ago

    Strong showing by both, although it's clear the Bern-outs can't see beyond their own bias and ignorance to concede that fact. Nothing really changed beyond the tone. Sen. Sanders did nothing to address his issues with black voters and HRC did little to bridge the gap felt by millennial voters. However, HRC will win NY while Sanders spends time on his Vatican publicity stunt - an obvious attempt to win a bragging rights and a score a photo op with Pope Francis. #smh

  • MLB - 8 years ago

    Sanders is the fool who would burn down the forest that he might claim to save the trees. He is to Hillary Clinton as Stokely Carmichael was to Martin Lurher King: African Americans were geeked up by the phrase "Black Power," but history has vindicated and affirmed MLK.

  • Linda - 8 years ago

    First of all Do we as the people of a great nation need someone who can't say yes or no? I really think Hillary needs to stop latching onto Obama or is he running again and not her? I'm just wondering as someone who hasn't voted yet. Because when they ask her on her stance - well "Obama and I" - Yes or no dodged again - hugging Obama. I wanted a strong independent female president who will represent women amazingly - and at this very moment Hilarry is not that person because she has to lean on Obama to support her. That isn't a independent president that is a dependent child.

  • Patricia Andwan - 8 years ago

    Bernie Sanders has a proven and consistent leadership record. He and Jane will serve our country in an awesome fashion as President Bernie Sanders and First Lady Jane Sanders.

  • Sofia - 8 years ago

    Hillary Clinton is a narcissist, is condescending, speaks down to everybody she talks to, and is a down right bitch. FEELING THE BERN.

  • traynor - 8 years ago

    I after every question for Clinton still wait for her to straightforward just answer the question and not side track to well Wolf when i was 9-11 or O'bama your not him stand on your own feet!! $15 an hour no you never wanted it, you lie! your a carpetbagger don't waste four years of our lives ,No Hope ,,No Change ,,No Truth!!

  • John Hanson - 8 years ago

    Bernie's enthusiasm comes across as authentic. He cares about the issues and people. Hillary's enthusiasm is all about Hillary winning the White House.

  • Mary Capocy - 8 years ago

    Hillary just goes on and on. She never knows when to shut up! She drives me crazy!

  • Sid - 8 years ago

    And now, the end is near, time to face, the final curtain, Hillary.

  • Amanda - 8 years ago

    All night Hillary dodged and I cannot believe she actually put the Sandy Hook families in the spotlight AGAIN! How cruel and stupid. Then she actually said that Bill apologized but she wouldn't , and that, yes she did due diligence, but it was Obama (whose coattails she just sewed herself to in the previous question) made the call on Syria (actually furthering Sander's bad judgement argument) because that is what presidents do? she sure passed the buck a lot and avoided questions and Bernie was Dead On Point! She is the one who called gloves off. Bet she's sorry now.

  • Emily - 8 years ago

    Bernie was classy for the entire debate. Hillary has this smug essence. Can't wait to see the "double digit" gap close in the next few days. :) By the way, he has stated again and again that he cannot solely get each policy implemented. His entire campaign has revolved around a political revolution -- if we all stand together there is truly nothing we cannot do. Shame on anyone who believes Hillary will unite all Democrats. I'll vote for Trump before I check Shillary in November.

  • Brian - 8 years ago

    Hillary IS feeling the Bern, I almost felt bad for her at times. She is incapable of giving a straight forward answer to almost anything .

  • LIC NY - 8 years ago

    Hillary can't answer yes or no Qs. Wont give a straight answer. How can voters trust her?

  • Anna Hernandez - 8 years ago

    She dodged questions, she takes credit for his ideas, she is worse than the GOP when they invoke Ronald Reagan with her Obama this and Obama that. Bernie had a couple of mis-steps but he nailed it, he called her on her bullshit and everyone saw it. #ReleaseTheTranscripts #FeelTheBern #NotHer15 #Bernie2016

  • Marsca - 8 years ago

    Hillary says that she has done a lot .. How come this country is going to hell in a hand basket! She lies too easily and she attaches hersef to O'Bama when convenient!

  • Emie - 8 years ago

    You'd have to be an idiot to believe Bernie didn't nail it. He had a TRUE comeback every single time Clinton opened her mouth. His arguments are solid. Hillary looked disinterested and apathetic. Bernie was clearly capable of dead ending her by rebutting what she said. I hope this translates into votes for Bernie as a result!

  • jdm - 8 years ago

    haha ???? Clinton and CNN her pocketed channel you got you But kicked. Haha even this your Wolfe cutting of Bernie. Bern baby Bern . Feel it Feel it Bern

  • Pepi - 8 years ago

    I think Hillary nailed it. She had a plan and Bernie seems to tap into the emotions of his people but whoever wins. We will be united as Democrats.

  • Shankar - 8 years ago

    I believe Hilary Clinton speech is base on riality & true.she is the best person to be for president .

  • Blain - 8 years ago

    Fuck Hillary Clinton

  • Alex - 8 years ago


  • Phil - 8 years ago


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